夜警 🌃👻 Informal Bookclub(IBC 赤川次郎 Offshoot )

There is a bit of a feeling of “the ghost of Christmas present” in the scene in this chapter. It will be interesting to see whether she ends up taking 栄田 to other places…


Week 4: 混乱

Who is on 宿直 with us?

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How did you go with this week’s reading?
I found some of the dialogue in the dreams a little hard to follow - possibly they were deliberately a little vague.
Quite a lot of lookups in the second part of the chapter…
Where do you think the Minako story is going? She features in Sakaeda’s dreams, and was present in the apartment building lobby when Kagawa had her dramatic injury. But what is the connection to the ghost?

Chapter 4

The dream parts were quite intriguing. So, Saeda and Minako shared a dream and were able to have a whole conversation in it. I guess that means the ghost girl hooked them up? If so, she must have had some reason. I’d normally say it’s too early to speculate, but since you asked…

I hope she doesn’t become a love interest, I’m already uncomfortable with how flirtatious the two are while he has a girlfriend. If we assume that the ghost girl connected their dreams and her motive is crime prevention, maybe that’s a sign that she might become a victim or witness soon. That in turn makes me wonder if Ayumi the Star actually had drugs or if someone planted them on her to get her out of the way, and now that Minako has the lead role, maybe she’s the next target.

After I realized that the dream with Minako was not just a normal dream, I also started wondering if the first dream had the real Tomoyo in it. Maybe she was lying in her bed half-drugged and thought she was talking to her husband.


Week 5: 階段

Are you joining us in the スタジオ?

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Week 5

Quite a few new characters were introduced in the last couple of chapters, and I’m starting to suspect that there are nuances to their personalities and interactions that flew over my head, and I wonder if this will be a problem later.

First, Minako herself. She seems decent and hardworking, but not the brightest bulb in the drawer. Her obsession with Saeda seems mostly one-sided, and I cringed a bit when she realizes that their dream-sharing was an actual supernatural phenomenon and it only encourages her that they are meant for each other. Her manager Kubo seemed a bit of a dick to me at first, because he’s always so curt. But I think in the scene where they talk to the male lead Oda, he’s reading the room better than Minako does, and his take that Oda is only acting nice because his status increased after Ayumi was arrested makes sense. The head honcho Touno seems quite sus, trying to get Minako to visit his office without her manager.

On another front, we now know that Kyouko’s beau is called Noguchi and he didn’t really want her to move to Tokyo…wonder what role he’s going to play in the story.

What do y’all think of the characters?

Week 5

The cast list is certainly expanding. I’ve tried to categorise the names in the table above so they are easier to find. I haven’t added personality traits or other characteristics (in セーラー服と機関銃 I did to help remember which henchman or high school boy was which, but it hasn’t seemed necessary yet).
I’m rather suspecting that some of these characters are here just so they can be knocked off (like in あなたも殺人になれる)but we’ll see.

I found this chapter not so interesting. I think we are still in a set-up part of the novel. I think there is probably drama to come…


And we’re up to Week 6 乱れる

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Week 6 first scene

I was glad to see that 恭子 has so quickly seen through the dreadful 野口. (I worried a little about her transferring her attachment to 北崎. He seems much nicer, but…

and a question

I understand the overall meaning I think (interesting historical context when the yen was much stronger*). But I couldn’t quite parse 注意する人 - is this people who draw attention (warn/notify the cafe staff?)
and why is the last word ある and not いる?

*But even when the yen is weaker, as a 外国人 I find it very easy to 一桁間違う especially with larger numbers like salary or house prices.

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Week 6 first scene

I rooted for Kyouko when she went straight for the boss and used her ex’s bad behavior as a chance to get a new job. This must be taking place at a time where the economy was really strong, if “I’m not that bad with computers” counts as sufficient job qualification.

God, I hope this doesn’t go down a romantic route. Not sure I normalized it was at the time this book was written for 24-year-old girls to date 年配, so I’m not sure if we’re automatically meant to assume that the dinner invitation is fishy.

Rest of Week 6

Lots of things happening in this chapter…did the conversation between Saeda and Tomoyo felt a bit contrived to anyone else? Like the author needed to introduce Tomoyo’s little sister and find a way for Saeda and Tomoyo to stay in touch, so he just forced the conversation to go there? Or is asking complete strangers if they live alone completely normal during small-talk in Japan?

So now Saeda can sense when people are dying and the ghost girl can operate cell phones. The two of them are turning more and more OP.

This didn’t register on my radar as particularly unusual, probably because of the similarity between whatever is used here and constructions like こともある and でもある. They all seem to do roughly the same thing. With いる I think it would be more like “someone who does X is there” and with ある it’s more like “cases where people do X happen”, or in other words, “some people do X”.

Afaik, 注意する is one of those disorienting phrases where you have to guess from context if it’s transitive or intransitive (paying attention vs. bringing something to someone’s attention). In this context, I’m almost sure it means the customers alert the staff.

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thanks - very helpful