よつばと! Vol 13 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Page 47

Finished the chapter after all! :sweat_smile: My only question is page 47, first panel. Yotsuba says はいっ, and Fuuka says ほいさ.

Can anyone tell me what that ほいさ is?

Phew, caught up! And will start chapter 85 tomorrow, all being well! It’s great to be reading Yotsuba again! Thank you everyone!

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Ye olde style of はい, I reckon.

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That makes sense! Thank you!

Page 51 Second panel

The phone rings and Yotsuba tells dad to go and pick it up, and then says:
This looks like “Yotsuba’s thing is good”, but that can’t be right. Is she saying that she is good? Is she expecting something and this could be it? I have no idea!

Page 52 Second panel

Dad’s on the phone and says: 来週かなりあけられるけど
I guess the verb here is 開ける, but which of its many meanings?!

Page 53 First panel

いや - no
サプライズ - surprise
とか - and the like
いらん- don’t want/need
し - listing reasons

“No, it’s [just that we] don’t need surprises”

I’m sure this can’t be right. And ideas?

Page 53 Second panel
見 - to see
といて - to do in advance
くれる - to do for someone
の - nominaliser
は - topic particle
助かる - to be helped
けど - but

I’m not exactly sure what will be helpful here. To see Yotsuba in advance as a favour?

Page 56

おたまがない - there are no eggs?

Page 574th panel

でも - but
うどんたべたい - want to eat udon
ひ - days
も - also
パンたべたい - want to eat bread
ひ - days
も - also
ある - there are
から - because
なー sentence ending particle

“Because there are days when I want to eat udon, and days when I want to eat bread”

Phew, no question here!

Page 67

Poor Yotsuba is wandering around the house at night and says: あちこちにおばけいる
あちこちに - everywhere
おばけ - monsters/ghosts
いる - there are

No question here either, just thought it interesting that ghosts get an honorific を!

Thank you everyone for your help!

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She’s saying that it’s more important that dad answer the phone than continue to scratch her back. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine” sort of thing.

Definition 9, I’d say.

Why can’t it be right? Basically he’s happy to see her, just not too pleased that she’s dropping in practically unannounced.

見る is also “keep an eye on”. It help him if she were around to keep an eye on Yotsuba.

No, it’s おたま, the first definition. He was holding the ladle when he went to answer the phone, and now he doesn’t have it, because he left it in the tin of pencils by the phone when Yotsuba showed up to resume the back-scratching.

There’s a few things that do, yeah. お店, ご飯, おばけ, et cetera.


Wow, thank you so much @Belthazar! It’s like I’m a kid at school and done a morning’s work and showed it to the teacher! Only the teacher is super kind and really helpful! Thank you so much! Much appreciated! :smiley: :+1:


No questions from me, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this chapter. :sleeping:

Good to see you back and active again @_Marcus!


Page 72

Yotsuba speaking:

じゃあ - well then
おぼえてないから - if [I] don’t remember
ほんとうに - really
いってきてた - is this 行って来てた?“went” (and came back)?

よつば - I
どこ - where
いってた - went
の - explanation particle perhaps??
かなー - I wonder

Well, if I don’t remember, I was really gone… I wonder where I went?

Tricky one! Can anyone help?

Thank you so much! :+1:


Page 73

Any idea what はぐもる might be?

And… finished the chapter! Thank you everyone for your help! Much appreciated! :+1: :smiley:


That’s fairly spot on. Since her father just told her when you go into a dream, you don’t remember it after you wake up, Yotsuba is saying since she doesn’t remember, she must have really gone (into a dream). Then she wonders where she went (in the dream).

That one confused me until I saw her father corrected her: 「はかどる」


I want to know how on earth Dad knew what she meant…


Yeah, I was wondering the same.

In the English, she says something like “baked tooth” and her father understands she means “breakthrough”. Which, same confusion on my part: how did he know???

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She says “bake-tooth”, which I honestly think is more like “breakthrough” than はぐもる is like はかどる. I mean, I guess there’s a か-line character, and an ~お character, and a dakuten, but… by that reasoning, something like ひでみと is similar enough to ひとびと to be recognisable.




Thank you so much ChristopherFritz, Belthazar, and Kazzeon! Every time I come here and study with you guys I make a new baked tooth! Much appreciated! Thank you!


I don’t think I’ve said anything, but I’ll take it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Chapter 83 time! :sweat_smile:

This is so funny. :rofl: Reminded me of the youkai テケテケ, which a student did a short presentation and cosplay for a school event. :stuck_out_tongue: First time I’ve seen the onomatopoeia.

Chapter 84! :grin:

:joy: Reminded me of this.

Ahaha! She fell into her own trap. :rofl:


F for たいやきやさん. :cry:


Chapter 85 time!

They think of everything! I was going to ask where did the ladle go. :sweat_smile:

Hah! He forgot it. :rofl:


Also, shouldn’t she have her hair undone while in the bath? :thinking:

That was fast! :open_mouth:


Chapter 86! :ribbon: :crayon: :older_woman:


Page 79

ばーちゃんきたら おりがみしてもらう!
ばーちゃん おりがみで なんでもつくるから

Okay, I’m okay up to here I think. Here’s what I think would be the kanji version:

ばーちゃん来たら折り紙してもらう - when granny comes, she can do origami for me
ばーちゃん折り紙で何でも作るから - because she (can) make anything in origami
色んな色で - in various colours
赤い羊とか青い馬とか - a red sheep for example, a blue horse and so on
黄緑色の箱とか - a pea-green box for example

But I’m stuck on the next line… あとあやとり!

Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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