よつばと! Reading club

I also don’t think I’ll participate much. I was able to help out with volume 2 because I’d already read it in late November (right after volume 1). But reading Kiki’s Delivery Service takes up a lot of my time, so I’m not sure I want to spend the time needed to actually read volume 3.

Maybe I’ll reconsider if you guys start a bit later, but I certainly won’t participate if you start next week.

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@seanblue: Aw, that sucks. Thanks so much for your help during Volume 2!

I would be happy to continue coordinating the discussion (and yes, March 3rd is fine). However, I am going to be quite busy as well, so I don’t know how much I would participate. Without the reading pack, I’d want to do more, if anything, simply because I’d need help to confirm my understanding.

While translations take a lot of time, perhaps a better approach would be to create our own vocabulary pack? Is anyone else willing to split the work with me?


I’d be willing to split the work, but I don’t know how useful I would be. I will certainly be needing to look stuff up, so I could put together a basic vocab list (which may need to be picked apart / corrected), but I have trouble with the contractions, dropped words, context, etc. so someone else would need to ‘glue’ things together.

Edit: While the reading pack for Vol. 2 was useful, it didn’t do a good job on clarifying context or meaning in a lot of cases, so a bit more translation in our reading packs would be useful (but as mentioned, not my strong suit)


I’m not sure I would know how to do it, but a file that could be posted here that others could add to / correct might be good (…?). Perhaps if I/we can get something posted by JST 1200 Saturdays, people could have a look before discussion starts 24h later…

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This all sounds brilliant!

If we can do a reading pack, will you stick with us (she begs)?

Thanks, I haven’t fully fleshed out what would be needed, but how about we collaborate via wiki posts? That way, we’ll be able to cover for each other. :slight_smile:

When a new chapter starts, we can create a new wiki post (regulars can do this without help, IIRC). The post can contain a list of terms/phrases/colloquialisms in Japanese (in page order) with associated translations.

It’s okay if the list starts out incomplete or inaccurate as long as we have a way to mark:

  • what’s missing
  • how certain we are about our translations

By marking these things, we’ll let each other know what areas still require attention and which items are already covered. What do you think?


Glad I could help :grin:

You could always set up a shared google spreadsheet for the vocab list. That’s what we did for Kiki’s Delivery Service. It’s really just a list of non-grammar words though. People don’t generally try to explain anything in the spreadsheet.


Good idea. I’ll check out how Kiki’s Delivery Service is organizing their sheet.

As long as we’re systematic about our usage, Google Spreadsheets should be just as good as a wiki post. It supports simultaneous editing much better than a forum wiki post too.

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I’m a regular, but when I click on the spanner/wrench symbol, it says that creating a wiki is ‘post admin actions’

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:frowning: maybe not then.

For reference, the Vocab Spreadsheet from Kiki’s Delivery Service is… daunting and awesome (link).

Yotsuba should have comparatively fewer words per chapter, but we would need to start from scratch and need to have a standard for what level of vocabulary should be added to the list. If the bar is too low, we’d be doing as much work as translating the chapter.

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Yes, I was looking at it while you were posting.

We could stick to the same sort of rules (mainly vocab, not so much grammar), having it similar to the Vol 2 reading pack, and leave the ‘putting it all together’ bits for the forum discussion.


(afk - I have a very manky dog that needs washing, will check in later)

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Keeping it close to the level of the vocab packs sounds good to me.

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Would you be able to set up a new thread for Vol. 3 with all the funky links and wikis that the Vol. 2 thread has, including a link to a blank Vocab Spreadsheet (I might need to dredge up my MS password for this :thinking: ) so that I/we can work on filling in the vocab during the week before discussions? Pretty please and thank you.

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I’ll get on that. :slight_smile: The wiki part might need to wait until an admin can change it.

Otherwise, I think we can use a Google Spreadsheet for convenience to avoid the need for specialized software and login. Anyone should be able to view/edit with just the link.


Here’s Volume 3. The Google Spreadsheet is inside too.

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That is fantastic! @BobaGakusei you are amazing!
Like I say, I have to buckle down now and get ready for N5 in July, but making this google spreadsheet means that I can at least follow along as you read vol 3, even if I won’t be able to participate quite so much as before! Thank you so much!


You’re welcome! You’re always welcome to contribute whenever you have time. Answering your questions during Volume 2 has helped me a lot too. :slight_smile:


A belated agreement with Marcus - thanks for putting the spreadsheet together, especially with the formulae for highlighting queries / missing info. This is going to be excellent practice, making me far more pro-active in my reading / understanding, and a great resource for others into the future.
