Been away for 2 years... should I reset to level 1?

Hi all. I reached level 22 in 2020, but I look back at my 1000+ reviews and notice that the kanji across many levels feel unfamiliar. I reset from 22 to 18 but now wonder if I should just reset completely. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks very much in advance.


hola and welcome back.

you’re gonna get a lot of conflicting opinions because people are different.

i would personally reset to 1 unless you have continued studying/already knew a lot of it.

a fresh start is just much more pleasurable than struggling through reviews, self study and frustrating stats.


Yeah, 2 years is probably a pretty easy choice to reset. Considering you’re only on level 18, it should take you a few months to go back, but nothing in the long run, and those 18 levels are pretty important when it comes to kanji.

I reset a few times myself, and it’s a lot easier to just let the system work from zero than to try to manage all that by yourself.

The only way you could not reset is if you were still using kanji during these 2 years, and maybe just self study the less common ones that you forgot.


Another post to add.

You could always give it a week and see if you can get to 0 reviews or what your accuracy is, then choose whether to reset or not.


Thanks everyone for the replies. I have decided to reset to level 1, which feels right for me. Appreciate the advice!


Good luck!


My answer I give everyone is to reset to the first level you are less than 100% confident in if you don’t mind doing things again.

EDIT: There is also the mind that the SRS will do its job once you are caught up. That school of thought also flies with me if you are willing to put in the work.

I would reset to lvl 5 and review the lower content on the side. The first few levels are painfully slow.


I agree. I also reset to level 1 because I was on a 2 year break and I regretted it. In hindsight, I would have reset to level 4 or 5.

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I actually was on a 9 month break, and I reset all my 18 levels to level 1

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I recommend a major reset, but not to level one. Personally, I did something similar to you many years ago and reset to level three. I think resetting to level three was too far, and most of the kanji would come back pretty quickly to you. I’d recommend somewhere in the 5-10 level range, idk.

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I just reset to level one the other day, also after a two year break. I wasn’t that high of a level and had reset previously. For me, I know the beginning is painfully slow. However I’d burned a lot of items that I’m not 100% sure are truly burned anymore. I believe you can just review your burned items, but honestly I just really like the idea of starting from scratch and staying consistent.


i reset to level 1 six months ago from level 16 and things have been going smoothly since then. It was slow in the beginning though. I feel like the reset helped me a lot but that’s just me.


Good to hear that others have done the same and found it useful. I think I would have had a small voice wondering what I’d missed if I hadn’t dropped to 1.


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