Any Japanese radio, podcast, or livestream you recommend? (intermediate level)

I listen to some Japanese vtubers in the background during Japanese lesson. (I don’t know why I feel like Vtubers livestreamers are really easy to understand. It could be because the range of vocaburary they use or perhaps just because I’m a weeb lol)

It’s not like I’m getting tired of them but I want to expand my experience and listen to something else from time to time. I used to listen to a lot of audio books and lectures (mainly psychology and history) in English all the time when I was learning English. I know my Japanese level is not on that level yet.

So do you have any Japanese Any Japanese radio, podcast, or anything you could recommend to an intermediet Japanese learner?


I also have this question! And I would love to get recommendations for youtubers / podcast hosts that do things like lifestyle blogging - where they’re having very casual conversations about everyday things, and are not playing any sort of “character” where their voice would be stylized like in an anime. My favorite Youtube channel so far is this one where the host goes around showcasing cafes in Tokyo.



If you’re looking for something different, my favorite form of listening practice is watching Japanese pro wrestling, haha! I started a thread a while back that has lots of links to matches and other information. It’ll definitely have a lot of new vocabulary that you won’t get from other media, which might make it harder, but what’s nice about it is that understanding the commentary isn’t necessary to follow the plot of the match, so you can watch and enjoy it at any level of Japanese knowledge.


You might find something you like here:

or here


I love HiikiBiiki


I started recently listening to Nihongo con Teppei. Very calm and I can understand a lot of things.

any other similar to that one?


Nihongo no Teppei style of speaking is too slow and unnatural for me. (May be just the first few episodes. I don’t know) I prefer Her podcast is easy to understand and her speaking style is more natural.

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I like Bilingual News. Depending on the topic of the news they’re discussing, it might be considered advanced level. They even have the podcast transcripts that you can buy.


4989 American Life is good for intermediate-advanced level I think, she speaks clearly and her vocab range is quite diverse. Also there’s a script on her website.

Learn Japanese with Noriko, Let’s Talk in Japanese! by Tomo, and Kevinvin Sleepy Japanese.


That doesn’t really sound anything like Teppei. He probably has one the most natural flow of speak and relaxed style of all the JP podcasters. Are you sure you didn’t try the beginner podcast? They even have a podcast together with Noriko.


I will check him out again.

As I said I just watch a few of his podcast videos on Youtube. Then I feel like it’s a bit too slow and too easy for me. I’m not trying to say he’s bad or anything just not what I was looking for. Then I found Noriko and I like her podcast style and never come back to check on Teppei’s contents again. I will check him out again sometime in the future. Many Japanese podcasters mention him with high regards.

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That’s why I’m saying you have probably watched the beginner podcast, not the intermediate one. I’ve listened to hundreds of episodes of both, and they are very similar in speed and difficulty (true, maybe the ones when he just started years ago could have been a bit easier).


Hi! Here’s a couple that I’ve been enjoying :slight_smile:

One that’s made for Japanese learners but I find more interesting than some others I have tried is YUYUの日本語

  • a lot of the podcasts are on everyday things, games, anime etc but he also recently started a series within the podcast on Japanese history.

One that I’ve been listening to recently that isn’t made for learners but I’ve been finding fairly accessible: 今日からあなたもオタクです - this one is two women talking about films, games, anime etc that they are enjoying.

I haven’t listened to this recently but I’ve previously also found さくら通言 to be a pretty nice level. Would also recommend Hikibiki and Shikuhaku American Life that have been recommended above.

Also, Nihongo con teppei intermediate has recently become Nihongo con teppei Z(yes, that is a bad DBZ joke) so that’s the one to try if you are looking for the intermediate podcast.


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