A Certain Bidoof's Back At It Babyyy (for a while now) Study Log

January 25th, 2025

  • 145 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 41 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: I decided to turn on Japanese subtitles for Cunk on Life, would recommend just for the kicks. It kinda spoiled some of the jokes, like the one on AI where Philomena asked “what about u” instead of “what about you” and japanese subs just wrote “ユー” and i immediately knew something was off xddd

So today was a movie day, if you know anything about me, I love me some good cinema. Cunk on Life, September 5 and A Real Pain, all three have been great and I really enjoyed watching time fly by as I consumed slice of life after slice of life ^^

I find it really funny how my YouTube algorithm also reflects slice of life genres, I’ve got sociology, public transit, psychology, geopolitics there, so what can I say, I might be a human experience junkie xddd

In terms of Japanese, I’ve gotten to this part on Bunpro where one sentence can have like a hundred alternate forms conveying the same meaning, and I’m still sometimes using the wrong one xddd

Also silly rant, but isn’t it just weird how WaniKani and Bunpro keep on making my review sessions longer and longer and they conditioned me to stop complaining when a review session takes 55 minutes? I feel kinda betrayed xdddd
Tomorrow will be a bit shorter, but should I be celebrating that it’s only 40-45 minutes and not 55? xddd

Tomorrow I’m having board game friends come and play this conlang inventing game, if we invent any cool terms, I’ll let you know ^^

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Wait, one day in my calendar disappeared xddd
It’s 26th, right? So January 26th, 2025 ^^
I’ll edit all of the previous posts xdd

  • 114 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 40 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: one episode of 薬屋のひとりごと, still season one and Maomao still is an absolute menace, love her so much ^^

Sooo, here’s the final state of the game and our conlang!

Uakuak wuka wiwi! Toki pona, make way to our language! ^^

It’s really nice to have tri+lingual friends, their brains just work in different ways, you know?

In terms of Japanese, felt pretty distracted today, but it was an easy day, so I can’t add much. I’m glad I got through it quickly, but couldn’t focus much today, hopefully tomorrow will be better! Back to classes tomorrow and also, I’ll get promoted to LEVEL 25 tomorrow as well ^^




January 27th, 2025

  • 138 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 51 (!) reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • 2h of a Japanese lesson in a class, next week is winter holiday, so we’re not having one :flushed:

Funnily enough, today at the Japanese classes we talked about Osaka Expo 2025, and this word showed up on WaniKani for me too, added a ton to my retention ^^

てんじかい ^^

Tough Bunpro today again, but we’re still on track. I think I’ll have to cram a few grammar points because the more elements a grammar is constructed from, the less likely I am to remember it, for example: の点から考えると, i know what it’s supposed to represent and more or less when to use it, but to remember the particles is a different beast ^^

Aaanyway, been noticing a lot of people opening up on Study Logs and I’m really happy to see people open up so much, because it feels like it feels like I’m also learning about other people as well ^^

I like talking about surface level things, but when I see other people open up, I also become envious of their ability to speak openly about things, so I don’t know, I might regret this, but there’s something that’s been on my mind for a while, that I unfortunately don’t expect for anyone to solve for me, but I’m struggling to see the role models and sets of behaviors that would be similar.

So, self-actualization rant!

One of my least favorite pieces of advice ever is “just do it”. It sounds so intuitive, and so easy to apply in theory, I mean, I’m doing it with Japanese. But the curse of “just do it” means that you only interact with hobbies on a surface level, and the curse of “atomic habits” (me learning Japanese?) means that after a few of those atoms, you are too exhausted to drill more into specific topics, because you’re already doing so many different things. They sound like the opposites on the surface, but both the issue of never sticking to one thing and not having the energy to jump to a different thing can be true at the same time.

Combine it with yet another pop-psychology quote that I struggle with, “you can’t do everything in life”, means that I’m frantically jumping from one thing to another without staying with Emio/Maomao for a bit longer because life is too short to learn Japanese when you could be doing other things instead. This thought really feels debilitating and I’m sure I am misinterpreting it, but hey, this quote perpetuates my ADHD moments.

So yeah, pop-psychology quote number three: “prioritize what’s important for you in life” - great, I managed to narrow it down to 500 things of equal importance! No, it’s 501 now, I just found a new thing I really care about and I love people behind it and it gives my life value and I really want to follow through on it, and I probably never will go past the surface level xdddd
My friends tend to be divided between the happy-go-lucky types that don’t overthink things and just pursue hedonism (I also do it xddd) and the ones that are really down in the dumps (I also do it xddd), so there are no good role models inbetween for me to learn from.
The more I speak about it with those people, the more decision paralysis kicks in. Sighhh.

tl;dr, I wish I could finish Emio in a timely manner, I wish I could finish 薬屋のひとりごと in a timely manner, I wish I could join a book club here, I wish I could make Japanese friends on Bluesky. But I also have 499 other hobbies than Japanese. Ehhh, alas.

Live and learn, as they say ^^
Back to the grind tomorrow ^^


I feel this. There’s just too many things to do! It still does seem like you’re putting a lot of effort into Japanese amongst everything else though. There’s no need to necessarily focus all-in on one thing unless you want to. To me, as long as I’m focusing on something I really enjoy and want to do, I tend not to think about all the other things I could be doing instead, at least for as long as I continue to enjoy it. I want to learn Spanish, I want to try living somewhere else, I want to write a book, I want to… (continues in endless spiral). But all of that is at least temporarily out of sight, out of mind for me, while I focus on what gives me the most happiness at the current moment. I have a big list of all the things I want to try to do over the next decade or so, and everything’s got its place, it just doesn’t need to be now. Compartmentalising like that is easier said than done, of course.

The good thing about this forum and reading study logs is you can see all the different approaches people have - those going all-in studying constantly, those fitting in a bit of reading around having young kids, those fitting it around their work and other hobbies, why they’re doing it, what’s worked for them, what hasn’t. This doesn’t always extend out to other areas of life, but if you’re looking for structures other people use for their Japanese study and fitting it around everything else that takes up time and energy, there’s no shortage here! I’ve taken and continue to take plenty of inspiration from all the other lovely people around on this website.


One of the fun things about this is that in my opinion, everyone is a little of both of these things. I’m bipolar though, so that may be a biased perspective to look at the mood spectrum from.

To be more serious it really can be paralyzing to think about the sheer variety of things you want and also you realistically won’t achieve every goal you set for yourself in life. Especially if you’re an ambitious type that wants to master skills with little overlap. It’s not easy to do both a foreign language, a musical instrument, and personal fitness, and art projects. Being amazing at one of those doesn’t translate to the others. But the important thing is to find what you want through experimentation. Sometimes you may idealize some hobby or goal only to find it doesn’t break even on time and effort and it isn’t something you can do now. It’s okay to either drop that forever or just get back to it later. That process of trying the thing is worthwhile to find what doesn’t work and pare away to get to the habits and strategies that will work.

One way I like to think about and approach this analysis paralysis problem is to imagine a future self. There’s an infinite variety of future selves (maybe not actually infinite because you will die eventually and some things you aren’t able to change) but you only get to live as one of those people. So make the choices that lead to being the best or most interesting future version of yourself you can imagine from where you are now. And that goal can and will change as your interests change but the pursuit can make you happier and more fulfilled.

I hope that helps some. I do relate to the feeling of not having enough time in a day to do the habits that lead to self improvement and not having enough time in a life to do everything. The response isn’t to shut down and feel worthless or to stop caring about things, but to try moving forward anyway, knowing that you won’t be perfect or achieve universal truth and self actualization. I saw a t-shirt this weekend that I really liked. It said “trying to be someone else is a waste of who you are”.


This doesn’t always extend out to other areas of life, but if you’re looking for structures other people use for their Japanese study and fitting it around everything else that takes up time and energy, there’s no shortage here! I’ve taken and continue to take plenty of inspiration from all the other lovely people around on this website.

Same, and will keep on doing that ^^

This forum is pretty useful in terms of keeping myself grounded and also getting myself a little bit more curious in Japanese each day, but for now though, I’m definitely in the slump mode, so passively consuming stories of other people probably will have to do ^^


One way I like to think about and approach this analysis paralysis problem is to imagine a future self. There’s an infinite variety of future selves (maybe not actually infinite because you will die eventually and some things you aren’t able to change) but you only get to live as one of those people. So make the choices that lead to being the best or most interesting future version of yourself you can imagine from where you are now. And that goal can and will change as your interests change but the pursuit can make you happier and more fulfilled.

That kinda does sound like the plot of Everything Everywhere All At Once ^^

That’s also something I sometimes journal about, I don’t think I want to commit to it that much, because the worst thing is that I know that the I that a 40 year old me would like to become when she’s 40 years old involves doing things that me at 27 years old has never tried and has never done yet. Or maybe those things don’t even exist yet? Who knows if there’s a new branch of hobbies one might get to develop thanks to AI in the future, maybe I’d love it?

Pretty much what @Malinkal said:

But all of that is at least temporarily out of sight, out of mind for me, while I focus on what gives me the most happiness at the current moment. I have a big list of all the things I want to try to do over the next decade or so, and everything’s got its place, it just doesn’t need to be now. Compartmentalising like that is easier said than done, of course.

That’s probably my current approach. It’s disappointingly aimless and very constrained by the energy levels, but for as long as I can tell myself I’m doing something to become a better version of myself in the future, I’ll at least keep myself to the standard of doing something every day ^^

Thank you both for the insightful comments! Yes, they do make a difference, because they remind me that there are other people in the world that also wrestle with those conversations as well. What’s interesting about those conversations is that I have a feeling that there is some truth in completely opposite statements as well, like the one about “imagining who you’d want to be in 10 years” vs “just going with the flow”, at the end of the day it’s all about attitude.

If I put out my unconditional smile like @Malinkal recommends and insure a few of my futures like @SpiderWeb, maybe I’ll end up somewhere cool eventually ^^

January 28th, 2025

  • 134 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 55 (!!!) reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo

Remember me ranting about the の点から考えると grammar yesterday? Ironically that vent helped me to remember that grammar point and get it right today twice one after another xdd

There are a few weird words related to government agencies at level 23 of WaniKani, between:

  1. 都庁
  2. 警視庁
  3. 警察庁

And today an enlightened item visited my review queue, 警官 from level 19. Of course I got it wrong xdddd

I’ll need to try to put some effort into distinguishing those four words, because I’m not seeing that big of a difference between them, hmmm.

Anyway, really nice Bunpro today despite many reviews and pretty alright WaniKani, guud day ^^


January 29th, 2025

  • 126 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 40 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo

There’s just this one word that always trips me over xddd

I go like “hmm, previous commute…? what could it… OH. CAR WASH. ALL RIGHT.” xddd

Anyway, I booked 45 minutes with a teacher from Italki I haven’t had lessons with since before I took N3 in December, I’ll fill her in on my Christmas, I’ll try to write a few topics in my notebook so that I know what I want to tell her and definitely try to use a sentence with にもかかわらず and 癖に xdddd

I booked a weird timing, because it’s half an hour after I finish work, but there’s pizza at my workplace an hour after I finish work, so I’ll wrap up the lesson quickly and go fight for the remaining slices, if there will be anything ^^

Aside from that, I had a really good day today. There’s this audio drama podcast called The Bright Sessions and I’m doing second season, I think I’m hooked~

Had a heart-to-heart with a cleaner at the office, had professional teeth cleaning, did a decent chunk of journaling and I reaffirmed my beliefs that in many areas things will turn out juuust fiiiine, even if I’m not seeing it yet. It almost feels like a shame to go to bed knowing I’m this content, but I know that if I go to sleep early, there is a chance I’ll transfer my good mood onto tomorrow, so fingers crossed ^^

Have a nice evening/Good night!


January 30th, 2025

  • 135 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 43 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • 45 minutes of conversations with a Italki teacher!

Today is a bit of a ドキドキする moment because in two hours, the results of the N3 exam are going to get announced. I think that if I passed, it wasn’t by a large margin, so 緊張します. The good news is that I don’t need the exam in any capacity right now, and I’ve already passed N3 two years ago, so this one was a bit of a refresher for me, but in my personal opinion, the one in the summer of 2022 felt much easier than the one in December 2024.

Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten rusty - I don’t think that’s entirely the case though, as I’ve grinded Bunpro and WaniKani pretty intensively leading up to JLPT, it feels like there were a lot more thinking questions rather than language questions. I remember one of them being something like “making a dish from one’s country with japanese spices, making a dish from one’s country with their own country’s spices, making a japanese dish with japanese spices, making a japanese dish with their own country’s spices”, and I remember sitting there having translated all four sentences to English in my head in order to make sense of the logical implications of this question xddd

I didn’t even get to two texts and my attention completely went away on listening, but I’m hopeful for the kanji and grammar to carry the results?

Well, fingers crossed xdd

In terms of personal life: really enjoying tasks at the Works Council, probably even more so than the regular job that I do. Maybe I could become a politician in the future…?

Ooh, and booked a snowboarding holiday from Feb 20 to Feb 23 in Bregenz, Austria, thanks to @nerdqueen666 nerding out about skiing this year ^^
I hope I’ll get to zoomzoom some slopes and go for alpine walks in the evenings, we shall see~

Good luck on JLPT results everyone, and on your today’s grind, and on other tasks you set your minds too ^^


Today is a bit of a ドキドキする moment because in two hours, the results of the N3 exam are going to get announced.

I saw on another thread that you passed!! おめでとうございます!!! That’s such a great feeling.

“making a dish from one’s country with japanese spices, making a dish from one’s country with their own country’s spices, making a japanese dish with japanese spices, making a japanese dish with their own country’s spices”

Just reading this in English made my head hurt…I hope to take the N3 this year and I am honestly so scared of these types of questions. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Ooh, and booked a snowboarding holiday from Feb 20 to Feb 23 in Bregenz, Austria, thanks to @nerdqueen666 nerding out about skiing this year ^^

Yay!! Glad to have inspired you! I had to Google the area, but it looks so incredibly beautiful. Of course, everyone in the U.S. says that skiing on the West Coast is better than the East Coast (where I live), but then skiing in Europe is way better than skiing anywhere in the U.S.! I hope you have a great time :snowboarder:


I saw on another thread that you passed!! おめでとうございます!!!

Yep, passed indeed! Thanks a bunch C:
Go for N3! I’m sending you the courage bits you’d need in order to make it so!

In a non-quote related conversation, I had a lot of time to process and journal today and JLPT has been a big topic of the journaling as well, so here’s some of my highlights xdd

  • Going for exams in general serves as a pretty good excuse to ground yourself and commit to a specific cause: I still struggle a lot with the straight A-student syndrome, but I have a feeling I approached the grind in a pretty healthy way, so maybe I’m finally learning not to be so hard on myself. I heard a while back that if you approach learning something from an angle of self-hatred, you will hate yourself even more by the end, but if you approach something from an angle of self-love, self-love will multiply and give you back ^^
  • Exams are not just something that’s a goal for yourself, it’s also a social experience, works from many different angles: as an excuse to make new friends, as an excuse to keep doing things with friends and as an excuse to celebrate something with friends that aren’t going to be doing things with you, but they love you all the same and want to celebrate your successes! Looking back, the decision to go back to Japanese of July 2024 has completely pivoted how I’m thinking about working together with people or celebrating things with people, so I learned something new ^^
  • Not to downplay my achievent, but the 95/180 score I got (xdddd) feels extreeeemely fishy (xdddd). I’m not saying there was a divine intervention from one of the people that was grading the work, but, hmm, is “thank you” the right word I should be thinking? On one hand, I would probably have been fine if I didn’t pass, as I didn’t need the exam for anything, and if I had something like 120 points, that would’ve been boring, having exactly 95 points was probably the funniest outcome I could’ve had from the exam, it’s both amusing, humbling and motivating at the same time xdddd
  • At this point I’m all in for the ride, I’ve kept a straight every single day streak on Bunpro ever since I’ve written JLPT, so let’s keep going for now, let’s see where will the motivation take me xddd
  • My next exam is probably not Japanese, but something like German B2, so it’ll be interesting to see the differences. If I applied the techniques I currently use to study German, I bet I would probably become C1 in no time, with all of the posters around, all of the people I can speak with, the fact I can read the language mostly effortlessly and the fact I’m no longer so tired listening to German. But that’s still probably a few months away at least ^^

Either way though, 合格しました!!! That makes it twice in a row xdddd

I dm’d my Italki teacher as soon as I saw the score and she celebrated my success too xdd

A from Grammar (Bunpro) and A from Vocabulary (WaniKani), and a bust from everything else, sounds about right xdddd

January 31st, 2025

  • 92 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 42 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: 3 episodes of 薬屋のひとりごと

Self-care day definitely, went to a hairdresser, got my eyebrows done, took a passport pic, made my own breakfast, listened to a lot of The Bright Sessions (I’m almost at the collab with another audio drama I love: Ars Paradoxica!) and got myself to watch The Apothecary Diaries again.

