🐬 raindrops’ study log & 日本語日記🐬

Thanks to your study log, I get to practice reading more! :grin:

I’m sorry you didn’t have that great of any experience watching your first subtitle-less movie. I’m curious about what you watched. Was it a live action film? Or an animated film? Was it a family movie or a movie for a more mature audience?

My first movie in the cinema without subtitles was すずめの戸締まり. I had a difficult time fully understanding the movie as well and had a lot of questions going out of the theater, but I still had fun enjoying the animation and general plot.


Speaking only for myself but I would love to see whatever you want to write! On the contrary, I would find it encouraging, to see someone bend the rules. The goal is to practice getting better at Japanese so I definitely thinks this helps getting towards the goal! And the goal of the study group would be that we get motivated by seeing others being active, so that would help too :grin:


this was my take-away too!! I watched the SPY x FAMILY movie and my friends and I were laughing all the way throughout :3 it was great fun! My Japanese diary entry does sound a little negative reading back haha but I think that’s just because I was hoping as the little studynerd that I am to have understood more of the vocabulary/dialogue and relied less on the visuals for following the plot! The live-action film for Golden Kamuy comes out tomorrow in Japan :o and I’d LOVE to see that but god knows that’d be leeeeeeeagues above SPY x FAMILY in terms of difficulty!

@Akashelia waaaa thank u that’s very encouraging ♪(´▽`) !! It was also after watching the TokiniAndy videos for this chapter (did u watch?) He wrote a supernatural short story using the grammar points and it was so cooooool that I think I was subconsciously jealous while writing just a recipe :stuck_out_tongue:


Aaah no I haven’t watched the videos since like Chapter 3, I’m struggling already so much to stay on schedule and they are so long :smiling_face_with_tear: but now you definitely make me want to watch them! I’ll give it a try!


you do so much other study so don’t be hard on yourself about keeping up! you’re doing great!! But I do empathise haha I like the pace of the study group and wouldn’t want it changed but I do find myself having to catch up more often than I’d thought I would haha

The first supernatural story he wrote that I liked was actually in the chapter 3 video!

What I liked about chapter 5’s video - besides another cool supernatural story :> - was that he first asks Yuki to read it without the text on the screen forcing you to practice listening and try and understand! That was a good challenge for me!


Thanks :heart:

Exactly haha

Oh wow, now sure if I listened to this one only with one ear of completely skipped it then :sweat_smile: that’s probably because I don’t like to sit in front of a video and do nothing else, so I usually start doing something else and then sometimes lose focus on the video… but now I’ve started playing どうぶつの森 on the Switch so I can play the video while running around catching bugs / fishing and not get impatient :innocent: will have to start from Chapter 3 then haha


ooooooh I was contemplating buying that on switch to play in Japanese actually :> do you recommend? I tried playing ペーパーマリオ but it wasn’t enjoyable as a learning tool imo(>人<;)I’m also intrigued by Ace Attorney bc I’ve never played it before hehe


Yes I can recommend!
It has furigana so that’s a big plus I guess (though it also doesn’t use kanji all the time, damn it why do I spend time on WK learning things like 粘土 level 47 when they actually use ねんど in the game :triumph:).

I don’t know if you’re familiar at all with the game, but you just go around on your Island that you can develop (or not). If you want to develop there will be some missions, like go put this tent somewhere, or pick up 5 rocks for me, so you actually have to try and understand if you want to make progress. And there’s no pressure if you don’t understand on the first try, you can just go and talk to them again. Which in my opinion is a good game for first exposure, I think I would miss on too much if I was playing more interesting games like Zelda or AA.

Also you get a lot of random household items, so you can try and guess what it is, and then use it and see if you were right :smiley:

Have you guessed what a ビデ is??

Not gonna lie, I don’t think I will remember the butterfly names or the fish names any time soon, but I find the dialog parts pretty useful! :smiley:


Oh hey! Glad you had fun! SPY x FAMILY has such wholesome humor. That’s a good first one for sure! すずめ was a bit more serious (cried two times) and there was some backlash regarding the lack of trigger warning for people who’ve been through similar disasters firsthand. But the animation was beautiful!

I know you weren’t asking me, but I definitely recommend getting Switch! I was playing Ni no kuni for a while but I thought my vocab knowledge was too little so I’ve paused. I think i’ll try to do Stardew Valley soon.

