Can I keep up?

Hope I can keep up learning kanjiii


why do i feel like i’m looking at a dead animal…


Just like that cat,


haha its not dead, just :sparkles:undisturbed​:sparkles:


…in a wok…


Forgetting about the cat, hopefully you keep up doing WaniKani @Akagari . WaniKani might look easy in the first few levels, but in reality it is not an easy road. It really requires a lot of dedication. It’s honestly very easy to break towards levels 10s and 20s.


Yeahh hopefully I’ll be able to keep this upp.

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I believe in you!!

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thank youu

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I’ve read so many posts about how the mnemonics get more and more “out of hand”, too eccentric at these stages and they’re adding another layer of disquiet everyday for me :sob:

I guess persevering until around your level really feels like you reached “Paradise”. Do you study grammar and how much does your current vocab make the job lighter?

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Keeping up with the Kanjishians


As long as you do even the littlest a day then that’s really all that matters. がんばれー! :fist:


The only way I studied grammar is by watchin any related youtube videos which I kinda forget after a few days haha. Is there any platform that is the best in explaining grammar? or should I learn all the kanjis first before even thinking of learning about it T.T . I can confidently say that my vocab still not cut it for communication purpose.


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There are different ways to learning grammar, it will depend on your learning ways.
I have books, to teach me the basics, it’s visual and so on. But I also need to practice, there was a study group (and usually others get made too), but I crashed.
I think WK says to start with grammar around level 10, but even level 1 is good enough.
Most books use hiragana in the beginning, and don’t expect you to know a lot of kanji.

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I would also say it’s more of a personal preference. Cure Dolly’s videos are decent, because they explain grammar structures in a very succinct way, yet not making them overly confusing. Tae Kim’s guide to Japanese is good, too, but more on the technical side.

Regarding textbooks, I enjoyed Genki and am now working my way through Tobira. Together they can get you quite far. Genki has decent kanji pages with example vocab which nicely complement WaniKani and a ton of exercises for practicing grammar structures. Tobira is more of a reading comprehension textbook. It does cover grammar, but at that level it starts getting nuanced and some explanations are a little confusing, but thankfully the example sentences make the grammar structures clear.


If you’re someone who works well with textbooks, Tofugu has a list of a bunch of beginner textbooks that you can browse through and see if any of them sound like good options. I’m currently using Minna no Nihongo right now, and am really enjoying it. Genki is another popular choice if MNN sounds too intimidating.

And yeah, Tofugu’s recommendation is to start with grammar around level 10, but you can absolutely start earlier than that. I think I started MNN after level 5. Any sort of grammar study will be difficult at the beginning because you have to learn a completely different sentence structure. If you’re completely new, this is a really useful place to start. It’s a guide that explains the basics of Japanese sentence structure. I read this very early on, and it helped me immensely when I was just starting to learn grammar.

As for youtube channels, Cure Dolly and Japanese Ammo with Misa are both pretty popular recommendations. Misa has a series called grammar lessons for absolute beginners that’s fantastic, though if you struggle with learning from videos, some sort of textbook might be better than trying to learn from youtube.

There are also SRS programs for grammar, though I don’t personally use them so I can’t advise you there. Bunpro is a popular one here. Renshuu also has a grammar SRS. And Lindodeer isn’t a SRS, but it’s another program that teaches grammar (it’s similar to Duolingo, but better designed for Asian languages).

Some people recommend just jumping straight into trying to read native materials and looking up grammar points as you go. If this sounds appealing to you, the WaniKani forums has an absolute beginners book club that reads books together. If you try out one of the book club books, you can post grammar questions in the thread, and other users can help you out.


I see, that’s one way of learning it. Books and study groups are efficient if implement correctly. I used to have a book comprised of kanas that explains the grammar and vocab technically but man I’m suck at studying.

Wow, that’s a detailed and insightful review, Thank you, I really appreciate the time spent in replying to my concern :laughing:

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Before i started with WK, i discovered “japanese from zero” on youtube. Its a teacher who is working on 5 books for like 25 years now based on students feedback. The best thing is, that he explains everything on his youtube channel in his guide “japanese from zero book 1 - 5”. And i mean litterally everything. The books are mainly for practice. So you get everything for free until you really want to work with the books too. Currently im at the end of book 2. It helps alot to get into the basics and its also well explained. Well there are many ways to learn out there. Just give it a try and see if you like it.

Basic grammar is super important for WK too because its convenient to know how verbs are formed, how you recognise a noun or diffrent kind of adjectives. Also the example sentences will make a lot more sense to you^^

I would also recomment the blog “Tofugu” made by the creators of WK.

And you should definitely check out the ultimate Wanikani Guide from “jprspereira”.

Have fun :slight_smile: