Week 4
Did I understand correctly that the year is 2018? It sounds so far back!
ぼちぼち - leisurely, steadily, bit by bit
挑戦したいこと - 挑戦 means to challenge, so she is talking about wanting to challenge herself with something.
微妙な感じ - odd, peculiar feeling
一時的に - temporary
Utako is reunited with Alex, a colleague from her ESL class. She was happy, as she wants to start learning Spanish soon. A positive point of her ESL class is that she makes many friends (or at least acquaintances) from different cultures/countries.
文化は違い部分 - cultural differences (between the US and Japan)
意見 - opinion, view
知り合い - acquaintances (the people she meet at her ESL course are more acquaintances then friends, she says)
連絡 - contact
She also mentions that it is very difficult to make Japanese friends in the US in same situation as her and husband.
同僚 - colleague, co-worker
緊張します - to be tense, nervous
気長に - patiently
This week’s favourite:
無印良品. Now that I looked it up (and it’s been a day since I listened), I’m unsure if she refers in particular to the brand Muji, or to the type of products it sells (if you are not familiar with them, I recommend just googling to understand their concept better).
The vocabulary in this part felt quite advanced/detailed, and I wasn’t familiar with quite a few terms - I hope I got at least a few of them noted down correctly.
製品 - product, manufactured good
無印 - unlabeled, unbranded (goods)
若干 - somewhat, to a certain extent
She mentions these products tend to be expensive in the US, and have a worse quality.
恋しくポイント - a point she misses/yearns for
手帳 - notebook
プリクラ - purikura! (unfamiliar? I also recommend looking it up!)
手で描くて - she is drawing or writing in the notebook
月刊カレンダー - I just had 月刊 in Wanikani, and it’s also a word that always reminds me of the manga 月刊少女野崎くん.
書き込む - to fill in
想像 - to imagine
日付の関係ないこと - something unrelated to the current day
日記 - diary
振り返る - to look back on, reflect on
はやってます - from 流行る, to be popular/trendy
手作り- handmade
She talks about bullet journals, too.
The theme of this week is about rhythm when talking. Her anecdote was about the fact that, in her class, there are only Mexicans, her and one other guy, from Iraq (or Sudan? She corrects herself later on). And she thinks her English is better than his, as he makes several mistakes. However, she hears from colleagues that they actually have a hard time following her speech, due to the pauses she takes (Japanese 相槌) and that the other colleague has a faster rhythm, so is easier to follow. She was shocked to hear it!
はっきり発音 - clear pronunciation
りかいしてくる - to understand someone
わかりにくい - difficult to understand
さらに - furthermore
苦い経験 - bitter experience
発言 - statement
少し増しだろう 増し - slightly better
あっさり- easily, quickly
落ち込む - to feel down
あるある corner
I giggled a bit at this one. The main theme is older people falling in love, mainly women - older American women are seen as beautiful and sexy, which is different than in JP. There, older women tend to be seen as mothers and partners, but not as objects of “sexyness” or of romantic affection. For example, it isn’t common for an older JP man to say: isn’t my wife beautiful? - they are less expressive, especially in public, regarding their love. Plus, there’s a lot of divorce and remarriage in the US. In JP, especially when kids are involved, people tend to either not remarry or wait for the children to be adults/moved out before doing so, while in the US mixed families are more common.
Overall, I found it quite fascinating, but ended up not noting too much vocabulary (I guess I was too engrossed on the content). The only word that stood out was 魅力.