August 13 2021 Content Updates


(31) - added (15) to visually similar kanji.

(13) - added kun’yomi おも and on’yomi そ.

(10) - added on’yomi とく.

(49) - added “cornerstone” as alternative meaning and “foundation stone” to allow list

(31) - changed the primary reading to kun’yomi に as the previous meaning ね is actually an irregular reading, added a warning message for ね, and updated the reading mnemonic.


温まる (14) - added “to heat up” to allow list.

後悔 (48) - updated meaning explanation and added two context sentences.

詐欺師 (49) - added “con artist” and “scammer” as alternative meanings, added “con man”, “con woman”, “fraud” and “fraudster” to allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

劣等感 (49) - added “sense of inferiority” as an alternative meaning, added “feeling inferior” to allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

〜殿 (40) - added “Mr.” as primary meaning, added “Ms.” as an alternative meaning, made “Lord” an alternative meaning, moved “master” and “milord” to allow list, added “Miss”, “Mrs.”, and “Mister” to allow list, updated meaning and reading explanations, updated one context sentence, and added two context sentences.

(2) - added “arm” as alternative meaning, updated meaning explanation, and replaced two context sentences.

右手 (4) - added “right arm” and “right-hand side” as alternative meanings, added “the right” to allow list, added の-adjective as word type, updated meaning and reading explanations, and added two context sentences.

左手 (4) - added “left arm” and “left-hand side” as alternative meanings, added “the left” to allow list, added の-adjective as word type, updated meaning and reading explanations, and added two context sentences.

(4) - added “seashell” to allow list.

謎々 (44) - updated meaning explanation and added two context sentences.

乾く (29) - added “to dry” and “to dry out” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

向ける (8) - made “to turn something towards” primary meaning, added “to point something at” as alternative meaning, moved “to turn (something) towards”, “to turn towards”, and to “to point” to allow list, added “to turn something” and “to point something” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation.

(49) - added “cornerstone” as alternative meaning and “foundation stone” to allow list, and added two context sentences.

分解 (21) - made “breakdown” primary meaning, added “disassembling” as alternative meaning, moved “analysis” and “disassembly” to allow list, added “taking apart”, “breaking down”, “analyzing”, “analysing”, “resolution”, and “disassembly” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

大体 (5) - made “generally” primary meaning, added “about” as alternative meaning, moved “outline” and “approximate” to allow list, added “rough” and “roughly” to allow list, added adverb and の-adjective as word types, and updated meaning explanation.

文字通り (11) - added adverb as word type.

求める (10) - added “to ask for” to allow list.

消す (12) - added “to turn on” to block list.

似る (31) - added “to look like” as alternative meaning, updated meaning and reading explanations, and added two context sentences.

真似 (31) - updated meaning and reading explanations.

見える (5) - made “to be visible” primary meaning, added “to be in sight” and “can see” as alternative meanings, updated meaning explanation, and replaced two context sentences.



  • Level 23: (かゆ) - itchy
  • Level 33: (へ) - flatulence


  • Level 23: 痒い (かゆい) - itchy
  • Level 33: (へ) - flatulence
  • Level 33: 屁理屈 (へりくつ) - illogical argument
  • Level 45: 苛む (さいなむ) - to torment
  • Level 51: 煎る (いる) - to roast

Finally, I can say 僕の痒い屁を苛みっている.
Thanks Jenny :+1:


Thank you, Jenny!


Thanks, Kumi!


Thanks, Joeni!


Behold the mighty wonders of copy and paste =D


Thanks for the updates, Jenny.

I had some feedback for you. I just picked up the lesson for 滞る and I found the reading explanation for this one to feel rather out of place.

The reading for this one is wildsauce. I’m going to leave this one to your capable hands. Just think of Tod (とど) and some coot (こお) doing something wild even though they’re overdue for something else, or something. Anyways, best of luck to you on this one.

WK is full of silly references, but “wildsauce?” Maybe I’m getting old, but it sounds like the voice of a teenager, which feels uncharacteristic for WK. The same goes for “best of luck to you on this one.” I hope I’m making sense.


Thanks B-san


I had definitely been caught out with this one before haha

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FYI, the て form of 苛む is 苛んで.
If what you tried saying is “my itchy fart torments me”, I think it should be “僕の痒い屁が(僕を)苛んでいる”.

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This can definitely be improved! We’ll have a think :blush:

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Thank you Jenny! :high_touch:

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Why doesn’t 屁 have おなら as one of the vocabulary readings? Between へ and おなら isn’t the latter more common?

おなら is more common, but it’s not more common when you encounter the Kanji 屁 - maybe that’s why

Interesting. So I could assume when I encounter 屁 it’s read as へ, otherwise it would be written as おなら.

That’s right! It’s a safe assumption that 屁 will be read へ :slight_smile:

Edit: it turns out the jisho is actually wrong about this, and おなら isn’t an official reading for the kanji. It is sometimes read that way because of ateji, but in that case there would be furigana.