Leech Progress
My Apprentice leeches have recently been around the 40 to 70 count range. I’m finally occasionally getting a few days in a row with fewer than 100 reviews to do. I’ve even double a couple of kanji lessons! (And just my luck, they’re both kanji with almost zero occurrences within the kind material I’m likely to read…)
As I review my WaniKani kanji with vocabulary at hand, I’m finding these kanji fall into one of three categories:
1) I know this word, and it causes me to remember the kanji’s keyword.
These ones are great, as they contribute to falling leech numbers.
2) I know this word, but I can’t figure what the kanji’s keyword was.
I’m not too worried about about these, so long as I recognize the kanji in words and know the meanings of the words. But it does make it a little more difficult to get the kanji meaning reviews right.
3) I don’t know this word, so no help on the kanji there.
And these I probably need to look up sentences on Tatoeba and make sentence cards in Anki for. (I’ve been on a hiatus from making new Anki cards for about a week now.)
Somehow, may daily reviews on WaniKani are still around the 90 to 140 reviews per day.
Skyward Sword
With Nintendo’s re-release of Skyward Sword, which allows playing in Japanese on the American release, I wanted to see how easy the text would be for me to follow. I wasn’t able to find a Japanese text dump from the Wii release to analyze, so I settled on some other titles from the Legend of Zelda series to give a rough idea:
This doesn’t take into account all the words I know, and it doesn’t take into account words I know by reading/meaning, but don’t know the kanji. Also, these numbers may include some character and location names that I haven’t put on the ignore list, and thus are artificially deflating the percentages.
That said, I was expecting higher percentages.
The low numbers are discouraging, but I decided to go ahead and get Skyward Sword. I’ve played through it twice before, so I have an idea of what’s going on in case it’s difficult to follow. I started up a new game in Japanese yesterday, and played for a bit.
The result?
So far, pretty good. I don’t have any good workflow for looking up unknown words (due to various reasons), but for the most part I’m following what everyone’s saying.
The fonts are a bit weird (will take time to get used to), but I’m managing. I do wish there was an option to hide/show furigana in real time like the Legend of Zelda titles for the Nintendo DS had, as I notice I don’t even look at the kanji most of the time. Instead, my eyes go straight to the furigana.
Maybe that’s why this guy decided to withhold some furigana from me:
Thankfully he was forgiving on the next screen:
It’s a WaniKani level 33 vocabulary anyway, so no worries about not recognizing it. (I’m just glad it wasn’t one of my burned vocabulary…)
I may be doing reduced manga reading (just manga with short chapters) this week, but it will be replaced with a lot of video game reading, so it balances out.