I think I might try playing Animal Crossing too! Thanks for this idea! I played it in English but got pretty bored with it cause of its repetitiveness, but I guess for language learning, it’s actually useful. Especially at my level.

Also today I learned about a different kind of bidet and how it’s used. I only knew of the hand held kind and the automatic bidets in Japan… My mind is blown right now…


Me thinking I’m funny: hahah that word sounds like bidet

Me clicking the spoiler:


I found super mario odyssey very easy to play in Japanese, plus the story doesn’t really matter so no sweat if you miss a bit


Hehe yeah I could have picked a more Japanese example but that was funny!


Ah this one is on my list too! But for a later stage of fluency

Yep same, basically I already had it and you can just change the language of the console and play in Japanese :slight_smile: (you can’t with other games, like Pokemon Go Pikachu :cry:)


yeeeeees I love when they give you this option (Paper Mario does too!)

@alygator I actually started playing Ni no kuni in Japanese and English (like you said, was too difficult so I changed the language haha) but it was on my friend’s console so I stopped when I moved, but the storyline so far was very cute!

:ooooooooooooooo I always saw those types of bidets and NEVER understood what they were (I thought they might be urinals of some kind ???) I can’t believe you have to do the little shimmy to get there :o I can’t imagine haha

@pembo my friend’s always telling me what a good game mario odyssey is !! He also loves animal crossing so maybe I’ll ask him which one he recommends if he could only pick one あたしは最近ちょっと貧しいから :sweat_smile:

@Akashelia thanks for all the info on AC :herb: – also your character’s outfit is SOOO cute


Just write whatever you want! I’ve gone slightly off topic before. The important thing is just to practice the new grammar points, the topic doesn’t really matter. If a different topic would be easier to write about, and you feel like it would be better for practice, then there’s no reason it should be a problem. This is the exact reason that in chapter 1 I wrote about a Disney princess instead of a celebrity.

I haven’t watched any of his Quartet videos :upside_down_face: Might use them to review after chapter 6 (we’re already almost done!)

Word of caution: SDV is machine translated, so it doesn’t flow very smoothly nor sound natural.


I think last week I figured out how I’d like my set-up to be (at least while we’re still early in the year).

  • Right now, I’d like to do wanikani daily (get all my reviews down to 0 ideally and, after hearing advice in the Scenic Route forum, do 5-10 lessons a day when available as opposed to doing them all in one massive go like I used to )
  • I’d also like to do some form of intentional reading or listening daily. I don’t mind which!
  • And lastly, I’d like to write a diary entry in Japanese every day! Last week I managed this every day except Sat/Sun (but I was busy writing a short story for Quartet instead so I was still writing!) This is a form of output I really enjoy and it seems attainable! So I’ll see how long I can keep doing it (o゜▽゜)o☆
  • I’ll also of course keep following along with the Quartet study group, but I’ll only track the above three!
Language Goals
Wanikani :crocodile: :white_check_mark:
Reading/Listening :books: :x:
Writing :pencil2: :white_check_mark:


~ Embrace the mistakes y’all and learn from them!!


Anya Reaction GIF by iQiyi - Find & Share on GIPHY

emotions out of whack

驚いたことに今朝泣くまでも悲しかった。私の気持ちが安定そうじゃなくてから月経が近いかも。仕事から帰った後で、気持ちが良くなるように走るつもりだ。(p.s. I feel fine now ! Just had a weirdly down morning thinking about sad things!)

how many anyas can I use this week to represent my emotions hahaha

anya cry

- Maybe it was blue monday all along :o



~ Wish me luck at language exchange!


アーニャのスパイファミリーのGIF | USAGIF.com

~ How was my first language exchange ?


Also, I did 133 bunpro reviews today :sob: it was torturous but hopefully now I can get back to doing them regularly without being overwhelmed!

~ Level Up!



~ Seeing GODZILLA!







I wrote what I’d consider to be my third mini story in Japanese! Not a comic this time as I didn’t have the energy for that much drawing haha but I hope y’all enjoy! This is my first time writing narrative, not just dialogue!

