魔法少女育成計画 (Magical Girl Raising Project) Book Discussion

Page 127 question


The general meaning is obvious, but I don’t actually know what the meaning of かかる is here. Perhaps it’s 係る and not 掛かる with its million meanings? I think I’d want to translate it as “has to do with” or almost like it means ために. I’m just curious if someone can tell me precisely what it means.

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page 127 answer

Based on weblio, it should be 懸かる, from meaning 9-2. (At least that’s how I read it)


So her future is decided by school, her present by her part-time job, and her very life by (the fact of being) a 魔法少女.



For 係る, the problem is that the structure is かかる not かかる, by the way.

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Not really a spoiler since it’s revealed on page -2, but I really like the name ハードゴア・アリス for a magical girl.

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I love everything related to Alice in wonderland, so I guess it’s no surprise that she is my favorite character :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know if I can read that. :sweat_smile:

You can. It has the same security clearance spoiler level as your comment.

Well that reference went completely over my head. I didn’t make the connection since I’ve never heard the name of the book in Japanese.

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Finished chapter 3, which means I’m halfway through the book! :tada:

Looks like things are about to get serious.


I wonder why page 146 writes 無料ただ. Why not just write one or the other? :thinking:

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I just read this part (:turtle:) and my comprehension level went down dramatically. This comment gives me hope that it’s just a bump in the road, but I’m not even sure what just happened.

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Do you want me to send you the text from the English translation for that section? I had to rely on it there because I was so confused. And thankfully that section isn’t representative of later parts of the book. I’d say other than that section (and one other one I posted about) it’s been relatively consistent in difficulty.

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Yes, please!
I mean, I could probably go on not really knowing, but it feels…wrong.

If you have specific sentences that you are having trouble with, I can help as well :slight_smile:

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Okay, I’m going to post the entire section from pages 71 to 79 since I don’t know exactly which section you had trouble with. Funny thing is, the specific section I had trouble with is still super ambiguous in the English version. :upside_down_face: (Reading it for like the tenth time, I guess both Sister Nana and Winterprison got on the broom with Top Speed for Top Speed to drop them off, and then returned to Ripple.)

English pages 71-79

While “annoying but useful, thus worth putting up with” was Ripple’s appraisal of Top Speed, something she’d obviously never say out loud, she couldn’t help but raise that evaluation a little every time they landed on the roof of the Seventh Sankou building after a ride on her magic broomstick.

Since each girl had her own unique ability, forming a team with trustworthy people was the best way to gather candy efficiently. But for Ripple, who preferred to be alone and had always avoided contact with her colleagues other than Top Speed, this was no easy task.

For this reason, Top Speed flew in two more of their number. With her wide network of connections as a regular chat attendee, it was no surprise she knew a few who could be trusted not to stab them in the back, at least.

The two introduced themselves as Sister Nana and Weiss Winterprison. Sister Nana’s appearance was obviously that of a nun. Her costume resembled the traditional habit, especially the veil and long skirt, and her face had an air of kindness to it. Yet a real nun would never allow a thigh-high slit on her skirt or wear a garter belt on top of white stockings. Ripple wondered if it was just magical-girl style to inspire lust with normally impossible combinations.

On first glance, Weiss Winterprison seemed to be a man. Her brown hair was trimmed short, and she was a head taller than Ripple. A coat covered in belts, almost like a straitjacket, draped over her body. The scarf around her neck was so long it dangled by her feet, and she used it to hide her mouth. Her austere garb was colored black from head to foot, and while her face was beautiful, as befitting a magical heroine, it was an androgynous beauty. The coat around her hid all signs of feminine lines. She most strongly resembled a prince of a foreign country.

“It’s good to meet you, Ripple. I am Sister Nana. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. This is Weiss Winterprison.”


Sister Nana spoke softly, which to Ripple meant she was slow of mind. Winterprison’s voice was low, her demeanor curt. To Ripple, this was a sign of a superiority complex. Neither made an incredible first impression, but then again, no one had ever made a good first impression on Ripple. That wasn’t hugely concerning. What was concerning was Top Speed’s troubled expression as she dropped them off. After a few more formalities, Sister Nana began.

“I think this is wrong.”

She got straight to the point.

“What’s wrong?”

“This situation. We were given power to bring peace to the world of man, not to hate, quarrel, and compete among ourselves. What good can this accomplish?”

She clasped Ripple’s hands and drew closer. Ripple frowned, but the nun paid her no mind and continued.

“It is during times like these that we must band together.”

