I’m still doing daily reviews, although I haven’t been adding as many cards as I’d like to. It’s not always easy to find a +1 card when reading.
The latest thing I’m trying to see if it impacts anything is using Japanese definitions rather than English words for the meaning (in case I forget a word). For manga-sourced cards, this isn’t as necessary, because there’s typically enough context in the manga panel on the back of the card. For anime-sourced cards, it can sometimes be a bit more difficult to discern context to remember the word’s meaning.
Naturally, the issue there is that even definitions out of a dictionary for kids typically include words I don’t know!
(In these examples, the line directly above the image is the simple dictionary definition.)
So far, I’ve missed only three days this year. The first day missed was during a multi-day visit from family from out of town, so that’s fine. The second day missed was yesterday (I kind of started compiling the material for my prior post later in the day when I originally planned to do my reading, so…)
The third day would be today, but maybe I can squeeze in a whole chapter before bedtime if I start reading right after this post, and if I read something with short chapters.
One issue I’m in the middle of is filling out my daily reading.
I started 「からかい上手の高木さん」, but then it was picked for ABBC, so I have that on hold.
I’d been reading “ARIA”, but it finally is getting released digital, and the next volume to read will be out in over a month, so that’s on hold. (I prefer digital over physical.)
I bought the first volume of 「それでも歩は寄せてくる」, but I almost read the entire volume all on Friday evening. I finished it up Saturday.
Looks like I’m about to tackle chapter 36 of ポケットモンスタースペシャル! (I’ve waited for two decades to learn about the character introduced in this chapter.)
I’m considering doing a write-up (either here or in the tadoku thread) after the month’s end on my first quarter reading progress.
Some things in grammar people will have very opposing positions on. (Is です a copula or not? Is です the polite form of だ or not?) Considering I’m intending to focus on compiling examples of grammar in action, and not delve into explaining it (just some very high level information), I should be able to write things vaguely enough to avoid any grammar controversies. And if I don’t, someone can recommend an improvement =D
I’m initially aiming for the kind of things you’d find on any N5 grammar list. That shrinks the list quite a bit. I may also factor in what I know I’ve seen in manga (although that may exclude any N5 grammar that’s a bit more literary).
This is more like having the Genki textbook and the Genki workbook. “Manga the Japanese Way” does a very nice job of explaining grammar in a very small number of sentences. I plan to explain grammar far less than that. I’m more interested in saying: “Here’s this grammar. It kind of means this. Read about it elsewhere if you don’t know it. Then come back and check out these examples from various ABBC and (some) BBC-level manga, and how its meaning applies in each example.”
Continuing with the textbook/workbook idea, this (if I don’t be lazy to quit tomorrow) would be more about having multiple sample panels per grammar point, across various manga series.
That would be a different goal, and one that’s already been done many times, by many people, for many topics.
For me, personally, reading an article focused on a single topic can be a bit boring (even though I enjoy grammar very much). And plain text example sentences tend to be boring for me, and often lack context. That’s one reason I like JTMW: it makes the examples more interesting by using actual manga as sources. But if one example isn’t enough, well, that’s (understandably) all there is.
Also, I like having a way to refer back to grammar I may have forgotten because I haven’t seen it in a while. My post above at the moment is mostly compiling bits and pieces I’ve saved into folders on my computer over time to refer back if/as needed.
I have a feeling Yotsuba uses こいつ quite a few times (although I’m only using material from the free chapters on ComicWalker). But if I don’t be lazy and I actually continue it, and if I don’t find a suitable こいつ to use during the initial population of grammar samples, I’ll check in with you =D