Add thread topic for each item (radical/kanji/vocabulary) and links to them in WK pages

Btw. it would be nice if all lesson items (radicals/kanji/vocabulary) would have dedicated thread in the forums and then each study page would have a direct link to that thread :slight_smile:

Original post:

理 mnemonic says:

You can’t have reason without re (り)

And I’m… what the heck is ‘re’ / ‘ri’?! Anyone could explain it? :frowning:

EDIT: OK, after going back it finally struck me - it refers to the first syllable :man_facepalming: :laughing: I guess not being English native caused it. And the morning time :wink:


I can relate by being not a native english some mnemonic took me a few seconds to really understand, so for some weird mnemonics I sometimes add my own note and also for the meaning I add the synonym on my own native language, maybe that could help :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I’m doing that as well (my own sysnonyms and definitions from my native tongue - WK, teaching English since forever, lol).

I think that weird English spelling and arbitrary WK rules regarding mnemonics (sometimes it takes literal letters, sometimes pronunciation) is another thing (for example “e” can be read as /e/ or /i/, like in this case).

Reminds me of those cheesy picku lines, like “you can’t spell menu without me n’ u”.


Not gonna happen. People will post in the first 2 weeks and then the threads will be abandoned, and one year later closed.

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They could just… Set those to not close?


Reminds me of those cheesy picku lines, like “you can’t spell menu without me n’ u”.

On the cringe.


Not gonna happen. People will post in the first 2 weeks and then the threads will be abandoned, and one year later closed.

As @Leebo said - they could… not get closed? The idea was to have discussion regarding particular item because quite often the question was already asked and it would have been easier to have it in one place instead of trying to look the forums for the particular kanji issue - just click and voila - you get the complete discussion regarding kanji/vocab. Maybe with some useful alternative mnemonics.


Bunpro does that; I think it’s a good idea. :+1:


Yeah, the bunpro approach would be great for the wanikani items.

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I changed the topic from “Can’t understand 理 reading mnemonic” to something more related to the discussion that developed here - I hope it’s ok (mods, don’t ban me ^__^")

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Changing your own topic title to make the intention clearer is 100% fine and, indeed, appreciated.


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