“Yeah, but what exactly are we supposed to do?” Top Speed asked in Ripple’s stead. Sister Nana turned her head to face the witch, her hands still gripping Ripple’s, and smiled gently.
“That is what we should first consider. If we put our minds together, we can surely come up with a sound idea.”
Top Speed grinned awkwardly, Ripple tsked, and Winterprison coughed. It was entirely possible the cough was meant as a warning to Ripple for clicking her tongue, but either way, Sister Nana continued unfazed.
“Only the mind of a magical girl can solve this. I submitted a formal complaint to the management through Fav, but it was ignored.”
“Oh, you did?”
“Yes, but it did no good. Fav told me to give up because that’s just how things are… But this is not an issue we can afford to give up on! One poor soul has already fallen victim to this vicious system. Nemurin… What regret, what sadness, what pain she must have felt… The poor thing.”
A single tear spilled from Sister Nana’s eye. Ripple clicked her tongue. Just like the class president she’d had in second grade, Sister Nana expected people to flock to her side by spouting pretty words. Just like her seventh grade homeroom teacher, she pitied others in order to think of herself as kind. Just like… well, many women, but her mother most of all, she felt no shame in crying.
She also didn’t seem to be proposing they work together to gather candy.
Ripple wrested her hands free from Sister Nana, sending her toppling into Winterprison’s arms. The nun’s shoulders quivered as Winterprison held her close.
“Oh… The poor soul…”
Behind Sister Nana, Winterprison glowered at Ripple, her eyes ablaze with anger. The gesture was returned with murderous intent. The taller girl narrowed her glare, and Ripple moistened her lips. Winterprison stepped in front of Sister Nana as if to protect her. The ninja moved her right hand to her back and found the hilt of her sword.

“All right! I see what you’re trying to say!” Top Speed shouted, and clapped her hands loudly, attempting to dispel the tension. “I need to discuss things with my partner, so let’s leave it at that for today. Okay?”

“We need to act fast to prevent any more victims—”

“Yeah, I know. Understood! Which is exactly why we want to talk things over first. We know how important this is, and that’s why we don’t want to decide lightly.”

Sister Nana seemed unsatisfied but grudgingly nodded, and the two girls hopped on Top Speed’s broom and zipped away. Upon her equally rushed return, Top Speed put her hands together and bowed deeply to Ripple.


“Go to hell.”

“Seriously, I’m sorry. They just said they wanted to talk, so I was like, why not? I didn’t think you’d get so pissed. And on the off chance they had a good idea, why not go along with it? I really don’t want to die either. At least not for six months.”

Why was she so insistent on six months? Ripple clicked her tongue. How many times had she done that today?

“So irritating…”

“It’s not like they meant any harm, y’know? You guys just didn’t gel, I guess. Don’t go starting any fights here. No way I’m gonna let myself die. I’m not getting caught up in some brawl between you and Winterprison.”

It seemed to Ripple that Top Speed’s insistence on survival wasn’t because she was simply afraid of dying. Six months, huh? What’s in six months?

Ripple pointed at Top Speed.

“Your back…”


“It says ‘No Gratuitous Opinions.’”


“You have no spine…”

“Yeesh, you’re harsh. I really don’t recommend fighting Winterprison, though. Remember what I said before? Apparently she saved Sister Nana from Calamity Mary by tackling her head-on. Sister Nana told me all about it with a little blush.”

Ripple remembered Sister Nana’s tears as she lay in Winterprison’s arms and scowled. That they didn’t “gel” wasn’t even the half of it. The point was Nana’s plan wouldn’t do any good.

“She’s not a bad person.”

“Delusional religious fanatics disgust me…”

“I don’t think she’s exactly delusional. More like rotten, I think. Well, either way, we’re back to patrolling the roads for candy.”

“We’ll still need to defend ourselves…”

“We can just run away. I’m the fastest in town, y’know. They don’t call me Top Speed for nothing. I’ll always leave the rear seat open so I can swoop down and rescue ya. No one’ll ever catch us. That’s why I’m playing this game fair and square. I’ll keep watch from the skies and intervene when something happens. That should be enough to land us tons of candy.”

Ripple knew any further discussion would only prove fruitless, so she silently sat behind Top Speed and wrapped her hands around her waist.


Ah! That part! It’s actually clear for me in Japanese, but I’m biased by the fact I learned to drive in Japan. When you are driving, 乗せる means to get people in your broom car. It’s a standard trick question. “The car capacity is 5 persons, and you got on board 5 people, is that okay?” Answer: no, because that means there are 6 people in the car. (And 3 on the broom in this case).
Sorry for the lack of spoilers; on phone.

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I understood well enough until the part where she talks about a formal complaint (what’s up with that anyway, sounds pretty ridiculous in either language) but then it got worse and worse and by the end I wasn’t understanding anything and didn’t even realize the other two weren’t there anymore so… that cleared up a lot of things.
And it looks like the six-month comment could become relevant later so it’s good to know.

In this case it was just everything so it was a lost cause. But will do with random sentences in more understandable parts!

Off to sleep now.


Ah, that does clear things up! I assumed that meant two total, not two additional. But in retrospect, 乗せる is one of those not-technically-causative-but-kinda-acts-like-causative verbs, so I should have realized. I’m glad I managed to learn something out of that confusing section!

I have a strong suspicion as to what that might be, but I’m not gonna say. :shushing_face:

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I’m going to say I had no idea, and err, I’ll wait for both of you to get there…

I can’t tell if I subconsciously remember something from the anime or if I’m just guessing based on what I’ve read so far.

Well, my thoughts are already in my comments of the relevant section somewhere in this thread, but :thinking: (no spoiler version) I completely misjudged that character.

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