🐬 raindrops’ study log & 日本語日蚘🐬

ooooo hahahah yes that’s defo another route to take! I think right now I’m still so caught up in wanting the story to be understood on a language level that for all the 3 stories I’ve written, I gravitate to easy-to-understand plots with grand obvious gestures and resolved endings. I’m excited as I write more to start writing stories that I myself would enjoy reading haha ~ maybe I’ll force myself to do something darker next time hehe

Since we’re in January, anything I do this month makes me feel like “WELL WHY DON’T I MAKE THIS A 2024 GOAL ??!” hahaha so maybe I’ll try and write a story every month and this can be January’s :>

thanks so much for reading it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: !!


I got quite a bit of kanji overwhelm, so I had to use liberal translation help :melting_face:
 but if that still counts, wow, that is so impressive! Nice story!

This could have much less to do with your Japanese sounding unnatural and more to do with his inexperience. I’ve had this with getting comments in my native language. Some people are better at editing and helping with necessary improvements, while others can’t help but rework it into their own style without realising that’s not the most helpful from your perspective. It’s nice I guess to see his alternative version - you could always just keep the version corrected by your first colleague in the future and use the second one as an alt.


Same here! :sweat_smile: Brain kinda just malfunctioned and I felt a bit embarrassed to comment that I read it when I actually just read the translation of it.

In any case, the story was so adorable as well as the illustration that went with it with the cute sweaters! Amazing job with the writing and for getting it edited twice!

But I do agree with @mitrac 's comment above in that editors aren’t supposed to edit your work to the point where your voice gets lost. Hope you can find a better editor next time!

I’m looking forward to next month’s story. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully, by then I won’t get too intimidated by the wall of Japanese text.


waaaa thank you for all the nice comments :sob: :hearts: that’s so kind :pleading_face:

Ye I think next time I’ll return to the 2 coworkers I usually turn to for edits :>

@Akashelia @mitrac @alygator To be honest, there were so many new words I discovered in both the writing stage (合唱団 for choir etc.) and editing stage (both kanji words like 錓動 for heartbeat and kana words like ずきめく, flutter; タクト, baton etc.) that I considered putting the English in brackets for all the words I myself wouldn’t have known if I weren’t the writer. But then I thought, most people have yomichan or some equivalent and maybe I shouldn’t disrupt the flow of the sentence/the flow of people’s Japanese-mode if I incorporate English. What do y’all think? I could always put it as a spoiler and give people the option? <3


Yep that’s how I read it :X I prefer without the translations to not break the flow. Maybe another option is to include a vocab list after the text like they do in Genki / Quartet!


oooo that’s a good idea! It’ll be easy to add one to this story too since I tracked all the changes that were made! I’ll add one to the above and try doing that for the next one :slight_smile:

edit : added 10 vocab words to the above story ! what a good idea haha I really should’ve done that before ~ thanks and sorry everyone who slogged through the difficult kanji/vocab blindly haha !


OMG that is so nice of you to put in the vocab list! That is super helpful, it was the more specialised words like those that were tough.


Last week I did wanikani and my Japanese diary entries every day !!! Just doing those two things definitely feels like a good baseline in that, it doesn’t feel like I’m doing tonnes of study, but both wanikani and writing the diary feel like solid maintenance for my Japanese. So I really hope I can keep this up! I’m also in the process of writing February’s short story and I’m excited about it :slight_smile: So, all fun things!

In terms of what I can do more 
 ideally I’ll also do the intentional reading/listening every day as maintenance too. Last week I managed 5/7 days so let’s see how this week goes. Also, I was thinking it might be good practice to write out my diary entries in a journal after I’ve written them to practice handwriting Japanese and maybe help with muscle memory/kanji retention. Maybe if I find a cute 2024 diary I’ll do that definitely NOT an excuse just to go stationary shopping

Given I’d like to try the JLPT N3 this July, at some point I’m going to have to step it up beyond even these things e.g. incorporating more grammar study, timed reading, and listening practice tests etc. In some ways I feel like if I did the N3 now, I might pass. But in other ways, I feel like a lot of my foundations are weak (kana vocab, listening). So I should use that hesitant confidence to motivate me to try and get a really solid grade. Maybe around March when the academic year at my work is over, I’ll begin this kind of JLPT prep. But for now, let’s just do my maintenance :>

Goals for this week:

  • wanikani every day
  • Japanese diary every day
  • reading OR listening every day
  • Quartet study group listening tasks
  • Finish Feb’s short story
月 火 æ°Ž 朚 金 土 日 :white_check_mark:
Language Goals
Wanikani :crocodile: :white_check_mark:
Reading/Listening :books: :headphones:
Writing :pencil2: :white_check_mark:

日本語日蚘 :writing_hand:

月 ~ Retail Therapy :notebook:

