Crazy Kanji

Hey there,

So I’ve been here in Japan working for the past year and had to focus on that, I got sometime to keep pushing forward again back to 60 for the second time.

However I was mostly doing it to get more exposure to different fonts and styles of kanji writing. I don’t remember the addon name for that, but I remember there was some issue with it when a bunch of addons changed awhile back.

Anyone know if that addon is still available and it’s name please?

Thanks crabagator-homies!


Hi @NihonScope!

It’s called Jitai - I just checked the forum and it looks like someone got it working again! :partying_face: I haven’t personally reinstalled it and checked yet as I now do most of my reviews on the Smouldering Durtles app which has the option of multiple fonts, but I think I will reinstall it now that I know it’s back :smiley:

All the best with your kanji journey! :rainbow:

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Ah that’s right Jitai! Thanks a lot!

Glad to hear they got it back in business again!

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