Chapter 27: I thought it was so cute how both Miku and Masa were planning a surprise party, even if they were struggling to do everything. I was not expecting Tatsu to walk in when everything was still a mess! Poor Tatsu, having to clean and prep everything for his own party… he still seemed to have a good time though
I didn’t catch it at first for some reason, but I’m looking back now and noticing Masa took 5 minutes to cut 1 strawberry and then going ふー like it was so much work And meanwhile Miku’s super chaotic when cutting fruit. I think that’s my favorite part of the whole chapter
That last omake with Torii and the cat was so funny. Tatsu’s face when she poked her head around the corner
Thank you so much for all your hard work being the club moderator!! I’d be happy to take over as moderator if everyone else is ok with that
I’ll need to be able to edit the main club page (the one that has all the volumes we’ve read listed) so I can update the volume we’re on. Is there a way to give me access to it? Thanks That’s all I can think of atm
Can you transfer all of the following threads to @meagstudies , pretty please with fugu on top?
(Just in case you need anything from the other volumes’ pages…I inherited Volume 1 from someone else, anyway.)