Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Doraemon

Yay, I’m so glad Horimiya got picked! I’ve had the books for a while and tried to read them about a year ago but it was too hard for me, so I’m hoping I’ll see my progress re-reading it!


It’s to this day one of my favourite romance series out there, I love both the artstyle and the story. I’ve already past the first volume, but I’ll sure hang around and at least help with questions.


All right! I dropped ruri after a few weeks and didn’t participate in the first one. I’ll try this next one. This time. I’ll try to read it everyday, instead of one big session on the weekend.

The cover looks familiar, maybe I saw it somewhere in the Japanese bookstore near work. I’ll check it out.


Glad Horimiya won, already ordered a physical copy !
Hope this will be my really first book club. Need to still prepare a bit to be in the best condition :slight_smile:


Kinda wondering how many people are going to wind up ordering Hori-san to Miyamura-kun by accident. That’s the original self-published version.


If they use the where to purchase links, that shouldn’t be a problem. :stuck_out_tongue:


da heck


It’s ヴィジュアル系


Just ordered my copy! I’m looking forward to this one, Horimiya’s always been on my periphery as something I might be into, I didn’t think I’d be reading it in japanese though :slight_smile:

Ditto, which is another reason why I’m glad this book won.

I didn’t bother going through all 1,111 words but I had a quick click through, seems I know almost all the words with a frequency of five or higher and most of the ones with a frequency of four, I stopped checking each word individually after that but I reckon I know around 50% of the rest of the words? definitely more unknowns than in ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん but I think this’ll be just about manageable, I’ll probably learn the ~5 5+ frequency words that I don’t already know in advance :slight_smile:


I have a dumb question - when I click on the link for the frequency list, it gives the option to mark known words. I want to make sure that if I do that, it only affects what I see displayed and does not make permanent changes to the list. (See- I told you it was probably a dumb question…)


I was thinking more like ヴィジュアル系.

Correct, it impacts the view only for you. It’s for personal tracking of known words across various manga series. It stores that information in your browser, so no one else is impacted.

Here is what mine looks like, for example.



I’m currently working on that manga analyzer idea I’ve had a bit ago. It’s still half finished, but I just ran the previous manga picks through it to see their stats (cost me a not insignificant amount of money to buy them, rip my wallet). Besides those that I couldn’t buy (so Shirokuma Café), here are the stats for those interested:

からかい上手の高木さん(1) (ゲッサン少年サンデーコミックス) - 山本崇一朗
  -- Pages: 160
  -- Meaningful pages: 144
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1046 (7.26 per page)
  -- Characters: 13234 (91.9 per page)
  -- Words: 2882 (20.01 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1084 (7.53 per page)
にゃんにゃん探偵団1 にゃんにゃん探偵団 - 杉山亮
  -- Pages: 134
  -- Meaningful pages: 122
  -- Dialogue boxes: 986 (8.08 per page)
  -- Characters: 13693 (112.24 per page)
  -- Words: 3405 (27.91 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1166 (9.56 per page)
チーズスイートホーム(1) (モーニングコミックス) - こなみかなた
  -- Pages: 167
  -- Meaningful pages: 163
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1179 (7.23 per page)
  -- Characters: 7810 (47.91 per page)
  -- Words: 2117 (12.99 per page)
  -- Unique words: 791 (4.85 per page)
ハピネス(1) (週刊少年マガジンコミックス) - 押見修造
  -- Pages: 194
  -- Meaningful pages: 144
  -- Dialogue boxes: 891 (6.19 per page)
  -- Characters: 6339 (44.02 per page)
  -- Words: 1372 (9.53 per page)
  -- Unique words: 534 (3.71 per page)
ホリミヤ 1巻 (デジタル版Gファンタジーコミックス) - HERO & 萩原ダイスケ
  -- Pages: 178
  -- Meaningful pages: 158
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1670 (10.57 per page)
  -- Characters: 18978 (120.11 per page)
  -- Words: 4112 (26.03 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1582 (10.01 per page)
ルリドラゴン 1 (ジャンプコミックスDIGITAL) - 眞藤雅興
  -- Pages: 184
  -- Meaningful pages: 157
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1438 (9.16 per page)
  -- Characters: 14627 (93.17 per page)
  -- Words: 3566 (22.71 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1312 (8.36 per page)
レンタルおにいちゃん 1巻 (デジタル版ガンガンコミックスpixiv) - 一色 箱
  -- Pages: 184
  -- Meaningful pages: 154
  -- Dialogue boxes: 874 (5.68 per page)
  -- Characters: 9836 (63.87 per page)
  -- Words: 2074 (13.47 per page)
  -- Unique words: 811 (5.27 per page)
三ツ星カラーズ1 (電撃コミックスNEXT) - カツヲ
  -- Pages: 152
  -- Meaningful pages: 147
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1257 (8.55 per page)
  -- Characters: 11882 (80.83 per page)
  -- Words: 2773 (18.86 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1076 (7.32 per page)
大海原と大海原(1) (MFC ジーンピクシブシリーズ) - 海底囚人
  -- Pages: 146
  -- Meaningful pages: 119
  -- Dialogue boxes: 847 (7.12 per page)
  -- Characters: 10520 (88.4 per page)
  -- Words: 2187 (18.38 per page)
  -- Unique words: 960 (8.07 per page)
結婚しても恋してる 1 (MFC ジーンピクシブシリーズ) - 白虎
  -- Pages: 128
  -- Meaningful pages: 120
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1117 (9.31 per page)
  -- Characters: 11859 (98.83 per page)
  -- Words: 2867 (23.89 per page)
  -- Unique words: 1295 (10.79 per page)
それでも歩は寄せてくる(1) (週刊少年マガジンコミックス) - 山本崇一朗
  -- Pages: 146
  -- Meaningful pages: 125
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1030 (8.24 per page)
  -- Characters: 11487 (91.9 per page)
  -- Words: 2440 (19.52 per page)
  -- Unique words: 939 (7.51 per page)

