レンタルおにいちゃん - Week 5 Discussion (Absolute Beginners Book Club)

Sorry guys, I’m very slow in reading so I’m still only up to here. I hope it is still okay to ask for clarifications :frowning:

So in the book, there is in first page of this week, there is a


I saw the excel vocab list wrote it as 就く in Kanji form, but I was wondering if is any possibility of it being 着く?

Thank you!


Never too late to read along!

I suppose it could be 着く but it would make much more sense to be 就く as that has the explicit meaning of “to take a seat”.


Thank you!

Wow, I just want to congratulate you guys for this amazing thread!! It´s absolutely wonderful! :thought_balloon: :blush: Thanks everyone!!
I´ve now reached week 6, and hopefully for tomorrow I´ll be reading this week´s (8) pages. :pray: :muscle:


Page 48

In the teacher´s comment to Sasaki-kun´s essay, why does 頑張る, which I learned as an intransitive verb, take the を particle?


Thanks!! :pray:


Sometimes an intransitive verb can take を. 頑張る is one such case.

Here’s a Japanese grammar site’s page on self-move vs other-move verbs. I’ll translate the important portion:

In the case of the teacher’s comment, を isn’t referring to a place of movement as in the example above, but is noting where the effort is placed. (I think…)


That makes perfect sense! Many thanks!! :blush: :ok_hand:

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Hi @ChristopherFritz, I hope you are doing well!

Now that I’m putting more and more effort on reading Japanese material, I am starting to understand how to use more powerful tools to aid me on my quest to comprehend this language.

That being the case, I have been using the KNP resource to break down grammar constructs when I find them doubtful, but no matter which browser I use (tried with Firefox, Chrome and Safari on macOS), it will just not render properly like your screenshot above.


For shorter sentences it is quite OK, but for longer ones it just confuses me out of my understanding.

Did you experience this behavior at some point? How did you do to have the precious alignment shown above?

Sorry for posting this so out of context, but I chose to do it publicly as to not disturb you on private channels. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What font is being used to render? Mine’s using “Sazanami Gothic”. (It’s easy to find various places online to download.)

Here’s how to find out in Chrome.

By the way, should that be that ですか or ですが before エジソン? (I don’t have that ABBC book to check.)

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Looks like it was using Hiragino Mincho ProN. Just downloaded Sanzami Gothic and that did it, thanks a bunch! :bowing_man:

And you are right, it is a が, which makes much more sense now – sharp eyes!

I believe Japanese font names ending in “P” mean proportional (not fixed), so I wonder if this “Pro” means the same. It would explain why things looked proportional rather than fixed with that font.

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Page 49

I have a question about the sentence:

I understand the whole sentence, but I have a problem with the おでかけしたこと. The only solution I can come up with is that she took the word 御出掛け, which is a noun, then made it a する-verb and finally turned it back into a noun by hanging a こと back on there.

Can anyone explain to me why? My guess would be that that way she can express that they did it. And it’s emphasizing the activity-aspect?

Also, I found no resource confirming that you can actually use 御出掛け as a する-verb, which makes sense since there is already a proper verb for it: 出掛ける.

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OK I don’t read this manga so I have no idea whether this makes any sense in the context, but generally speaking, it’s a form of humble speech where you take the ます-stem of a verb, prefix it with お and add する at the end (so that it behaves like a verb again). In this case the verb is 出かける - Jisho.org.

Edit: This is an excerpt from Genki II, chapter 20:



I get it, thanks a lot!

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