Not a huge deal, but perhaps something that can be added to a warning list, as it is a valid reading.
I think it is marked wrong because 自動的 (Na-adjective) is “automatic”, while 自動的に is an adverb, which has the meaning of “automatically”
You may be right, but then it would be better to make the vocabulary “自動的に” instead of “自動的” or come up with context sentences that show uses where it means automatic and not automatically.
Update: This is allowed now.
Update: 撃つ (28) - Added “ぶつ” to the warning list.
Thanks for all of these! I’ll bring them up with the content team and we’ll let you know what we decide.
Pretty sure they can both be used to mean “when”, though my understanding is that と tends to imply a sense of certainty to the result of the conditional. So in this example, the existence of the hamster in front of the speaker is without question.
I originally thought it was only applicable to things that are always a direct result of the antecedent, but I’ve seen plenty of examples where that isn’t the case, so I’ve started to presume it just takes the sentence at face value.