per page counts are per meaningful page. You know the counts are accurate, because Happiness comes up with a whopping 9.5 words per page and an impressive 3.7 unique words per page.

Oh right, neither Hunter x Hunter, nor Cells at work are in this, because I forgor (and tbh, they aren’t very representative)


Well now I guess you need to read them all :grin:

By the way my algorithm that counts character gives numbers slightly below yours:
ハピネス 01 4582 (vs yours 6339)
ホリミヤ 01 15753 (vs yours 18978)
ルリドラゴン 01 12199 (vs yours 14627)
Maybe because I don’t count page names and punctuation?


Could be, I don’t discriminate, numbers, English alphabet, punctuation, Russian, Zalgo, everything goes.


Alright, first draft version is done, corrected the character counter, so that it only counts kanji and kana (thank god for ruby’s special regex character classes). Ran the numbers, now this is the sort of output I get for books, both that were already selected, and some I have on my list:

data for those that care
Book: からかい上手の高木さん(1) (ゲッサン少年サンデーコミックス) - 山本崇一朗
  -- Pages: 160                     (average: 161.18 -0.06σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1046           (average: 1121.36 -0.31σ)
  -- Characters: 10309              (average: 9616.45 +0.25σ)
  -- Words: 2882                    (average: 2708.64 +0.23σ)
  -- Unique words: 1084             (average: 1050.0 +0.12σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 148          (average: 143.36 +0.24σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 7.1   (average: 7.86 -0.56σ)
  -- Characters per page: 69.7      (average: 67.88 +0.09σ)
  -- Words per page: 19.5           (average: 19.15 +0.06σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 7.3     (average: 7.45 -0.06σ)

This is probably the closest a book gets to the average, if anyone knows of a way to average together the “standard deviations from the mean” number in a meaningful way, do tell me, I’m not the best at statistics.

Book: ハピネス(1) (週刊少年マガジンコミックス) - 押見修造
  -- Pages: 194                     (average: 161.18 +1.57σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 891            (average: 1121.36 -0.95σ)
  -- Characters: 4505               (average: 9616.45 -1.81σ)
  -- Words: 1372                    (average: 2708.64 -1.79σ)
  -- Unique words: 534              (average: 1050.0 -1.87σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 140          (average: 143.36 -0.17σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 6.4   (average: 7.86 -1.06σ)
  -- Characters per page: 32.2      (average: 67.88 -1.84σ)
  -- Words per page: 9.8            (average: 19.15 -1.75σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 3.8     (average: 7.45 -1.74σ)

Happiness is always fun to see, so many negative numbers.

Now this isn’t perfect yet, because I have some books, that I’d definitely consider to be harder than what is appropriate for ABBC, yet they give me basically average results, for example “Record of Ragnarok”:

Book: 終末のワルキューレ 1巻 (ゼノンコミックス) - アジチカ & 梅村真也 & フクイタクミ
  -- Pages: 195                     (average: 161.18 +1.62σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1094           (average: 1121.36 -0.11σ)
  -- Characters: 9135               (average: 9616.45 -0.17σ)
  -- Words: 2425                    (average: 2708.64 -0.38σ)
  -- Unique words: 1161             (average: 1050.0 +0.4σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 171          (average: 143.36 +1.41σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 6.4   (average: 7.86 -1.04σ)
  -- Characters per page: 53.4      (average: 67.88 -0.75σ)
  -- Words per page: 14.2           (average: 19.15 -0.93σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 6.8     (average: 7.45 -0.32σ)

This only tells me, that this book is long, but otherwise quite easy. Gotta read that and check for myself tbh. Natively at the very least rates it as 24???, though with absolutely no ratings. It might be that there are a bunch of

Compared to that, even some I’m considering for ABBC nominations appear harder.

