Came across this use of the particle 「を」 from a WaniKani context sentence in Level 36


I understand the grammar and vocabulary used here, but can’t seem to figure out why を would be used here. I am sure that の would work in its place as well.

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It takes を because it’s the object for 読んだ. の would change the meaning - right now it’s “I’ve only read the Tale of Genji as a manga”, with の it’d be more like “I’ve only the Tale of Genji’s manga” - as in, you’re specifying what you’ve read, rather than how you’ve read the Tale of Genji.


Okay, I get it now. I think I was letting the 漫画でしか part of the sentence get in my way of understanding , instead of looking it as a separate part.

Thank you for the prompt response.

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Aye, because particles define the function a word plays in a sentence, word order can be fairly flexible. Don’t be distracted by word order, pay attention to the particles. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yea, I’m around the beginning of intermediate by now, but I still get tripped up by that kind of stuff with particles lol I’m reading Satori Reader a lot lately too and I’m enjoying it a lot (along with Wanikani and Quartet 1)

Haven’t checked the replies, but it seems to be the case they are trying to emphasis that they have never read this story in outside of manga form (it has books, plays, shows, etc) but maybe they know the story from other formats.

belay my last. I missed the しか in the sentence.

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僕は源氏物語をアニメでしか見たことが (草)

(I also wonder if it wasn’t a shortened version, I didn’t understand very well the tale…)

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