青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai) Book Discussion

Well, more specifically I think her being treated like air is something Sakuta considers part of the school’s “atmosphere”, so that’s what he means in general when he says Mai plays along with it… not that I know if that actually helps with making things less confusing :sweat_smile:

This whole thing is probably made a lot more confusing by how similar things are mentioned several times… and this is just my interpretation which made sense to me, so it’s not like it’s absolute fact or anything

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Btw this made me laugh:


Mostly because I still have the firm belief that Japan doesn’t exist and Japanese is a language invented explicitly to write manga and jrpgs in, so any reference to my own culture feels like a fourth wall break.


One billion years later

Okay, fine, two weeks later


I don’t know if @QuackingShoe is stuck on chapter 3 or just not updating but boy, that chapter got really dark really fast. That book is mostly light romance comedy and suddenly… I’m hesitating between rushing ahead and taking a break.


I so far have enjoyed the book a lot, more than I expected, but I am in fact stuck at the moment and behind on everything. Just a bunch of life events + jlpt prep. Hoping to get back to everything soon!
You’ve kinda made me look forward to it… more?


I tried reading a bit of this on the bus just now because I was feeling tired and figured doing something may help with feeling less tired, and (late chapter 4 spoilers) I think reading the part about how he’s trying as hard as he can to not sleep kind of both helped and didn’t help


Well, I was just planning to read chapter 4 today and then move on Re:Zero, but after that part

I just couldn’t stop.
Without giving any further spoilers, the end was a fricking roller coaster of emotions. Not as intense as, say, 君の膵臓をたべたい, but still pretty nice. Like @QuackingShoe, I have enjoyed the book a lot more than I expected. I would have liked it a bit more if they had toned down the fan service a little, but it wasn’t unexpected anyway; it basically says “fan service” in the title.

The end was a bit unexpected, considering it’s a series, I didn’t expect them to get together… Although, that got reversed, but still. I thought it would go the harem route and have a focus on different girls over time? Well, maybe it does. Since the whole series seems to be available at my local library, I’ll probably keep reading.


Meanwhile, I have been able to make less progress with the book than I would have liked (this is entirely my own fault). One of the contributing factors is how much time it takes to SRS a whole pages worth of vocab (and then the fact that I stopped…).

At this point I’m considering if choosing to index the deck was a bad idea. It might have just been less work to do it by frequency and then separately learn whatever words I encountered on a page by page basis. Live and learn, I guess.

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Based on my personal experiences with trying to read stuff, you can usually do pretty okay with just learning the frequency 3+ stuff(or 2+ if it’s not a lot), since you just have to look up the rarer words once or twice at most anyway, so I personally think choosing a suitable minimum frequency and then learning the words in order of first appearance would be the best way to do it.

I have this as an ebook though, so looking up stuff is easy enough that I haven’t actually bothered studying any of the vocab from this particular book


I wonder if there’s a way to dual-filter like that on Kitsun :thinking: As a matter of fact, I’m not even certain of what’s involved in trying to reorder that deck. To make matters worse, I enabled EN → JP when I made the deck. Better for retention, worse for reviewing time. :joy:

Your level is pretty close to mine, how do you cope with trying to learn vocab words containing kanji you haven’t learned yet? Sometimes with two-kanji compound words, it’s impossible to remember which is which since they’re mostly a blur to me until I learn to take a proper stock on WK. The latest example was 確認 and 雑誌.

At least, it’s possible to do it on FloFlo. The word list for that book is available there.

@jprspereira, maybe you could also add a link to the FloFlo list to the OP by the way. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Also @Raionus I can’t seem to find the link to a specific book list anymore; could be because I am on my phone)




You have the deck with tags. You can just hibernate the cards tagged with a frequency under what you’re willing to do.

Thanks for the link, adding as we speak :v: EDIT: done :slight_smile:


Finished the book! Getting to read Sakuta’s thoughts in more detail actually made me like him slightly less than in the anime(though there were also a few good things that weren’t in it), but it was still a pretty nice book overall. I guess I’ll start the next one sometime after I’ve finished the other books I’ve already started reading.


Oh! Let me know if you do! Considering the pace at which reservations are moving, I may get the book at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, I just got an email that the next book is ready, so I’ll start reading this week or the next.

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Last post before I stop spamming you get blocked from further replies by Discourse; Seeing you are reading the second book on bookmeter reminded me I never said I started as well (well, it’s kinda obvious from my previous post, but anyway). Which chapter are you up to?


I’m still just on chapter 1, but towards the end of it

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I just finished chapter 1, reached chapter 2 and whyyyyy
(Chapter 1)Well, I guess it is a harem thing after all. Groundhog Day style mechanics seem interesting to play with (cf Re: zero), but that last scene was a bit annoying and cliche… exeunt previous girl and bring in the new one. Well, we’ll see. They do not seem to be interested in each other so it might not be as I think. I hope.


Finished volume 2. It wasn’t so bad, but it felt kinda cliched, I guess?
(Volume 2 Chapter 2? spoilers) The way 麻衣 just rolls with the situation is kinda unbelievable, but I still felt better knowing that she consented to him fake dating (how is that even a thing?) 朋絵.
The ending is somewhat satisfying, though.
I’m not so sure about continuing this series anymore, though :thinking:
… Well, I did book the next one at my local library, though, so, uh, I guess I’m reading at least one more.
It’s almost here too.

I don’t think there’s enough interest for multiple threads, but there’s at least some conversation about later books now :stuck_out_tongue: