Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Doraemon

Hi. Forgive me if this has been asked before, but I’ve only just stumbled upon this thread. Am I too late to join in on the current book?


You are never too late to join in. You can even go back to previous books and read those. The threads are there, and some people still have it on watching, so if you have questions, they’ll probably be answered. Now, for the current club, you are definitely late, but you can still join. How you handle the lateness is up to you, you can either just do the same schedule, but pushed forward by a few weeks, or you can catch up, whatever you decide is best for you is what you should do.


Um… dunno what happened, somehow got more Mangas in my order than intended. :fox_face: :innocent:


Ok, I’d really like to join in on reading Horimiya. To make sure I’ve understood everything as I’ve skimmed, there will be a unique community thread started for that shortly, and there will be something like weekly assignment of how much to read and discussion in said thread?


Almost, there will be a home thread, where generic discussion will take place, such as the weekly schedule and just stuff like that, and from that each week there will be a new weekly thread, where that week’s questions and discussion can happen. Check the current book club for reference.


Ah, I took the more-than-30-seconds required to do more than scrolling this thread and found what you’re talking about. Makes a lot more sense once I see another “home thread”, thanks.

I grabbed these a few months back and took a stab, but put them down to try again another day. Riding along with other readers at what looks like a very slow pace (compared to what I was trying to achieve on my own) looks like a good recipe.


It usually starts slow, but keep in mind, that in ABBC at least, it will speed up gradually. The end of book clubs can be pretty fast paced for beginners.


Weird, same here! :smile_cat::see_no_evil:


Oh no, it’s contagious! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Where are you buying used?

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not sure if @Till got them there, but for example at https://manga-republic.com/ :slight_smile:

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Yes, I ordered these at manga republic. I saw the name in one of the previous threads. I haven’t received the shipment yet, so no idea whether I would recommend it yet.

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Mine :


This is why I buy digital. I still buy way too many books, but at the very least I don’t need to find shelf space for them.


A verifiable benefit, no doubt. There’s something to be said for the smell of a book, though.


Yes, I’ve got them from manga-republic. It’s my second order there, if I remember correctly the first manga was used and still in splendid condition. From Japan to Germany took them 5 days, but I had to order priority shipping because of the nearby war.

I’m not going to say that I bought upwards of 60 physical books within the past 10 months alone despite my storing them in crates for lack of space… but I am marshaling myself into re-embracing the simplicity of digital libraries, as I used to couple 'o years ago. :joy:


I bought from manga republic … I cannot say exactly how many times but everytime everything was in perfect condition - be it used or new manga, I was always very happy with their service
as to how long it took I cannot say because I mostly didn’t “track” it (count the days) but I never used priority shipping and in my subjective opinion they were always very fast (living in Switzerland)
I can definitely recommend them and I love them especially for the free shipping and wide selection - always found everything I needed also the prices are great (imho)
I honestly doubt I will ever buy a manga somewhere else ^^’


Decided to turn this into a much much nicer looking webpage, so one could have diagrams, without having to write them out with ascii

(Image for idol wife)

Give it a try, it has the data for all of the previous ABBC picks preloaded into it.

It's not at all optimized for mobile


One benefit of this, is that the morphological analyzer I spent the better part of yesterday trying to make work (Kuromoji) is like orders of magnitude faster than the one I was using locally. After it gets loaded (large dictionary files, so takes a bit), it can basically run through an entire book instantly. And it seems at least decently accurate in breaking stuff into words.


Alrighty, I’m a little later than I initially intended thanks to my travels and such the past few weeks, but I have now posted the home thread for Horimiya!