DikkeDraak's Study Log

Entry #4: Level 15 and finsihed my first manga volume!
The last two weeks I have been steadily going through my reviews and new lessons, picking up my old pace again. This is something I’m satisfied with. I reached level 15 and in about two days level 16 is waiting for me.

Something that’s very exciting to me is that I finished reading my first manga volume: よつばと! Vol 1. In the beginning I had to reread the first chapters a couple of times, but now I can read while understand basically everything that’s going on, expect for new words of course. I can really tell that you can get used to the language used by an author as you read their work more often. I already started reading Vol 2 and will continue reading Yotsuba for some time.

In the meantime, I have decided to focus more on grammer. I am now through 25% of the levels of Wanikani, but I feel like my grammar is lacking. That’s why I ordered “A Basic Dictionary of Japanese Grammar” and started using Bunpro to hammer in the new grammar points.

Anki progress

In the last two weeks, I studied 116 new N4 sentences.

For the katakana deck I focused on maturing cards before learning new ones, resulting in only 51 new cards over the last two weeks.

Till next time!