魔法少女育成計画 (Magical Girl Raising Project) Book Discussion

Page 62 question


I can infer the meaning from context, but what’s with the いいs here? Is it really just 名前と言い、時刻と言い、死因と言い、… just without the nice kanji and commas I provided? Or something else entirely?

Still wanting to read this I guess.

Page 62

It is …と言い…と言い it’s basically the same as …にしても…にしても

First meaning here:
「といい」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

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I am like so excited to finally read this after it’s been sitting staring at me for so long, but I don’t think I can at the moment :see_no_evil:
I’m hoping once kitchen starts I can get a better idea of my time and then just bulldoze through, but aaaahhh, so annoying, wanna read now :sob: (also all the hidden secrety stuff isn’t helping) :sob: :joy:


Finished chapter 3 and now halfway through chapter 4 and just wanted to say (end of chapter 3) La Pucelle, noooooooo :sob: also Hardcore Alice is obviously the girl from the prologue.


I do not like the sound of the title of chapter 5 based on what was said in chapter 3…

I didn’t write anything about chapter 4, so let’s go, I guess.

I think Fav Pon is now the character I hate the most. Congrats! You made it to the top of the list Pon! It’s also too bad Magicaloid44 got expedited that way; it feels like a lot more could have been done with that character (well, she got slightly more screen time than Nemurin, so there’s that). Finally, Hardcore Alice? Probably my favorite character so far. (I want to say more, but it will have to go in the chapter 5 spoilers when I write them :stuck_out_tongue: )


Uh, also didn’t say anything about chapter 5.
But anyway chapter 6 effing called it. Oh? We can only have 4 magical girls? Then 2, I guess? Or maybe straight to 1? Also, I’m actually a lot sadder about the death of Top Speed, she wasn’t the kind of person I expected at all. Well, I do like 3.5 of the remaining girls, so those are still okay odds.

Edit for page 229 (chapter 7) and they were not even supposed to die, gdi book, why are you doing this to me

Edit end of chapter 7 well, 2.5/6. Odds are getting worse.

Edit end of chapter 8 that was one crazy fight scene. Well, 2/3 remaining soooo looking good I guess. Plus I like how Swimswim told Fav to just eff off, so it may be 3 out of 3 right now.

Aaaand I’m done. I did like the ending, but that book wasn’t good for my mental health. It’s a bit much for me. Overall, it’s hard to say if I liked it or not.
I guess that means I technically didn’t like it? I don’t know, it’s hard to vote in the post-reading poll.


Well that escalated quickly.

I probably won’t be able to read any of those spoilers for a loong time, but that conclusion sounds…mysterious (and worrying?).


The later chapters are incredibly short compared to the first two. I’m still barely into chapter 2 though…


Same here. I must have read about a page of chapter 2.
And now キッチン has started :scream:


I’m up to page 83 now. The book is still super challenging. There are easier parts and harder parts of course, but the harder parts are way more common than with コンビニ人間. If I asked for help for every sentence I didn’t understand I’d spend all my time posting questions, so I’m just going to keep reading (and occasionally checking my English copy if I feel like a part I’m not understanding is really important).

And I’m just going to say that the conversation between Ripple, Top Speed, Sister Nana, and Winterprison from pages 74 to 79 was super confusing, especially page 77. Honestly though, I think it might just be confusingly written again, because I couldn’t make much sense of the situation in the Japanese or English versions of that section (I couldn’t figure out if Ripple or Sister Nana got on the broom with Top Speed and if they circled back or flew away). Eventually I figured it out by continuing to read, but it made no sense on its own.

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There were definitely parts that were very confusing for me. In most cases, it got clearer by just reading on, but sometimes it took me a while to get it. The worst offender (as far as I am concerned) is in the last chapter, so you won’t have to worry about it for now; it’s the part where Snowwhite says out loud Fav’s worries, verbatim, and Fav just responds to those saying trying to say that nah it’s no big deal. Of course, no indication of who says what, but there’s a sentence a little bit after explaining what’s going on. But it’s hard to move on when one is completely confused…

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Alright, I finished chapter 2.

Chapter 2 SPOILERS

For the record @sigolino I also kinda liked Ruler in a “you’re supposed to hate her” kind of way. Maybe it’s better to say I liked her characterization. I was interested in seeing more of her, but I was genuinely surprised by how chapter 2 ended. I even had to reread several lines of the second chat to make sure I didn’t completely misunderstand.

I just took it as “cool-sounding knight-like name”.

P.S. Naphthalene

Let me know if you want me to not tag/quote you in case re-experiencing this is too much.

The rest of the chapters being shorter will probably be good for my motivation. I like having smaller goals when reading.

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Chapter 2 spoilers

But don’t you have to know it’s a knight-like person to know it’s a knight-like name in the first place? :thinking: I’m probably overthinking it, but still.

Ah, it’s alright, no worries! My stomach did churn quite a bit while I was reading this book, but I don’t think I’ll have a problem talking about it. I’m 100% nope-ing out of the other books in the series, though :sweat_smile: .

So I read the prologue because I couldn’t help myself. Loved how easy it was and got very happy. Then I remembered what some people said further up about it becoming harder after the prologue and now I’m disappointed :joy:
That being said, I thought reading the prologue would satisfy my curiosity for now, but it really didn’t and now all I wanna do is binge :sob:


Good question. Did I already know it sounded knight-like for some reason? Or did I decide it sounded knight-like because she was a knight and because the katakana name couldn’t be translated to an English word. :thinking:

Well the narrator in the prologue is a kid thinking in first person. I think that will pretty much always be easier than a third person narrator, which is how the rest of the book is written.


yep, conveniently forgot that :joy:
I’ve read a few more pages now and it’s actually not too bad with a dictionary close and it’s super interesting to read 3rd person, especially after reading a few books in first, as someone else has already said I believe.
On to finishing chapter 1 in the next few days hopefully :muscle:


I haven’t had time to read this lately and I don’t get the meaning of this sentence:

Page 64

Doing some research I’ve come across this N1 grammar point. If I’m getting this right she would be saying she would rather stop being a 魔法少女 than die? But that’s…weird since it seems she can’t really get one without the other. So I’m not sure. But I guess it kinda makes sense with what ファヴ says right after.

You’ve got it right as far as I can tell. :slight_smile:

Chapter 3 spoilers (through page 121)

All I’m going to say is the fight scene between Cranberry and Winterprison made my head melt. I didn’t even try to understand the details, beyond knowing that no one died and Winterprison escaped with Sister Nana. Why are there so many words I don’t know? :sob:

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Yes, she is trying to bargain her way out of the death part, but Fav ain’t having it. (More specifically saying that if she stops, she does die, so, as you said, it’s pointless)

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