I created this topic to be a place where anyone can ask questions about any items that are causing them trouble. Whether that’s a mnemonic that doesn’t make sense and you want it explained, or one that just doesn’t stick for you. Maybe you’re looking for something to trigger some connection you didn’t see before, or simply a better mnemonic. So far this thread has been really effective for me, and I am now easily passing the items I asked about, so I look forward to continued usage of this thread, and encourage others to also use this thread if anything is causing problems.
I just wanted to edit this post to make this all clearer now that this thread has seen some continued use. This is mainly because my original mnemonic question has been answered, but there are new questions popping up in the comments instead, so I wanted to help make sure that anything new gets seen.
Original Post:
I am once again stumped by a mnemonic so I’ve decided to just make a topic about it. I plan to just post anything that comes up in the future here rather than keep making new topics for individual items. I’ll be asking just if anyone can clarify certain mnemonics to help me actually make sense of them and remember them better. Anyone else is also free to use this thread to post other items that are tripping them up too. I’m sure it would be helpful for making things more memorable for everyone.
The item that is confusing me today is the reading mnemonic for 履く (はく) (To Put On Shoes)
“You decide to put on shoes. That will teach Mrs. Chou and her streets! “HA (は) HA HA!” you laugh out loud like a maniac.”
I know who Mrs Chou is and remember other mnemonics about her, but I just don’t see how this is very related to her and why putting shoes on is bad for her. So maybe someone can help make this a little more memorable for me?
And yes, I know I can make up my own mnemonics but I would still rather try and use the WaniKani ones first, I’m more likely to see the WK one when I’m checking what I got wrong.