The Girl Next To Me












Vocabulary List

Kanji Reading Meaning
ときめく to flutter
合唱団 がっしょうだん choir
高まる たかまる to swell
太鼓 たいこ drum
鼓動 こどう beat
内気な うちきな shy
波打つ なまうつ to pound
かかえる to hold in one’s hands
筆跡 ひっせき handwriting
物足りない ものたりない insufficient

THE ORIGINAL PIECE before 2 rounds of edits from native speakers









All of the changes that were made ~ 36 total o(TヘTo)
  • 同級女生 → 同級生の女子
  • 心が起きる → 心がときめく(to beat fast; to flutter with anticipation etc.)
  • まるで天国に天使合唱団の前へ指揮者は歩き、僕の心が観客のように起きる →
    僕は まるで天国天使合唱団の前へ指揮者が歩いてくるのを待つ観客のように、
  • 期待がだんだん登って → 期待がだんだん高まって。(to rise, to swell)
  • バトンを挙げって → タクト振り上げ (タクト baton, 振り上げる to raise overhead)
  • 期待が過ぎを感じする → 期待が高揚する (高揚elevation of spirits)
  • 彼女の声は素敵な美しさ→ 彼女の声は素敵美し
  • 毎朝この歌は心に感動させるように毎日僕が早く講演室に来ておく。→
  • 返答しても → 返して
  • 心音→ 鼓動 (こどうbeat, palpitation)
  • 自信さえ持てば→ 自信さえあれば
  • 彼女のクラスメイトうちにラストチャンス→ 彼女のクラスメイトのうちがラストチャンス。
  • 一語 → 一言
  • 時間がないことを気につく前に講師が教え始まる。→ 時間がないのに気がつく前に講義が始める
  • 講演の後で → 講義が終わり
  • 僕の心音がドラミングいつもやめない。→ 僕の心臓波打つのをやめそうもない。(波打つ to pound)
  • じゃ、早すぎに彼女がいない。→ 彼女は去るのがあまりにも早すぎた
  • 告白しなかった → 告白できなかった
  • 新しい人になる → 別人
  • 講演室からみんなは出ながら、僕はまま座って頭を持つ。→
    講義室からみんなが出ていくなか、僕は座ったまま頭をかかえる。(かかえる, to hold in one’s arms)
  • どんなぐらいの間に僕が座っていたままことを知らなくて、それでは彼女の机を見る。机の上にメモだ!→ どのくらいの間、僕が座っていたのかわからないまま、彼女の机を見る、机の上にメモがある
  • クラスメイトの筆跡を認める →彼女の筆跡だとわかった
  • 僕の名前は書かれた!→ 僕の名前が書かれているではないか
  • 「あたしに好きことを知っているわ。→ あたしのことを好きなことは知っているわ
  • コーヒーを飲む?→ コーヒーでも飲む?
  • もっと挨拶以上言いましょうね→ 挨拶だけじゃ物足りないし (物足りない unsatisfied)
  • 書いておいた。→ 書いてあった
  • メモを再三に読みながら、→ メモを何度も読んでいると
  • 聞ける → 聞こえてくる
  • 早く勉強物を詰めて → 急いで荷物 をかばんに詰めて
  • 階段に登る → 階段登る
  • びっくりで → 驚いたことに
  • 読んだはずだね→読んだよね 。
  • 新しく探した希望 → 新しく見つけた希望
  • 心拍 → 僕の鼓動
  • 目直接的に見て→ しっかりと見つめて
How I feel about the story and writing it!

I feel a little mixed! At first I was really proud of what I’d written. I had it edited by 2 of my coworkers. The first coworker is a writer himself and he was very thorough (changing anything explicitely wrong or awkward) while being very kind/empathetic and trying to keep my original voice intact. The second coworker is much younger and I think he cared more about it sounding as natural as possible, not caring how much he changed in the process. To the point where now, I feel a lot less authorship over the finished piece which is a shame. I’m going to try and use this feeling as motivation to get to the level where less changes are needed!

I still think it’s a cute little story. Veeeeeeeery cheesy haha but that’s okay. Next time I’d like to write something not involving romance haha I don’t know why that seems to be the easiest topic for me to write about.

If you read it, thanks for bein a real one (o゚v゚)ノ have a great week y’all xxxx


I’ve read it :smiley: I enjoyed it! Didn’t know the word 内気 but it’s a nice one, makes sense. At the beginning I was writing down the grammar points that I spotted but then I got caught in the story and forgot :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it could have been an interesting option to leave it at the fact that he misses his chance, she didn’t write a memo and that’s it. He will live with it and maybe another time act on it. Or not and end up alone forever x)
Sorry to hear about the feelings you got after the second colleague’s review! But super nice exercise that you wrote so much and got it all reviewed, the more you do it, the more you will be close to mastering it and write whatever you want your own way!