Now, I know WK team currently has more than enough on their plate, but it would be cool if there was an option to autoplay the alternative audio if the chosen voice is not available for the item.
I mean, suppose I chose Kenichi’s voicing, but there is an item that only has Kyoko’s voicing. In that case, I would hear no voicing for that audio. But if we had the option to play existing audio – then I would have Kenichi’s voicing for items that have it and Kyoko’s voicing for items that don’t. And vice versa if I choose Kyoko’s voicing.
of course. but the default voice is a vanilla WK setting, and one would assume that “default” means “use that if available, otherwise fall back on other options” not “exclusively use that”. so it’s a bug.
I will pass this along, though I think the larger issue is items only having one voice actor/items where the audio file for one voice actor is not playing correctly. @trunklayer do you happen to remember what item was giving you trouble?
Interestingly enough, the problem I had – might not be related to voicing. It’s just that sometimes during reviews the audio for some items doesn’t load. For example, during today’s session, when I got to 造園 reading, there was no audio for that item, but when, after the session, I went to the item’s page, both male and female voicings were there.
I wonder if this might actually not be a WK issue, but rather something on my end…
This happens only rarely; most of the time and for most of the items, the audio plays normally during reviews…
I think I found the reason why for some items the audio didn’t play for me.
I was pressing enter and going to next item too quickly. If I enter the correct reading and press enter once to submit it – the audio will always play. But instead, I usually press the enter twice, before the audio starts playing, so that the next item would load while it’s playing. And that’s when the audio sometimes does not play. So, it’s entirely my fault