For some reason, even though I knew there was more than one book in the series, I thought Kiki was going to go home for good after her year away. So I was a bit surprised to discover she was only going for a week or so.
It’s not just you, I thought the same thing! When I read the part about her leaving a “closed” sign for her store, saying she’d be back in 10 days, I thought I misread at first. But I decided to just continue on and confirm by reading (which I should probably do more in general haha).
Book 4 is apparently called 魔女の宅急便その4 キキの恋. Tonbo perhaps?? [Source]
P.S. Don’t read the description of book 6 (the last book) or you’ll see major spoilers!
@tmoss You speedreading through the last few chapters?
I’ve finished the book several weeks ago, but I didn’t have normal internet to read all your comments.
I really like the book, although it was very hard for me (I am somewhere between N5 and N4 now). But it became easier with each chapter, and it was a great experience.
My favourite chapters are about clock tower and about beach (probably, I’d prefer action to the description) .
And I want to thank you all for questions and answers, without them I’d be lost in the first chapter. And for the pictures, they are great!
Ah gotcha. So more speedliking than speedreading haha. Glad you finished too!
I think the clocktower chapter was also my favorite. I was really fun and different from other chapters.
You’re very welcome!
Are you going to join us reading the next book (manga)?
I’m going to skip manga, but I’d like to join you reading the next book.
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Repeat Club Discussion (Week 20) Starts Here!
Chapter 11 Part 1
V1: Pages 241 - 253
V2: Pages 219 - 230
BookWalker: ?
Last line:
14 November 2020
Please briefly check whether questions have already been answered above before posting them, but otherwise don’t hesitate.
- I’m reading along
- I’m still reading but haven’t reached this part yet
- I’m dropping this book
- I’m a superhero who’s read it before but is here for chatting
0 voters
Final chapter woo! It was a bit of a bumpy road for me to get here, but I’m so glad I stuck with it. Reading this book has been a great trial-by-fire for my Japanese learning. Thank you to the people that maintained the vocab sheet and props to everyone who’s stuck around to the end!
Hey every body, I’m like half way through chapter 9, aka way behind. I got busy “starting therapy” because apparently that’s going to help my depression more than “studying japanese more”
Then the U.S. Election happened and sucked all energy from me
But that’s all to say I’m cracking open my book to catch up with Kiki and hopefully the rest of you before y’all finish. Hoping everybody’s been well the last few weeks, Covid getting worse in most place so a perfect time to study.
Here I am, back on Tuesday, as has suddenly become tradition. With two out of thirteen pages read, which is a little worrying. Well, I’ve taken the entire next week off from work, so I might go ahead and take it slow this week and pick up the pace next week.
Repeat Club Discussion (Week 21) Starts Here!
Chapter 11 Part 2
V1: Pages 253 - 265
V2: Pages 231 - 241
BookWalker: ?
We’re reading to the end of Chapter 11 this week AKA THE END OF THE HECKIN BOOK!
21 November 2020
Please briefly check whether questions have already been answered above before posting them, but otherwise don’t hesitate.
- I’m reading along
- I’m still reading but haven’t reached this part yet
- I’m dropping this book
- I’m a superhero who’s read it before but is here for chatting
0 voters
I know it’s last week’s reading, but I’m finding the third page of the chapter very slow going.
I caught up with the book during the break-week, then stopped reading again
Seeing that the end was near motivated me to catch up and I finally finished the book today
Chapter 11 has been a really cute read and has honestly gone by fairly quickly. Just finished catching up and I absolutely love Kiki’s goodbyes. It’s really nice to see how much far she’s come and settled in as part of the town; can’t wait to dig into the next book!
Last chapter comments:
I’m worried that Kiki grew up to be a workaholic She wasn’t even able to spend her whole holiday (already shortened) at home and returned before due date!
I understand that idea of a witch living on her own is romantic, but it’s actually unhealthy that she’s so irreplaceable
Finished the book!