チーズスイートホーム Home Thread (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

you are perfectly correct and it’s not like its important to me if japanese birds make chun chun noises or chi but it irritated me not being able to identify that particular katakana or hiragana.contrary to woof or meow noises which were easy to read and maybe more commonly known.

Besides that i only know the menacing goooooo sound and thats it.

Most of the time you can happily ignore the sound effects and rely on the pictures to understand what’s going on. However there are occasional times where the sound effect is important for following what has happened in the story.

If you want to look them up my preferred resource is Japanese-to-English SFX Sound Effects Translations @ The JADED Network

The sound effect here is チッ - pronounced “chi” - the small tsu just makes the sound stop abruptly. Jaded network entry for this word is:


Oh that’s a rather good source for onomatopoeia, thank you for this one.
But this is nice as my chi reading was correct after all.

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