獣の奏者 chapter 3, part 2 discussion

Doesn’t it usually take at least that long? What with all the chatting. :stuck_out_tongue:


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Ha ha, you are definitely one of my people!

Why don’t you check in to see if we’re still going?

OK a small piece not yet commented on.

Even if he doesn’t say it out loud, Shunan knows that his younger brother hates him because he is destined to become a retainer when Shunan himself becomes Aruhan. However, in this era when even the citizens can feel the strains in the country, inheriting the position of Aruhan is not something Nugan would be longing to do.

My guess is that the father wants his son to be Aruhan, but Shunan wants to marry the princess.


Finally finished this week’s reading. After some help from @Kyasurin and reading the summaries, I think I got all the main/important points. I’m sure I’ll ask plenty of questions tomorrow morning at the read aloud session.

@valkow Thanks so much for your summary. It was super helpful. Just two notes on the katakana names. First, the princess’s name is セイミヤ, not ヘイミヤ. Though it totally could have been that with their family’s naming convention. :joy: I wonder if that’s effectively their surname. Second, I think it’s ヨジェ (small ェ), not ヨジエ. Yet another reason why having properly sized furigana would be nice…

Feel free to make fun of me

For a while I didn’t pick up on the fact that ヨジェ was a woman. When it got to the point where it mentioned 老女 I just didn’t understand the sentence because until then I’d assumed the was male. Turns out I guess that was the first clear indication that ヨジェ was a woman.

Once that was cleared up I was confused when it was talking about the ヨジェ and 王女. Why you ask? Because I totally mistook 王女 for 女王. So for a full minute I was like, “this doesn’t seem like the kind of story that would introduce a lesbian royal couple”. Glad I got that cleared up before the read aloud session…


Thanks for the name help! I will fix it in my summary to help my future self remember (maybe).

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On page 207, what’s with 生きまする? It’s in the context of super old and polite dialog, but I’ve never seen this before.

まする is just the old (古文) version of ます.

In other news, I have just reached this chapter, but I’ll read it tomorrow considering what time it is now :sweat_smile:


I’ve just finished reading it, many words I didn’t know here and this made tiresome this part for me. Anyway it seems I got the gist of it and I’m glad to carry on now :crazy_face:


Can someone help me understand the word 軋む? It’s used all over the place recently, but I can’t figure it out.

The jisho definition is “to jar; to creak; to grate”
The Goo definition is “物と物とがすれ合って、きしきし、みしみしなどと音を立てる”

Here is an example sentence from this section:

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The second definition in 大辞林 is 「対立して互いに張り合うこと。争うこと。不和。」, so it looks like it can also mean when two groups are in conflict.


As @catbus said. 軋む means that there’s noise coming from friction between things. It can of course be used literally, but, just like in English, “friction” can metaphorically indicate some sort of conflict (not full-blown aggression but definitely unease).


Well this look an incredible amount of time and effort to read. I had to do this in like 4-5 reading sessions instead of the usual 1-2. The summaries were very useful, I can’t believe how much some of you wrote :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wanted to catch up soonish but now I’m even more behind ;_;
I hope I don’t have to read more chapters like this one any time soon (I mean, it was kinda fun trying to piece eveything together, but a bit much for a regular thing).

Maybe for the next bookclub pick.


Still slogging along…these new 真王 chapters are really hard to read, just from the shear amount of new/unusual vocab :sweat: