Thank you once again! For now I’m just going to focus on WK, probably test MNN around level 7 which will definitely take me a while to get there. But, in the meantime I plan on re-watching the first few videos of Cure Dolly, not going too far as to where the content is above my head. I also have some random books to read too. I thought about the blue/yellow/red books you are reading but wasn’t sure about them. They will probably serve me well at a time when I understand a lot more, so I will likely buy them then!
There is also this small list, and probably still supported. Master List of Migrated Userscripts (The 2023 WaniKani Rewrite)
Awesome thanks polv!
Been few days of silence in my study blog, mostly due to real life - however - I am keeping up with my reviews and just got to level THREE! (3). Just did the 49 new lessons and tomorrow I will get slammed in the face with red wrong answers Oh well, failure is my best teacher!
- しょぞう
Stacked up A LOT to do this evening. I managed a 70%, which I feel good about given the fact that I had just learned a ton of new lessons last night and it was my first time reviewing them 24 hours later. Anyway, level 3 means I must pay soon! I’m having lots of fun so it will be worth it
- しょぞう
It’s been “a minute” (first time I’ve ever used that expression) since I last updated my blog! I’ve been inching my way toward level 4 (although the forum still says I’m level 2?) No matter, tomorrow or the next day I will subscribe and embark on the path to WaniKani 60! I’ve been fairly consistent with doing reviews twice a day, morning and night. Feeling good so far but… yeah it’s gonna get a lot harder! I’m impatient so I will try MNN around level 7, and in the meantime continue re-watching Cure Dolly beginner videos when I have time. Ultimately I hope and expect this will be a long and fun experience for me, especially as someone who was awful at both French and Spanish in High School and Undergrad! This time it’s actually the language I want to learn, so that, I hope, will make all the difference I need!
- しょぞう
Hi friends! I can’t believe it’s been 24 days since I last updated my study blog. I think I was about to hit level 4 at the time and I’m now half way through level 5 I love doing the vocab reviews the most, even when I have to submit to t he fact that I have forgotten the ones that sneak up on you after a long break, or there are some I just can’t seem to get solid… like どれ それ いつ etc. Anyway I was just slammed with 43 lessons after completing all the level 5 radicals and the grind to level 6 will be lots of fun I’m sure!
Hope you are all well,
- しょぞう
Hi friends!
It’s been a while since I’ve visited the forum, but I just wanted to let you all know that I’m keeping up with it! I am level 7 now, but I’ve decided to let my apprentice pile reach about 20 before I do the 89 lessons for level 7. I’m trying to keep my apprentice pile approximately around 100 because this seems manageable to me when I get slammed with big day of extra reviews. I still try and do my reviews 1 - 2 times a day and have them finished before bed. Still waiting for my first Burned radical!
Also, just an update on my 37 year old brain mystery… I was just diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Lobe Disorder / Dementia as a result of my MRI results showing that my brain has been shrinking rapidly. I am not swayed much about the unknown future of being diagnosed with this as such a younger person, I’ve honestly been through so many other health related challenges, and certainly do find irony in this. My Master’s Degree in Social Work was specialized in “Older Adults and End of Life Care,” and I’ve been around older adults with dementia my whole life . Maybe this is why I’ve always been told I have the wisdom of an old soul, who knows! Again, learning the Japanese language is not just a passion and curiosity for its wonderous history and culture, but to keep my brain as sharp as possible while the testing continues on my brain.
As always,
- しょぞう
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