シャドーハウス 👧🏼👤 | Week 7 Discussion

Chapters 11 and 12

Start Date: 2022-08-26T15:00:00Z
Last Week: Chapters 9 and 10


シャドーハウス Home Thread

Vocabulary List

Please read the editing guidelines in the first sheet before adding any words!

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur out major events in the current week’s pages, and any content from later in the book/series, like this: [spoiler]texthere[/spoiler]

  • When asking for help, please mention the page number (or % for eBooks).

  • To you lurkers out there: join the conversation, it’s fun!


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  • I’m reading along
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book

0 voters

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I’m finally done, perhaps just another quick go over some of the unfamiliar grammar and vocab.
But I just wanted to say that I did enjoy this book quite a lot, and I’ll definitely read some more of the series in my own time
Hopefully everyone else enjoyed/is enjoying it too :smiley:

Edit: Since an offshoot club is being suggested in the home thread, I’ll likely join that.


that was the fastest final chapter ever :rofl:

already put the cover on vol2! would have continued the yoru cafe as the difficulty level was just right…but it wasn’t holding my interest… this story so far is interesting… hopefully it will become another continued read like takagi-san…


Looking back to the last panel on page 1, I wonder if this was a new arrival of living dolls. And how did I completely miss the pipework in the background the first time I looked over this page?

Panel from page 1



Oh wow…


This got very dark very fast :flushed:
I love it! And it makes me so excited for the next book and how this will progress!
After those two last chapters I’m definitely hooked xD

I didn’t quite get everything in Ch.11, I think, will go over this once more if I have the time and when it’s not 00:10 xD

but wow I’m stoked! :heart_eyes: :partying_face:


chapter 11 definitely made this way more interesting, feels like the story is about to pick up some steam.
thanks for hosting the book club and for making the vocab lists, made getting back into reading really smooth.


Not really following along the club, but, boi, those working conditions for 2 hard bread loaves a day? Y’all should unionize…
(Seriously, baring magical beyond the random generation of soot, what are they going to do if there’s a rebellion? My French blood is calling for action)