事典 and 辞典

事典 and 辞典

I get them mixed up every time. :expressionless:


I did too for awhile, but 事 means thing, so a 事典 is about lots of things. Encyclopedias are about lots of thigs! 辞 means word, so a 辞典 is about words, not other things - a dictionary.


I got them wrong for a long time too. Partly because it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize they were pronounced the same and I was remembering the opposite word when I said it. I use the same method as Chellykins described to differentiate them now.


I feel your pain, I also am mixing these up right now <3 Just because of pronunciation like Rihn.

The way I think of it right now, a book with something in it. haha…but the other responses are a bit helpful, so I will try to think of it that way!

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