䞊述通り, 今日日本語日蚘のために可愛いノヌトを探すのが決めお、実は今倜もう買った。すっぐだったね。今日はちょっず倧倉な仕事日だったから。それで家に垰った埌で 慰める(なぐさめる) よう短い2キロ走ったり買い物したりした。

Look ups:

  • 慰める, なぐさめる, to comfort; to console
  • I forgot about the たり grammar point

火 ~ Don Quijote robbed me lol :penguin:


Words I looked up:

  • 広告 こうこく advertise
  • 返金 ぞんきん refund

æ°Ž ~ I’m a baby to caffeine :heartbeat:



Look ups:

  • Wasn’t sure which word is more commonly used for “last night”, 前倜(ぜんや) or 昚倜(ゆうべ), so today I went with the latter and looked it up
  • Forgot the reading for “amount” 量(りょう)
  • From now on, ここから

朚 ~ What obstacles might you face in the next week?

Inspired by something @yukitanuki shared, I decided to use this daily journal prompt generator for today’s topic!


Look ups:

  • I couldn’t think of how to write “possible” for “one possible problem” and DeepL gave me 考えられる which totally makes sense (more like conceivable)

金 ~ Student Race!

今日私が働いおいる孊校のマラ゜ン゚ベントだった。タむトルはちょっず嘘ださ。本圓のマラ゜ンじゃなくおこの競争の方が短い。男子は9キロ走らなきゃけど女子は6キロだけだ。䞀番速い男子生埒の時間は30分ぐらいかかった。圌らがすごく速くお偉いぜフルマラ゜ンを走った去幎ず比べお最近私はゞョギングのが奜きじゃなくお段々興味がなくおなる。でも匷いランナヌズを芋たら感動する. それで今幎の倏オリンピックを芋るのが楜しみで、今日も生埒に応揎しお楜しかった

Look ups:

  • 競争 because I got the katakana for race wrong !

土 Relaxed Saturday


日 Watching Poor Things!

今日は今月のショヌトストヌリヌをもっず曞いおみたいから、普通より今日の日蚘は短い。今朝“Poor Things”ずいう映画を芋に映画通に行った。すごく独自でよかったストリヌで、映画音楜は面癜くお、映画のビゞュアルは本圓にきれいだったEmma Stoneずか Willem Defoeずか、俳優の皆は玠晎らしかった泣いたこずは䞉回だった


I don’t know if you’re even going to need that with your level! Maybe pick a day where you have time for a real mock test and try it out, it might feel super easy and maybe you should aim for N2 :grin: or pass N3 without JLPT-specific practice, it’s not unheard of!


that’s really sweet of you to say!! I did some N2 practice questions and I remember them feeling too hard ~ I guess it just depends on whether I want to push myself or not and at this point I guiltily don’t feel motivated enough to strive for N2.┗( T﹏T )┛


Happy 立春(りっしゅん) everyone (the first day of Spring in the Japanese calendar!) Banner dolphin gets pretty roses for the month of Valentine’s Day hehe!

2 week streaks for both wanikani and (more exciting imo) my Japanese diary!! Also, I went to a cafe with a friend midweek and we practiced Japanese conversation for 1.5 hours too so I feel like I got good practice there! I’m writing up the weekly post tonight on Sunday not tomorrow because this week is gonna be hella busy at my work booo! But I’ll try and keep up my streaks, as well as trying to meet the goals I didn’t reach last week (Quartet work, finishing the Feb short story, and doing reading/listening practice).

月 火 æ°Ž 朚 金 土 日 :white_check_mark:
Language Goals
Wanikani :crocodile: :white_check_mark:
Writing :pencil2: :white_check_mark:
Reading/Listening :books: :headphones: :x:

月 soooooooo sleepy


火 I dropped my phone :< !


Look Ups:

  • Was deciding what phrase to use for “for a long time” and tho I didn’t use it in the end, found 長々(ながなが) (more of the nuance of “tedious” I think)
  • Also forgot the verb “to turn on” so originally wrote オンにできなかった lool I still think it’s a good ethos to try and use the target language no matter how simply than to give up (now changed it to 点ける)
  • LOVE this verb, sometimes kanji is so satisfying - to rethink, change one’s mind - 思(おも)い盎(なお)す

æ°Ž Teaching at a different school


朚 Let’s begin daily listening!


Look ups

  • The word for cheating on a test is カンニングする which I find VERY cute !

金 Conversation and listening practice!


土 I’m a total idiot lool (and now an iphone user)

Noon update: I have around 300 reviews ! So I’m gonna try and get them down to 0 today. Ideally I’ll also watch the Tokini Andy video for this week’s Quartet grammar (I think I’m already behind again oops)


Look ups:

  • For the life of me one of those simple kana words I never learnt nor could remember was 携垯(けいたい) (mobile). I would always say スマホ (smartphone) or 電話(でんわ) (telephone). So hopefully now - after looking it up for this diary entry - I can remember it!!

