Halfway?! I meant that she tried talking to them and then judged whether it seemed like they responded, whereas the correct interpretation is that they seem like they would respond if you tried talking to them
Thanks for the clarification! I guess that’s what I meant, sort of Seems my English is declining on the passive as well as on the active side
This is as @seanblue explained. In this case I feel it adds emphasis: When it comes to crockery, everyone says you know a lot more than that wizard etc etc
I’m not 100% sure on this, but the image I have is of Rina grasping her ponytail, half in each hand, and pulling to tighten it (closer to her head).
I know Sean answered this one too, but in case you would still like another translation: A woman wearing slightly bluish clothing, with snow-white skin and long hair, was looking primly at Shikka and Rina.
That’s right. On p.131 Shikka tells Rina ちょっと粉がたりないみたいだ。
…finished the chapter…
I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THE TIGER. That was the most tragic and adorable thing ever
the illustration was perfection
Also, did they just summon that tiger and have an entire conversation with it while completely ignoring the woman standing there? Who is she?!
Page 132
(1) シッカは、リナさんがいてくれてたすかったといいながら、黒とむらさきの粉をまぜあわせている。
リナさんがいてくれてたすかった - what does it say he is saying? That they’re “saved” because she’s here (as she is a human and can therefore do whatever mysterious humany thing is required)?
(2) いまさらとてもいいだせなかった。
I think this is 言い出す and she’s saying (loosely) that at this point it’s too late to broach the subject, but the grammar here seems weird to me. It’s とても what? If it’s 良い, then… I’m still confused!
(3) どれも話しかければこたえるような気がしてくるが、何度見ても、
Is this saying she gets the feeling any of them might answer if she tried talking to them, but that [the three she then describes] in particular weigh on her mind, however many times she looks? I just wasn’t quite clear on the どれも.
Page 133
I’m a little unsure of しめす here - isn’t the shape becoming apparent? That seems like it ought to be an intransitive verb… What is それ referring to, exactly?
I am totally lost in this kana stream. I’ve got ほえる, but then what happens after よう?
Cool, thank you. I knew they didn’t have “enough” ingredients, but I hadn’t made the connection to choosing three things initially - I just thought they didn’t have enough period when I first read that bit.
Phew, done. Despite finding the parts about pots completely baffling first time through, this is probably my favourite chapter so far, and the payoff felt well worth the struggle!
- Yes (although maybe just that it is very helpful that Rina is here, rather than that they are “saved”.)
- That’s right. She feels she can’t say anything now, even though (see previous page) she’s scared and doesn’t think she can do it.
- Yes. See, you are getting it!
I think the それ is the 黒いけむり。
I think it is ガオーと一声ほえるよう・なら・たのもしい・のだが、そのとらは
So, maybe It looked as if it could be relied on to roar, but the tiger …
I would not be getting through this without you, Kyasurin
Goodness, I would never have worked that out.
I think my brain just decided that you couldn’t modify verbs with とても like that…
1) 64%
[free translation:] Rina thought she ended up in a difficult situation.
Edit: 2) 64%
What is this のものも stuff?
Edit 2: 3) 64%
To me, it seemed very unlikely that Shikka would be scared, Rina thought when she looked at him…???
(Page 131)
Yeah. I’d read it kind of like “Rina thought the situation had become very bad”.
It’s nominalisation combined with use of the ~も ~も grammar form, meaning “both X and Y”.
So we have the queen’s joy (よろこぶの) and the queen’s sadness (かなしむの), and it’s saying both her joy and her sadness.
よろこぶの も かなしむの も