So there’s two words for today:

I’ve known both of those before, but there’s something about the way how those words sound that makes me intrigued in them. The first one is fuzzy feelings, because I saw it in 薬屋のひとりごと, of course, the second is from the soundtrack of 新すばらしきこのせかい, they just roll of the tongue, don’t they ^^

Also, I’m sad I didn’t get this one right the first time, grrr xddd

Tomorrow Korean tea ceremony for the lunar new year and meeting up with friends, should be fun ^^


Words to live by

Hullo, Bidoofさん

N3を合格した おめでとう!!

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Hullo, Bidoofさん


N3を合格した おめでとう!!



じゃあ、夢を現実に変えよう! 今は夏の入学願書がどこでも開いたので、登録がよくできます ^^

February 1st, 2025

  • 173 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 50 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: 1 episode of 薬屋のひとりごと

Weird day, my internet went down before midday and I’m writing this from my phone’s internet. I hope the internet goes back on Monday, because otherwise it’d be hard to work parts of the days from home, but oh well xdd

It’s been four years since I did the last lessons of level 60 and finished writing my previous log ^^
I went back to it and, damn, some of the things in there sound like thoughts I would’ve had just a few days ago, instead of four years. What a weird feeling knowing I haven’t changed as much as I thought I did xdddd

I crashed down today in terms of energy levels and couldn’t get myself to do much today, I like to think that I have a little slider in my head I can use in order to adjust how ill I’m feeling that day, and today I let myself be “pretty ill”, blanket, cold shivers and all, but as soon as the Japanese reviews came, I needed to dial it down and go back to the top gear. Feeling pretty healthy right now, but I know that as soon as I’ll jump into the bed again, as there’s no internet other than the mobile one, I’ll be like “mooom i’m so ill” and drift off to the world of sleep once again xdd

Anyway, good reviews today!


February 2nd, 2025

  • 117 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 53 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo

Internet outage day 2: went and saw The Brutalist in the cinema, 3h40m with an intermission, huff xdd

The movie reminded me of another expat I really appreciate: Evan Call, the composer behind 葬送のフリーレン and Violet Evergarden. Sorry, won’t be katakanizing that one xddd

When I was in Japan, I bought both of his soundtracks, and they come out with special features, interviews with him and other staff members, other performers and all, and I’m really happy his story is different than László’s, he’s still taking pictures with an orchestra in Budapest, he’s writing letters to fans in the artbook in English, he has a Reddit AMA - of course it’s easier if you emigrate on your own accord, without the war and all, but seeing somebody who exists in multiple cultures at the same time, and didn’t forsake his identity, is positively charging my brain chemistry.

Of course, reading the interviews with him I stumbled upon a very common trap of mine, reading a sentence and going like “ha, i knew what all of those kanji mean”, and then asking myself “so what did this sentence mean?” and me going like “eeeee…” xddd

Reading and listening comprehension in Japanese are probably two of my biggest obstacles right now, and of course I know the tools how to practice it (read more interviews with Evan Call! Maybe find his interviews online!), but am I going to? C:
Ehhh xddd

Anyway, back to the topic of Evan Call. I just adore both of those scores. Frieren makes me feel this incredible sense of wanderlust and transports my consciousness into the world of possibilities: both begone and upcoming ones. It definitely does make me feel like there’s so much wonder and adventure still waiting for me, but am I going to? C:
Ehhh xddd

While Frieren is more about doing, Violet Evergarden feels about longing, and of course overusing 憧れる is something that’s inherent to me, it doesn’t prompt action, other than retrospection, mindfulness, connecting with your environments. I wish I could do that more often, but am I going to? C:
Ehhh xddd

In part, the way how one talks to themselves is very influential on their psyche, so I should be catching myself thinking those things and going like “don’t be so self-defeatist!”, but sometimes there are those moments when your identity doesn’t catch up with your consciousness, and this is where the disconnects emerge. I’m getting a bit better realizing what my mortal constraints are, but whEN I LISTEN TO EVAN CALL, IT’S AS IF I DONT HAVE ANY, until the track ends xddd

Side note, in part because of parasocial relationship, in part because of parallels between us, he might be my favorite anison composer out there ^^
I just adore his work.

