Advice Needed: How to Export All Unlocked Kanji/Vocab?

Hey all,

I’d like to feed ChatGPT a list of all kanji+vocab that are Master/Enlightened/Burned for me on WaniKani, so it can randomly replace English words with Japanese counterparts (following English sentence structure unless a sentence would be all Japanese). Seems like a nice way to get some extra practice.

But I’m not quite sure how to interface with the API… I’m comfy with Linux shell to parse whatever I can get from the WaniKani API, but I’m having a hard time getting the data dump in the first place. From reading the docs on, I thought this might do it:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_token_copy-pasted_here>"

But that just gives info on how far along I am on each level. Should I use something like this (GitHub - baerrach/wanikani_exporter: Export radicals, kanji, and vocabulary into json format) to get all WaniKani kanji/vocab, then find some way to get my SRS status of each kanji/vocab from the WaniKani API, and use those two (via shell script) to get what I’m after?

Hoping someone who knows more about this stuff can spoon-feed me some help ^_^. Otherwise I’ll bang my head against this until I get it right. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: updated some info

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The script Item Inspector has the export feature you need.