Book/Manga Thread (What are you reading?)

I like Murakami, but not confident whether I can handle an entire novel in Japanese yet. Have read 羊男クリスマスrecently. That’s short, illustrated, therefore absolutely doable, and I enjoyed it very much.

I loved War and Peace! And Anna Karenina too.

Not reading anything Japanese at the moment, but I was reading something earlier that made me think “Is there something similar in Japan?”

I’m sure Japan must have a whole system of books geared at ‘children’s reading levels’…


Oh hey I just realized this was a thing, I was just about to create a new reading thread since I didn’t realize we already had one. I’m currently trying to get through the first volume of the ノラガミ manga. I’ve been reading it on and off for so long and barely making any progress. I think now though I really want to try and finish it within a month, especially since I have 17 more volumes still waiting for me.

yeah, they have graded readers, not really sure how to find them though, there was a series of them with a frog on them i remember, i read one of them because they had them in the uni library…
try this site I just googled japanese graded readers so it makes sense this was high on the list, i can’t guarantee its usefulness though ><

I have been reading a few things in Japanese lately, my ebook Japan reader is full of stuff , some of which i read as they come out (like 絶対なる孤独者<Isolator>) but a few things that i’m finding it difficult to stay on top of, like Re:Zero… (both manga, i’m reading the translated novels, although i picked up book 4 of Isolator in japanese and really struggled so i guess i have to wait for the english translation)

I read all of orange manga after i watched an episode of the anime (i couldn’t wait each week to find out what happened!!) which was really good, and mostly pretty basic in terms of vocab and everything, although it has pretty heavy themes which some may be uncomfortable with…

キノの旅(Kino The Beautiful World) I try and read when the manga comes out, and it has been easy going so far.

Soul Eater I tried to read because i heard the ending of the anime wasn’t really offical and was a bit shit compared to the manga, but i’ve only made it up to volume 7 and got stuck half-way…

ビッグオーダー (written by the same author as Future Diary (未来日記))is another than I only read a couple of volumes then gave up on, i don’t think i was following it properly…

もぐささん is one that i read all volumes, and it’s pretty easy, also it’s about food so i found interesting new vocab in there :slight_smile:

約束のネバーランド(the promised neverland) i try and read when the volumes are released, they’re really enjoyable ( i think there’s another thread for manga in the campfire category which people talk about it)

Re:Zero - i had difficulty with the second lot of books because there was no furigana, but i read all of the first series and onto the 3rd (truth of zero) i’m really excited to find out what happens haha

(sorry for the long winded reply!!!)


Oh, these are the frog books i thought, where did you buy them?

Took me a while to realize you read the manga. I was sitting here confusedly trying to understand what you meant with first and third series.

oh, sorry, yes, all of them are about manga! (unless otherwise stated)

I bought them here:

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oh, whiterabbit, that might be the same people that do the graded reader for ipad hahaha

It is! I love the iPad ones even more than the physical ones =)

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easier to look things up if you don’t know words/?

More that I prefer the stories they picked =)
They are more engaging. Some of the physical books, most actually, are quite bland…

oh ok, fair enough then