日 Lazy Day



yay! Happy late 立春 :slight_smile: Love :rose: the banner!

going to the cafe with your friend for Japanese conversation practice sounds soooo nice!


3 week streak of my Japanese diary (and daily wanikani!) (o゜▜゜)o☆ I’m gonna keep mentioning it until it loses its thrill cuz I’m baffled haha I’m not always the best at keeping streaks so I’m really proud to have written something every day for so long - let’s hope with this week I can reach the 1 month mark!! I also levelled up on wanikani last week which is cool.

I also had the realization on Wednesday of the necessity to step up my listening game, and since then I’ve been consistent (Thank you Daidara !!! I’ve been watching his Mario playthroughs at 0.75 speed bc he is a helllaaaa 早口 but also really funny). So I’ll continue doing that this week.

This week, besides WK daily reviews/lessons, 日本語日蚘, and daily listening I’m going to:

  • catch up on the Quartet study group
    → Tokini Andy videos 1 & 2
    → Taking grammar notes
    → Reading sections
    → Writing task
  • have my weekly conversation practice with my friend
    @mitrac yes these cafe sessions are so lovely :> they’re becoming a highlight of my week! For the last 3 weeks it’s been just 2 of us but this week we’re inviting some others so I wonder what it will be like :o thanks for the banner love hehe
  • finish the February comic
    → finish writing
    → finish drawing
    → have the sentences checked

I’m busy at work again this week so we’ll see what I’m able to achieve. Next week I’m waaaay less busy so if I don’t finish everything, there’s always next week!

月 火 æ°Ž 朚 金 土 日 :white_check_mark:
Language Goals
Wanikani :crocodile:
Writing :pencil2:
Listening :headphones:


月 Finishing the first draft of this month’s story! :pencil2:





æ°Ž Just one positive thing x


朚 Coworker chats <3


金 Language Exchange with 3 people!


土 - Saxophone show


Look ups:

  • 挔奏 ensou, to play (an instrument)

日 Writing letters


Look ups:

  • EMBARRASSINGLY I had to look up 郵䟿局 which was (along with 銀行) one of the first words I learnt so I never forget it lool. I blame having just spent ages writing a letter in English and having English brain.

Glad to see the progress you’re making in your studies and writing practice! :grinning:

:eyes: I’m going to check these out, been looking for some more youtube content


thank yooou ミ(⌒ヌ⌒)ノ
it’s hard to remind myself that “progress” can just be maintenance and showing up every day! I always feel like it needs to be these huge grand obvious signs of upward improvement but hopefully this way achieves gradual improvement too x




Ooooohhh 1500 word story! おめでずうございたす :tada: :clinking_glasses: Hope you can find a good editor for it.

I will mentally prepare myself so I can actually try and read it fully this time. Obviously with look ups!


Long time since my last visit here.

As far as I can see, your writings and vocab have improved a lot, so
 Maybe you can publish them as a graded reader resource in the future :wink:

In the meantime, I’ll gladly take some time to read them fully :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

Congrats and keep the good work :partying_face:


Thanks everyone for your kind messages @jintor @alygator @LuisTM !! :sunflower:
it’s really motivating to read and feel supported (ÂŽâ–œ`ʃ♡ƪ) thank u !

THE TO-DO LIST OF LAST WEEK KINDA FLOPPED lol so my to-dos for this week are pretty much every task I didn’t do last week :stuck_out_tongue: But I did continue the daily diary and wanikani streaks which means I’ve been doing both FOR A MONTH whoooop defo something to be proud of!

Like I mentioned in Friday’s diary entry, doing language exchange with 3 of us (as opposed to 1:1) was surprisingly difficult. So my friend and I are going to return to just the 2 of us for our weekly speaking/listening practice now :>

For the first time in A LONG TIME, even if I don’t feel like I’m pushing myself to my best in terms of workload, I actually feel like I’m practicing all four of the language skills in Japanese which is a cool feeling.

月 火 æ°Ž 朚 金 土 日 :white_check_mark:
Language Goals
Wanikani :crocodile:
Writing :pencil2:
Listening :headphones:

月 Chatting to a student


火 No work oops


æ°Ž Giving my brain a break!


Look ups:

  • result/effect 結果
  • it also took me a hot minute to remember battery (電池), but I did!
  • I’m noticing more and more how many low level wanikani words I’ve forgotten! It’s like my brain is a fruit bowl that can only hold so many apples and tho I’m remembering the last 20 WK levels that I’m working through, other words/fruit fall out to make space.

Also: 0:0 yay!

朚 Nearly forgot to write todays diary :o


金 morning entry bc today is my friends bday!


土 stayed out all night haha


Cool thing: I actually used my phones voice to text function to write this out !! Very reassuring that my phone understands my Japanese yay



Look ups:

  • soaking wet びしょびしょ

:eyes: you’re moving out of Japan?