Can't hit "quiz" button


As I filter my lessons to “1” kanji at a time to learn it, I can’t hit the quiz button after going through the radicals, meaning, readings. I’d have to hit the “skip” button on top left screen in order to go to quiz section. Before I can just press enter for each function including quiz to get to that section.

Any idea how to solve this?


You can’t set the number of lesson to 1, the least you can do is 3.


Unless you’re using an app such as Tsurukame or Flaming Durtles

This has be a problem for me, because I use the reorder script, which I think is no longer being maintained. It goes away it I turn it off.

Do you think this might be the problem?

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Can you both take screenshots so it’s clear which script your using?

It only happens with particular vocab items so far. So it hasn’t been a big problem. When I turn off reorder ultimate 2, everything works fine again. I don’t have any examples of items that are keeping the quiz button from working at the moment.

@amagi That’s weird that it works when you turn off Reorder Ultimate 2 since the picture is showing you using Lesson Filter. @chattaranga88 I can’t see what lesson script you’re using from that picture, but based on your initial post I assume you’re also using Lesson Filter. I’ve gotten this complaint before about the Enter key not working when using Lesson Filter, but I haven’t had time to fix it yet. What’s happening is that when you click the Filter button, that button becomes “focused”, so hitting Enter effectively clicks that button again instead of doing the intended WaniKani behavior. I will try to fix it at some point, but in the meantime you could try using the right arrow to cycle through the lessons instead of the Enter key.

Thank you very much for the information! I should also say, that when I filter the lessons to only kanji and then to “one” lesson, it works as normal. However, if I continue doing that that’s where the quiz key no longer works even if I click on the arrow key. The only thing that allows me to be quizzed if I click on the top right “skip” key.

Also, the circled functions now appear on the bottom of the screen rather than on the top (the usual way).

Yep I’m using both. I don’t know why it works to turn off reorder ultimate 2, but it works for me.

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I can reproduce this issue, but it’s really weird. If I filter to one item, after getting to the final tab of that item I have to hit Enter four times to get it to go to the quiz. If I filter to two items, it only takes three times after getting to the last tab. If I filter to three items it only takes two. Makes me wonder if WaniKani is doing something weird to make sure there are a minimum number of clicks for some reason… This is problem not something I’m going to fix.

Yeah, WaniKani has been changing a lot lately in the lessons UI, so stuff is going to break. I’m trying to keep this script in a working state, but there’s only so much time I’ll put in considering that I haven’t used WaniKani in two and a half years.

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I went ahead and fixed the “focus” issue I described since it was easy to fix, but there’s a larger issue going on here. @viet @WaniKaniJavi Did anything change recently with how the lesson code tracks how many lessons have been looked at before going to the quiz? Part of my Lesson Filter script allows the user to change their batch size directly in the lessons instead of having to modify it from the app settings. The script does this by setting the value of l/batchSize in jStorage. This used to be sufficient. However, now there seems to be some code expecting the user to hit Enter / right arrow key / right arrow in UI from the final (Context) tab of each lesson before proceeding to the quiz. But this expectation is based on the batch size from the user settings, so changing it within the script breaks things. Let me give three scenarios to explain what’s happening.

  1. The user has a batch size of 4 in settings and does not change it using Lesson Filter. The user navigates to the Context tab of the first item and hits Enter, then repeats this three more times, and is allowed to proceed to the quiz. This is the normal behavior.
  2. The user has a batch size of 4 in settings and changes it to 2 using Lesson Filter. The user navigates to the Context tab of the first item and hits Enter and then repeats this process for the second (final) item. However, since the batch size was originally 4 in the settings, the user has to hit Enter two more times before the popup appears to proceed to the quiz.
  3. The user has a batch size of 4 in settings and changes it to 6 using Lesson Filter. The user navigates to the Context tab of the first item and hits Enter and then repeats this process three more times. However, instead of going to the fifth item as expected, the popup for the quiz appears. Again, this seems to be because the batch size was originally 4, and some new expectation is built into the lesson process based on this.

Is there anything that you could tweak in the new lesson code to fix this? Or is there anything I can add to my script to notify the new code that the batch size has been modified?

Thanks for looking into this, but the problem still persists. Any idea how I can fix this?


I only fixed an issue unrelated to your original complaint. The rest of my long post tagging the WK devs is to figure out what to do about your issue. In the meantime, don’t change the batch size in the script (by leaving the input blank) and you should be fine.

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