About wanikani

after getting to level 60, would i be able to study at a japanese university or would i still bug the teachers by asking to many questions on kanji and such. also how much vocab should i learn out of wanikani?

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Without trying (just reading something and coming across a word that used Kanji I didn’t know), I’ve found Kanji that aren’t in WK. So, you will still come across Kanji that WK doesn’t teach you. Learn as much vocab as you can.


Wanikani itself won’t teach you japanese, it’ll only teach you kanji, so if you want to go to a university you’re gonna have to do some studying by yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

If you go the charts section, you can see which kanji WK doesn’t cover, ordered by frequency, joyo, or JLPT level


Wanikani teaches Kanji, not Japanese.

It teaches a lot of Kanji, most of which are inside Jouyou, the 2136 kanji, the standardised list of common kanji. (Jƍyƍ kanji - Wikipedia) Basically knowing all those would allow you to read at the same level as someone in the Japanese education system completing high school.

Wanikani teaches 92.74% of Jouyou, and some that are not in Jouyou too.

If you are looking at the JLPT qualifications, N1 being the highest qualification, Wanikani teaches 88.33% of N1 kanji (as well as many not covered).

You can look at https://www.wkstats.com/ on the charts pages (turn on cumulative) to see these, and what isn’t taught.

Perhaps you care more about frequency of use, or perhaps if you can read Wikipedia etc. That stuff is there too.

Wanikani is designed to teach you a tonne of Kanji (and vocabulary) in a very short amount of time, effectively. It is only one tool of several you’ll want to learn Japanese. It doesn’t teach grammar for example.

Before I reset, I was finding it hard to learn as a lot of the other resources didn’t teach much about Kanji, I just had to memorise them. So I started using Wanikani and I was actually able to understand what I was being taught better. I could see a combination of kanji together and have a good idea what it might mean and a good guess of how to pronounce it.


By the time you reach level 60, I should hope that you’re very invested in learning Japanese and making significant progress in studying from more than just WaniKani, and that you’ve found yourself a decent pile of resources to aid in those studies. If you found yourself needing to bug your teachers, it would only be because you didn’t balance your studies properly.

To actually be accepted into a Japanese university in the first place, I assume you’d need to demonstrate you had an adequate level of Japanese. Just work on getting there.


When in university, there is going to be a lot of subject specific vocabulary that you will need to learn. I think some universities offer Japanese courses for foreign students looking to start an all Japanese course, though.


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