About marking a topic as my feature topic

Hey, I recently learn about a kinda cool feature in the forum that can mark one of my topic as “feature topic”.

I want to mark this topic as my feature one, but somehow I couldn’t find it in the drop down menu.

Then I tried to input the topic ID and got this error. Anyone knows how to fix this?

Have you seen any users here who use this feature? It might be a part of the Discourse software but disabled for WaniKani in particular. WK doesn’t support all the Discourse features, like private messages, so maybe this is one such feature?

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I think it worked…? :thinking:


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I just removed mine (had Heatmap listed before) and I can’t find any of my threads with the search. I guess it’s broken

edit: worked only when I entered the ID
edit2: tried with one of my threads in Campfire. Did not work. It’s possible that it just doesn’t work with the Campfire category because it’s private

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oh I put it into the website section.
feature topic is kinda cooler like this

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I suspect it doesn’t work with threads in private categories. You could move your thread to #wanikani and try again. Perhaps it would even work if you moved it back to #campfire


thank Kumirei and other supporters :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Probably it’s because topics in Campfire are private. I move my topic to Wanikani then input the url. It works!

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