Additional audio updates

Of note @viet - If you hit ‘J’ to play the audio when the audio button is grayed out because you got the vocabulary reading wrong during review, it will play the last known audio clip from a correct review answer.


  1. I correctly typed ぐあい for the 具合 vocabulary during one review.
  2. Press ‘J’ to hear the audio and it says ぐあい
  3. Continue on to the next review.
  4. 場面 vocabulary shows up for the next review and I type the incorrect answer. The audio button is grayed out at this point,
  5. Press ‘J’ to hear the audio and it says ぐあい again.

If I were to get 場面 correct, the audio for ばめん will play correctly.

(Using no scripts or anything. Just plain ol’ original WaniKani by itself)