Hello everyone. はじめまして。I am just starting to use WK. 2 Weeks into it so far good but today I encountered my first doubt. I had memorized Kanji 上 as meaning above, and the reading that I used was じょう…so far so good. But today in the vocabulary I was presented with 上 again and the reading is うえ. I need to memorize two different readings for the same Kanji? Maybe I am missing some early way to handle these situations?
Yes, you need to learn typically 2, sometimes up to around 7 different readings per kanji (like 生). It will be more natural to you as you go forward. You will get used to it.
I recommend reading this article:
Thanks a lot!!. That article was very illuminating and answered my question perfectly. Onyomi vs Kunyomi…lets do this!!!