Book: ネトゲの嫁が人気アイドルだった 1 ~クール系の彼女は現実でも嫁のつもりでいる~ (ガルドコミックス) - もっつぉ & あボーン & 館田ダン
  -- Pages: 181                     (average: 161.18 +0.95σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1043           (average: 1121.36 -0.32σ)
  -- Characters: 12527              (average: 9616.45 +1.03σ)
  -- Words: 3132                    (average: 2708.64 +0.57σ)
  -- Unique words: 1319             (average: 1050.0 +0.97σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 173          (average: 143.36 +1.51σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 6.0   (average: 7.86 -1.3σ)
  -- Characters per page: 72.4      (average: 67.88 +0.23σ)
  -- Words per page: 18.1           (average: 19.15 -0.19σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 7.6     (average: 7.45 +0.08σ)

This is “idol wife”. This to me does in fact seem like perfect book club material.

Book: 陰キャの僕に罰ゲームで告白してきたはずのギャルが、どう見ても僕にベタ惚れです (1) (角川コミックス・エース) - 神奈 なごみ
  -- Pages: 202                     (average: 161.18 +1.95σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1280           (average: 1121.36 +0.66σ)
  -- Characters: 13481              (average: 9616.45 +1.37σ)
  -- Words: 3343                    (average: 2708.64 +0.85σ)
  -- Unique words: 1204             (average: 1050.0 +0.56σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 197          (average: 143.36 +2.74σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 6.5   (average: 7.86 -0.97σ)
  -- Characters per page: 68.4      (average: 67.88 +0.03σ)
  -- Words per page: 17.0           (average: 19.15 -0.41σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 6.1     (average: 7.45 -0.64σ)

“The gyaru, who was supposed to confess to me, the weird kid as a punishment, is actually in love with me” is certainly a title, but from these stats, if the story isn’t as bad as the summary title, then this is a decent pick.

FYI, this is Horimiya:

  -- Pages: 178                     (average: 161.18 +0.8σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes: 1670           (average: 1121.36 +2.27σ)
  -- Characters: 15354              (average: 9616.45 +2.04σ)
  -- Words: 4112                    (average: 2708.64 +1.88σ)
  -- Unique words: 1582             (average: 1050.0 +1.93σ)
  -- Meaningful pages: 160          (average: 143.36 +0.85σ)
  -- Dialogue boxes per page: 10.4  (average: 7.86 +1.83σ)
  -- Characters per page: 96.0      (average: 67.88 +1.45σ)
  -- Words per page: 25.7           (average: 19.15 +1.23σ)
  -- Unique words per page: 9.9     (average: 7.45 +1.16σ)

Is this script available somewhere? I have an eternity goal of reading 星界の紋章 one day and I’d be interested in the statistics. (Bought it off Kindle just to be able to strip DRM and run analysis on the text.)


Sure, but keep in mind, that it’s not complete, and it’s a bit arbitrary sometimes


You will need ruby and the juman++ gem (gem install jumanpp_ruby), as well as mokuro
You will also need to run the book through mokuro and extract the jsons files out of the result, so:

  1. Remove the drm off of the book
  2. Convert it to a zip file with calibre (through the command line this is ebook-convert my-book.azw3 my-book.zip)
  3. Unpack it, and extract the images folder, should prolly rename it too
  4. Run mokuro on that folder (mokuro my-book)
  5. You will need the _ocr/my-book folder, it should contain a json file for every page in the manga, I’ll call this the json folder from now on

There are actually 2 scripts at play here, both can be found here (4 files):
Manga analyzer · GitHub

The 4 files are the following:

  • book_data.rb - this is a library that both scripts use, it extracts the actual book stats
  • analyze.rb - this takes a folder of folders, where each of those folders is a volume (previous json folder), and generates the result.json file
  • result.json - this is what analyze.rb spits out, it’s the data for every previously picked, purchaseable ABBC manga
  • compare.rb - this takes the result.json file and uses it to generate the output I’ve put into my previous post, so basically compares the book you have to ABBC picks for now. It takes in 1 or more json folders and runs the comparison on each of them

Run them as ruby analyze.rb path/to/folder and ruby compare.rb path/to/folder


Book ordered ! Just in time for the book to be ordered by the Japanese bookstore in the next batch. Should be here in time.


Oh oh, I can’t find those links :flushed:

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They are listed under Availability in the nomination post here. When I create the thread (likely tomorrow), I’ll also include them in the home post there. :grin: