About verb する


What would you say this means in english if you are talking to another person?

1.- デートしますか
2.- デートをしますか
3.- 勉強しますか
4.- 勉強をしますか
5.- 電話番号をしますか
6.- 電話番号しますか
7.- テニスしますか
8.- テニスをしますか

Does using particle を change the meaning?


Grammar is hard and I find often the best advice is to take anything not coming from a legit native-born Japanese teacher with a grain of salt. That being said, I will my answer your question to the best of my knowledge.

Omitting the を particle does not change the meaning of the sentence but does make it sound more informal. I believe omitting を is common in spoken Japanese, especially when speaking informally. In proper writing, I don’t think you’re supposed to omit particles. Likewise you shouldn’t omit particles when speaking politely or to superiors.

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There’s actually no formal/informal distinction with these. And there’s also no difference in meaning.

What does impact it is if you use some other form of grammar before it, it can determine whether the を has to be there or if it can’t be there.

日本語の勉強をします (has to be there by the textbook, but this could be omitted in casual speech the way SwiftElk was describing)
日本語を勉強します (can’t be there, because it’s already in front of the 勉強, is not casual)


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