Time flows ever onwards, huh?

Of course, I have fernweh, and I always will, but Evan Call’s music is supposed to remind you that there are so many adventures waiting for you back at home at any time, you just need to properly recognize and appreciate them. And that’s something that as an expat, I’d love to argue with. I’m not good enough at loudly objecting against this idea though xdd

Side note: speaking of feelings and 憧れる, I think I prefer the German dub of Violet Evergarden to the Japanese one. It’s just so defying expectations, being taught and demonstrated that German is such a harsh language, and then listening to the softest, politest German sounds you’ve ever heard on display, longing and craving for specific people and situations. It just breaks your heart and hits different if the voice actors in German really put their heart into pronouncing the words in a way I’ve never heard them pronounced before.


ooh hey, I got featured in Shannon’s study log ^^
how cool is that C:

February 3rd, 2025

  • 134 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 51 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: finished Chapter 2 and 3 of 笑み男, neat C:

Remember my rant a few days ago about never being able to follow through on stuff? Well, internet outage day 3, that’s gotta give it to you xddd

I don’t even check YouTube videos or even other study logs out of the fear it’d eat all my internet packets xdd ;_;
Hopefully tomorrow though, the people in charge are aware that something is wrong.

Emio’s chapter 2 felt really rough because I didn’t remember the names of all of the people and reading them with kanji alone was hard, but they made a really good summary roundup in Chapter 3 and I was iNVESTED xdd
I got something like 60% of the grammar, 80% of the words and 95% of the plot of Chapter 3, tried not to slow down too much to translate things, and yeah, was pretty cool ^^

In terms of 1000 hobbies, I have two bigger trips coming up in February, two trips in March, and one laaarge trip at the end of April and through the first part of May, if I keep on writing this log until then, you might have a few interesting stories here and there ^^

Also, tfw you learned a different grammar on WaniKani but you didn’t have it on Bunpro yet, feels bad xddd

Yesterday’s post about Evan Call really made me feel warm on the inside, I kinda wish I could write another thing about other Japanese people or things that inspired me, but that’s probably not a conversation for today, so see you in the future ^^
I want to give them proper respect, you know! And decide which people are important to me first ^^


February 4th, 2025

  • 148 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 45 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: read like 5-10 articles on NHK Easy news because I saw a thread on WaniKani where people kept talking about it and I was like “what’s all this about” and as it turns out, it’s not that difficult to read and it teaches you a bit about Japanese culture, but I need a while more incentive to properly sink into it xdd

Internet outage day 4. I’m losing my mind xddd

I won’t be back at home for the whole February, so maybe it’ll balance out, but I used 1/10-1/12th of my internet packet each day of the outage, so it’s getting a little scary knowing that’s the case xd

But today I was trying to do things in the town and also managed to clean at home, so there’s silver linings as well ^^

I went to get my nails done and I couldn’t think of a pattern, but I started thinking of Japanese influences to me, and I was able to find something! Well, it’s just an excuse to preface today’s spam, so here comes xdd

Seems familiar yet?

I think the colors came together pretty nicely ^^

Naoko Yamada and Reiko Yoshida. One thing that makes me go like, meh, most of the time when I watch anime, is that it presents a pretty narrow, a pretty limited set of perspectives. You’ll get your Satoshi Kons and Junji Itos here and there and I really appreciate them, but it makes all the difference to just, uhhh, see yourself be rEPRESENTED ON THE SCREEN.

