Finally got a proper moment to sit and write my thoughts on the series.
Overall thoughts on 9-nine-, full spoilers
I share most of the sentiment that has been expressed before, really. Personally I expected more of this episode as a whole, considering its rating on VNDB, and honestly I don’t think it makes it justice. Perhaps it’s a matter of subjectivity in how everyone sees ratings overall, but for me an average of 9 on a 1-10 scale is a work that is or almost is a masterpiece, a work that despite everyone’s preferences has achieved very high consistency with no major flaws or flaws that divided the fanbase significantly in a negative way. Now obviously a masterpiece would be a 10 but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a work with many votes that averaged a 10, as that would be super unnatural and biased. Judging art is extremely subjective after all.
Yukiiro is an 8.6 which is quite close to a 9, but I wouldn’t give it that high rating at all, personally. Matter of preference I guess? I think Episode 3 was overall better, or Episode 2. The romance in ep 4 was extremely rushed, went from 0 to 10 in the span of 30k characters, it failed to give a decent closure to whatever was up with Yoichi, and Takamine also ended up as a character that you don’t really understand either? I don’t know. The game followed its trend of being in the brink of despair and suddenly bringing up a very convenient way of solving whatever was troubling them in a matter of seconds with some overpowered solution. It’s not that the plot was bad or anything, it’s just that it felt very convenient in a way that doesn’t really make you feel very strongly for the characters because you already knew there was going to be some holy grail fallen from the sky with little effort.
Those are some of the reasons I don’t feel this game deserves that much rating. However, with that being said, I did enjoy it quite a bit for other reasons. Like we mentioned in some other occasions it’s evident that the strong points of the VN are the slice of life and overall silly banter that is going on all the time behind the plot. The voice acting was very nice -especially in characters like Sora-, the art was a bit lacking but otherwise super pretty in some of the CGs, the music was overall decent, and most of the romance (save episode 4 for me) felt okay too and fun to see develop. Miyako was unfortunately relegated to a very secondary position for most of the VN after episode 1, Haruka and Noa had a much more significant development than her. Takamine was a character that didn’t make much sense with always supporting Yoichi no matter what, but when he wasn’t excessively chuuni or picking questionable plot choices I honestly enjoyed his slice of life moments a lot, he ended up being one of the characters that made me laugh the most with his silly laughter and dialogue. Sora was great, Haruka I know felt a bit annoying for some of you but I personally enjoyed her character a lot as well. Some few moments throughout the VN actually felt emotional, despite the previous criticism, but not many. Most of the fighting scenes felt flat, but some I actually did enjoy, like the last one.
Overall the VN to me felt like something that was enjoyable to read, and enjoyed reading with you all a lot which added to the experience, but it was not something that closed in a fully coherent way. If it weren’t for the quality of the slice of life, I probably would’ve gotten bored of it as well, but those moments carried it super hard. I would probably give it a 7, personally. Fun, cute, entertaining for the most part but nothing amazing. I also think Zero Escape 999 was better, and it has lower rating on VNDB. Better than Loopers though. That means I would probably give Loopers a 6 at most, whoops.
In all honesty, like @2OC3aOdKgwSGlxfz mentioned, I think the ratings for divided works on VNDB are automatically biased because people who got bored of the VN probably quit reading it much before reaching that point, which only leaves people who already like the VN a lot voting highly. There’s a difference of a thousand votes between ep1 and ep4, and from the 2k of ep4 even 500 of those reviewers voted a 10… And 700 voted a 9. They do seem inflated, but that’s my impression. I’ll take ratings on VNDB that aren’t single works with a pinch of salt from now on haha.
With all of the above said, it’s important to also consider that part of my impressions of this VN can potentially come from misunderstanding or not fully grasping certain things. I don’t think the VN felt super hard to understand save for a couple points here and there, but I’m still a learner of Japanese after all and I still have a long way to go until mastery of the language, whatever that means, so it’s possible that my understanding of certain things is flawed just for lack of language proficiency. I’m confident that regardless of that I got the majority of it and seeing everyone mention similar things gives me some validation, but there’s that. Will I re-read it in the future? Ehhhh. Maybe if I want to go back to the banter between characters here and there, it’s the only thing I will genuinely miss.
Those are my impressions of the VN as a whole. If the New Episode saves part of it then that’s another story, I will judge that one apart and not with the four episodes, which are supposed to be the actual VN. As Azusa said, ep4 ending in a cliffhanger is pretty ehhh.
That was a long 9 months ish though, wowee (9-months-, amirite
). How did everyone feel about the pace? Personally I feel 9 months is way too long to read something, it’s pretty challenging for me to keep being interested reading the same thing for the majority of a year, simply because I start wanting to read other things already if something takes too long (which I have, but still). That was fun, and easy to organise, but going forward I don’t think I’ll join for something for this long again, much as I have enjoyed reading this with you all don’t get me wrong
. It just feels like way too much continued commitment for a single work; similarly to how I feel about the read every day threads over time, at some point I start to drift away from posting. Also I’ve felt that the more my skill develops, the more I feel (fortunately or unfortunately in a sense) that faster paces start to become much more interesting and productive for me. I look forward to reading more stuff together with the club, though at the same time it would be awesome if the club kept developing over time, like the 9-nine- club did. Good job everyone for finishing this