ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! (IMC) - Week 9

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Week 9

Start Date: Jan 11
Previous Part: Week 8
Next Part: Week 10


Week Start Date Chapter Start
Week 9 Jan 11 10 85 10
11 95 8

Vocab Sheet

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The manga-anime correlation is starting to speed up a bit - this week’s two chapters each constitute an entire episode: chapter ten is episode six, while chapter eleven is episode seven.

Chapter ten’s title image is from Ladybird Girl, by the pillows.

Chapter eleven’s is from Shin Takarajima, by sakanaction.

Chapter ten takes place in places around Kanazawa-Hakkei Station, located at the southernmost extent of Yokohama, only just north of the border with Yokosuka. In the manga, the first few pages take place on a nondescript street in front of the station somwhere, but in the anime, it takes place at the Benten statue outside Biwajima Shrine - Benten, or Benzaiten, is a goddess of music, among other things. The street performance in the latter part of the chapter takes place, uh… somewhere around here.

I happened to be changing trains at Kanazawa-Hakkei Station with a few minutes to spare on my trip back in 2023 (not last year anymore, oof), so I popped out to take some photos. Not very good ones, mind - I literally only had a few minutes before I needed to catch a train to Sugita so that I could watch Diamond Fuji, and I also didn’t bring any reference images. Though while I was taking photos, someone else came along who did have reference photos, so maybe I could have asked to share.

Comparison images

This chapter, we also meet new character Hiroi Kikuri. Just as the Kessoku Band members take their names from the members of Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Kikuri (and her bandmates, who we meet next volume, I think), take their names from the band 88Kasyo Junrei.

Page 86, miso soup with shijimi clams is a classic hangover remedy. I’ve had it a few times myself (though, not for a hangover) - it looks like regular miso at first, so I was surprised to discover a bunch of clams hiding at the bottom of the cup.

Page 87, the sake “juice boxes” that Kikuri pulls out are real - don’t try them at home, kids.

Page 88, the redundancy of 私のマイベース amuses me.

Also page 88, my IME’s kaomoji database contains this rather relevant one:
\(゜ロ\)ココハドコ? (/ロ゜)/アタシハダアレ?

And lastly for page 88, Kikuri’s 幸せスパイラル is depicted like this in the anime:

This in turn is a reference to a “Cycle of Dependency” poster put out by the Japanese government way back in 2010, which has been so severely memed to death that it took me about five minutes to find a picture of the original. And here it is:

Moving on to chapter eleven, then, this opening sequence in the anime version provides the greatest clues for narrowing down where Bocchi lives.


We first see Nijika and Kita standing at this vending machine - almost everything in this view has been removed since this image was taken, though. Fun fact, if you turn the camera about 180°, you’ll see the place where Bocchi and Kikuri had their street performance last chapter.

They then walk along the waterfront, crossing this bridge (it’s a bit hard to tell from the worm’s-eye view, but you can see the brick wall and the the bridge’s stone end-post.

After which, they immediately turn right.

Then there’s a cut to see what Ryo is up to, and when we come back they’re suddenly all the way over here (the angle in Street View isn’t great, but if you walk forward a few steps, you can see that white house on the right with the external staircase).

After that there’s another cut, at which point I lose them completely, which is probably the idea. But the point is that it’s somewhere in this area. So if anyone thinks they can nail it down to the specific building… have at it.

Page 96, I’m sure I read somewhere that Bocchi’s outfit here - sash and moustache and all - was a reference to something, but I haven’t been able to find that again, sooo… I dunno?

Page 97, the みによんずの歌 that Futari requests refers to the Minions (usually ミニオンズ) - perhaps the song is this one

Page 102, I saw someone wearing one of these Kessoku Band t-shirts on a train to Doai during my last trip in Japan, though I didn’t photograph it…


New Discourse avatar dropped

Bocchi's House Details

I reckon they’re standing right here when they look over and see the banner. The house isn’t there though.


I think Kita’s めっせ on page 94 is the slangy ‘instant message’ meaning, rather than the trade fair meaning.


Uh, yes indeed. Not sure how I managed to miss that one (distracted by the one underneath again, I suspect).

(Just to explain one thing, mind, the vocab list was generated by an automatic parser and then proofread by me afterwards. So it’s not that I looked at メッセ and thought "oh, that means ‘trade fair’ ", rather it’s that I just didn’t look at メッセ at all. :stuck_out_tongue:)


yeah i figured - after generating half of each week’s dunmeshi list by hand each week i figured ‘fuucccck it’ next time around.

this is one job the robots can have and that i’m happy to just do proofreading on


Yeah, I’ve been starting work on the Twin Spica vocab sheet today. So as to not have to trouble Mister Fritz again, I’ve been attempting to learn his Mokuro method for generating them myself. I got as far as the JSON file with all the OCR’d text, but balked at the fact that the C++ compiler reportedly necessary to run the parser is apparently a 10GB install, though perhaps I just went for a complier with too many bells and/or whistles, so I’ve been doing the rest by hand. It’s reasonably time-consuming, but certainly not as bad as Bocchi would be - the first chapter is triple the length of Bocchi’s longest chapters, but has barely half the unusual vocab, and that’s even with the protagonist front-loading the expectations by abruptly reeling off a bunch of technical terms in the space of two panels.



Now for part two…


someone mentioned the pillows, i guess I’m watching FLCL again

Thanks again for the vocab sheet @Belthazar

p. 96

One think that trips me up in this manga is Bocchi’s speech, as she’s not used to talk to people and often stuttering, it takes me a while to detect that ウェウェルカム is not a word in itself, but ウェ, ウェルカム…
Helps to have the vocab sheet on the side for faster parsing!


too many good hits… this one was the first to mind though.

guess i’ll listen to the pillows while going through chapter 11

/edit ended up mostly listening to asian kung fu generation instead, which is still pretty appropriate


The ones in the manga are full kana though and lack the し. 鬼殺し means firewater/hooch apparently, so I think it’s generic enough that the author felt comfortable referencing it in the manga with only minor typographic tweaks.


Yes. I didn’t mean to say the product design was identical, just that it’s a reference to an actual product.


I actually mentioned it because I thought that it was a generic thing at first based on a dictionary lookup but then thought “hey I should check Belthazar’s post because if there’s more to it than that he will have pointed it out” and sure enough it was there!

I just wanted to point out the genetic term because “demon killer” is a pretty badass name for moonshine…


What’s with the 一日巡査部長 sash?

Chapter 11

Yeah, I got nothing. Googling 一日巡査部長 just gets me a bunch of Bocchi results. Yen Press version translates it (as “police chief for a day” - someone gotta get their police ranks sorted out) but otherwise doesn’t mention it. Curiously, while she wears the same one in the anime, she takes it off (offscreen) at one point, and when she replaces it, it now reads 観光親善大使 (there’s exactly one sequence in the episode which shows each character, in reverse order, one or two frames at a time…). Both sashes go completely unremarked otherwise.


Apparently 一日署長 is a real, relatively common thing.

I can imagine the joke working at several levels:

  • There may be the implication that for some reason Bocchi was once granted this honorary role which is obviously absurd and out of character.

  • It could be that it’s not hers but she was desperately looking for “festive” accoutrement and collected everything she could find that could remotely fit the bill.

  • I’m not so sure about this one but 巡査部長 seems to be a relatively low ranking title while the ones I see mentioned in the Wikipedia article are all top-ranking. This would add to the absurdity given that it would imply that somebody was offered a “one-day constable” title for some strange reason.

chapter 10


Nothing but Bocchi's dog in two panels (Ch. 11)

Jimi Hendrix being the ワンマンショー