Koe no Katachi was one thing. I remember thinking a while back that I liked it more than Kimi no Na wa, because while the latter focused on the world existing and people interacting in it, the characters felt subdued and washed out. It’s not that big of a criticism of Kimi no Na wa, I feel it pretty often in anime, that a character can only be this developed, because there’s a hard cap on ways on how specific groups of people can express their opinions. As a person who believes in the power of individuality, often I’m just left to go like “yeah, whatever, it’s anime, I guess Japanese people just think that way”.

And then Koe no Katachi comes into the picture.
Hot take. Naoka Ueno is the best character in the movie.

It’s very easy for anime to just show a list of traits a character has and ask for you to clap, and I often do it, I like for my characters to be nice and easy.

Naoka is how I would’ve personally interacted with the universe of Koe no Katachi. The way how she’s been written is just, brilliant. It’s complex, but not necessarily in a morally ambiguous way: she tries to be someone that agrees with her own values, and seeing a change in available evidence, her values lead her to reconsider her stance on things. You can see her feelings, her fighting with the new understanding of the world, but then realizing that it cannot continue, having a new set of evidence.

It’s such a great characterization, because I hate the label of “morally ambiguous” people, and having such a relief from them is something that made that movie stay with me and think about Ueno long after finishing it. I’m the same: a person who lives by her values, but the values might lead me to do wrong things to people. I hope I’m not harming people, but that’s still a possibility ^^

But Koe no Katachi is still not my favorite work of Naoko Yamada. That honor falls to Rizu to Aoi Tori, Liz and the Blue Bird

yep, that’s the color palette ^^

Absolutely nothing happens in the movie at all.
It’s in my current top 4 movies of all time on Letterboxd.

It’s an hour and a half’s dive into my soul, though, of course, I’m projecting things. That movie left a gigantic impression on me, by using synesthesia to tell a story of people that would like to do more with their lives, without sugar coating it, by just showing the raw suffering of people that suffer because of trying to be together, but unable to do so.
This is why representation really matters and I will stand by the fact that I adore this movie.
Although most of my relationships with people I care about lean very heavily anxious attachment style (Mizore), from the first minutes of this movie it was obvious to me that Nozomi with her avoidant attachment style is how I would’ve acted in that specific relationship.

It’s so sad, but so relatable, to witness a relationship that you know has no chance of taking off, and you still holding onto that thought for 90 minutes, that maybe it’ll work out, that maybe they’ll find a way how to relate to one another… But you know it’s doomed, right?

And a part of the reason why it’s doomed is because you’re trying to uphold and obey a specific image, specific rules, you believe in those values, but you see how they get in the way of being able to connect with another person. It’s not your fault, but it’s your conscious choice that you keep making.

There’s so much kindness and compassion and attempts being made not to hurt the other party, the desperate yearning and longing, from both sides, but both sides knowing that it isn’t the best solution for them. Everything shown through sounds, colors, blobs of paints, metaphors, it’s so obvious what the movie is trying to say, and yet…

I remember having finished the movie for the first time and my having my face buried in my hands with flushed cheeks going like “I feel seen. Naoko Yamada and Reiko Yoshida saw me, and made a movie about myself.” It’s a movie that’s just, catharsis in a film format.

I can’t wait for Kimi no Iro to come out in Germany in April, because judging by my previous experiences of Naoko Yamada’s movies, I know I will love it, and I know it’ll speak to me personally. But until then, I hope I sparked your interest in Liz and the Blue Bird at least!

This movie. Wow.

Give it a shot, and hopefully, thank me for it later ^^

See you tomorrow!


February 5th, 2025

  • 126 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 58 (!!!) reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo
  • Misc: one episode of 薬屋のひとりごと

The internet is back! So happy that this is the case ^^
I’m also on track to get to Level 26 on WaniKani tomorrow, so we’re good!

In the quest to combat brainrot, I decided to start working together with people at work on something that’s completely unrelated to my field of work, and it’s been getting me invested in waking up earlier, going to work early, and I come back home with a genuine sense of contentment on my face, if anything, a little exhausted though xdd
I’ll be making a public presentation tomorrow, we’ll be testing the equipment and all of the connectors pretty much the whole morning, so fingers crossed for us!

