安い only defined as cheap, should also be calm

This is down as only meaning cheap, but shouldn’t it have calm, peaceful, quiet as well? It’s in the kanji meaning but not the vocab. Seems a big difference to miss out.

They accept suggestions by email.

oh, will do that.

There’s quite a few other words like this. You’ll have to look up alternate definitions quite a bit if you just go off of what WK says. Biggest one for me has probably been 出る.

I bet it was :smirk:


If only I knew which one of the 20 definitions you were trying to make a joke about.


I realise that there’s other meanings, and some words have loads, but the thing with this one is it’s in the kanji but not the adjective, just seemed odd. And there’s only really the two basic meanings for each. It may be that one is commonly used and the other not, I dunno.

Try 掛ける usually written in hiragana. Has a ridiculous number.

  • to hang (e.g. picture), to hoist (e.g. sail), to raise (e.g. flag)
  • to sit
  • to take (time, money), to expend (money, time, etc.)
  • to make (a call)
  • to multiply
  • to secure (e.g. lock)
  • to put on (glasses, etc.)
  • to cover
  • to burden someone
  • to apply (insurance)
  • to turn on (an engine, etc.), to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.)
  • to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on
  • to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.)
  • to bind
  • to pour (or sprinkle, spray, etc.) onto
  • to argue (in court), to deliberate (in a meeting), to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.)
  • to increase further
  • to catch (in a trap, etc.)
  • to set atop
  • to erect (a makeshift building)
  • to hold (a play, festival, etc.)
  • to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
  • to be partway doing …, to begin (but not complete) …, to be about to …
  • indicates (verb) is being directed to (someone)
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Sometimes it seems to me like the simpler the word appears to be, the more definitions it has. 上がる has twenty-six.


only 23 to go then :slightly_frowning_face:

WaniKani generally (perhaps not universally) seems to focus on the most common meaning or meanings of a word. If a word has multiple meanings and they’re all widely used, they’re usually all listed as alternative meanings.

I’d argue that “cheap” is by far the most common meaning of 安い, which is probably why “calm” isn’t listed here (try to find a Tatoeba example sentence for the “calm” meaning). It wouldn’t be particularly helpful to give the impression that 安い is commonly used to mean “calm” when it just isn’t.

If we were talking about 安 as a character that’d be a whole different story (in fact WK’s primary meaning for the character is “relax”).

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Unrelated to the question, but why is haaretz dot com listed as one of the categories of the thread?
(Am I the only one seeing that?)
It’s annoying (I just clicked on it by accident) and unrelated to the problem at hand.

Edit: oh wow, @jmap just created a thread about the problem. Ninja’d

I’m seeing it too, and it also appears when not logged in. I posted a bug report about it (Weird link under forum topic title)

Can’t we just remove it? Though that wouldn’t explain where it came from.

Right, interesting, cheers.

I didn’t see any way to remove it. Seems to be gone now though.

Musta done that by mistake, god knows how it happened, but I do read articles on there. It’s not a bad source for articles on Israel.

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