That is, complied from WaniKani context sentences and Core 10k context sentences. But in this version, I sorted out things a little. I figured that it would be hard to listen without a N3 degree. In this thread, I can charge you up to N4 by level 21-30, and N3 by 31-40.
- Level 21-30
- WaniKani context sentences, level 1-10, Kanji not exceeding level 30
- This is just a test run for listening
- Level 31-40
- Core 10k Kanji context sentences, Kanji (in the sentence, not in the vocab) within level 31-40, Set01-03 only
- Simply, I just don’t want this to overlap with that thread.
- Level 41-50
- 1000 sentences from Louis’ 例文
- Level 51-60
- Jtest4you N2 sentences, sound generated by AwesomeTTS add-on for Anki
- Level 61-70
- Jtest4you N1 sentences, sound generated by AwesomeTTS add-on for Anki
- Old level 41-50, 51-60 and 61-70 are in the sub deck Xtra, in case AwesomeTTS fails
- Level 71-80
- You had better listen to some native material by now, so no more…
(Dropbox link will take a while to upload, so the file might not be available yet today.)
Sorry, I updated. But I promise I will use it, to ensure least bug.
Oops, I updated again, just to prevent overlapping with that thread. About whether this should be a success, the easiest way is I suggest you follow DaisukeJigen’s recommendation, if I should fail.
Upload, success… I wonder how many people have I shamed this time?
No change to the card anymore, just update the template… Also need Multi-Line Input Box add-on for Anki. Damn, I suck at listening. Reading is much easier.
I checked that the upload is done before posting the update.
Audio deck by JLPT is a success. I don’t bother creating N3, N4, N5 version, though. Only N2 and N1 here.