My eyes doing Bunpro today were just closing down by themselves and the number of reviews just didn’t want to go down. Fortunately, a lot of reviews today were just old items, so I didn’t need to play the mental gymnastics of “was it ついに??? ともに??? くせに???”, that made the reviews a bit easier xd

Also, love this reading explanation for “to sue”, 訴える xddd

And finished The Bright Sessions season 3 and the amount of budget that went into making this a proper audio drama is shocking, I’m telling you!!!

Anyway, see you on Level 26 tomorrow!


This is SOOooo COOL!! すごい!!

1 Like


I told you i’d be here didn’t I? C:

February 6th, 2025

  • 130 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 48 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo

I have a very important message to you today. Our sponsor, Bunpro (unpaid!), will forward over the special messaging ^^

I had another funny sentence today, which like, yeah, that’s definitely 200% up to date, it d-definitely hasn’t accelerated since that sentence was written xddd

But yeah, did the lessons for new radicals already, if it’s 5 days per A1 → G1, then I’ll probably stay at this level for something like 10 days (radicals, then kanjis), and hey, this timestamp suggests I did the calc right ^^

It’s still probably a little faster than I’m comfortable with, as seen with the new kanji, but the vocab might make it easier for me to remember them ^^

So, life update, I got the H-O-T-T-O-G-O earworm stuck in my head and i learned how to dance it and i’m ready for the next demo/march/parade/whatever the excuse will be to jump and do gestures together with other people xdd

Tomorrow, escape room and a book swap friend birthday, we’ve sadly didn’t communicate the timelines of the escape room that well and I wanted to hang out before the escape room, and my enabler friend was hoping for after the escape room, so we’ll probably have a very narrow time of us walking for her to drop me off at book swap in order to nerd around at 300% speed, i’ll try to annoy her humming H-O-T-T-O-G-O in the meantime too xdd

As for the public presentation: Betriebsversammlung, went pretty well! We also had a Q&A session and I felt pretty well equipped to answer the questions, even not just the ones that were asked of me, but asked of the other committees in the Works Council at work too ^^

Took a car ride with two other Betriebsrat members to the hotel where we presented and all the way back and I have a feeling that we’re slowly bonding over doing things together? I know before we get really close, the next Betriebsrat election will take place and new people will most likely take the post, but today I felt pretty included and as if we were doing something as a community, not just as individual people, so would recommend being a part of a Works Council!

I hope that tomorrow ends up being a really cool day as well ^^


Hahaha this is the story of my entire life :sob:
Honestly it’s so much harder to try to figure out everything around the kanji than it is to just look up vocabulary words. I get so impatient and I’m like “yeah sure that sentence was like bird roof sky flying great” and I need to learn to slow down and take in the grammar, what particles are being used, the nuance, etc.


February 7th, 2025

  • 121 reviews on WaniKani
  • 15 lessons on WaniKani
  • 46 reviews on Bunpro
  • 3 lessons on Bunpro
  • 1 lesson on Duolingo

Ah, a slower day for once xdd

I only had an 83% accuracy on Bunpro today, so I needed something like today to catch my breath and slow down a little

ironically, a few days ago I was complaining at the の点から考えると but i remember that one perfectly, while 又 or 或いは very conveniently always escape my mind when I need them the most xddd

In terms of new grammar points though, today I had the most important grammar for pretending you’re fluent at the language, the 「あのさ」の「さ」 xdd
Just apply it to everything and you’re flying :sunglasses:

By today, I’ve been doing Duolingo for 182 days, half a year in the current streak, but today I stumbled upon my first AI generated autotuned text which asked me to select what happened after the monologue and I was like “ugh, excuse me?” xddd

Luckily, had no trouble picking the correct answer, but Duolingo having fired translators to make way for AI is slowly catching up with Japanese language and I’m not a huge fan of the robotic automated speech, and not a huge fan of AI language learning apps in the first place ;_;

But yeah, moving onwards, need to focus on native-level material a bit more.

On the note of life though, my enabler friend of course enabled me and we walked for like an hour to my book swap oversharing at 150% speed, sweet xddd

We escaped the escape room, I caught up with the book swap friends and fun day in general, my watch tells me I’ve burnt 3150 calories today and I’ll burn another few hundred tomorrow morning because me and a few people from Book Swap are making dumplings together at 11, bringing frozen fruits as a filling, should be fun ^^