I came back from a long break and right on the first few reviews I burned some items. Though this could be considered good because I remembered them after a long time, it wasn’t very fast, they took me about 15 seconds of looking through my brain files to sort of guess what I though it was, and it happened to be correct. What should I do about them? Are burned items supposed to feel like this?
Burned items are supposed to stick in long term memory. If you think it is not the case you should consider unburning them.
At the very bottom of any burned item page you will see resurrect button. It will bring item back to apprentice 1 (I think), but will have a button to burn it again if you do it by mistake. the problme is of course that you have to go thru items one page at time.
With this script you can review your burns independent from WK SRS:
I’m sure we all forget some burns if we never see them in a wild.
If you burned them you burned them, I wouldn’t overthink this too much.
I imagine that a short gap in remembering some burnt items is akin to having a brain fart while you try and find the appropriate word in any language.
IMO you should keep them burned. If you keep on second guessing yourself it will only make things more difficult in the long run. Just immerse yourself more with reading and you’ll be able to naturally come in to the kanji and vocab in the context of sentences. At Least for me that was much more valuable than remembering lone words on flashcards.
Move on to other items. Unless you felt like you cheated the system, just spend that effort on learning more content.
dont worry bro if you read a lot then those words will get used and youll get some more practice with them
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