I’m currently in the process of trying to burn the world and this kanji came up for burn. Thinking of the vocabulary I could recall it being in, I put in かせ for the reading and was prompted that WaniKani wants the on’yomi. I couldn’t recall the on’yomi and did a gut-instinct shot with か, which luckily was right.
Reviewing the vocabulary on WaniKani that uses this kanji, however, we are not taught any vocabulary that uses the on’yomi reading for this kanji. Why does WaniKani teach and want the on’yomi reading for the kanji if all the vocabulary taught here only uses the kun’yomi reading?
I agree that the on’yomi is worth knowing, my feedback here is more so aimed at the fact that WaniKani teaches the on’yomi for the kanji but then doesn’t go on to teach any vocabulary that actually uses the on’yomi reading to reinforce it.
To be fair, I think 稼ぐ is orders of magnitude more common than any of the words that use the onyomi. So perhaps it was just them showing some vocab restraint. Sometimes things go in the opposite direction, having a bunch of not-so-common words to hammer a reading in beyond what might be necessary.
I do agree that having one word with it would be good for reinforcement though.
I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say 稼ぐ is orders of magnitude more common. It’s heavily dependent on genre/situation, but I’d go so far as to say that in the context of technical situations/documentation/software 稼働 might be more common than 稼ぐ. Especially if you consider it’s compounds like 稼働率、稼働中、etc.
稼ぎ or 稼ぐ is used in tons of compounds, and it’s pretty common to see it in daily conversation as well.
If we say “let’s ignore daily conversation” then I guess it could be different, but I wasn’t thinking of that.
Maybe it’s just fair to say, in daily life 稼ぐ is much more common. You can go a long time without hearing anyone say a 稼 onyomi compound, but I hear 稼ぐ regularly. (again, assuming you’re not like… a mechanic or engineer or whatever)