ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! (IMC) - Week 8

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Week 8

Start Date: Jan 04
Previous Part: Week 7
Next Part: Week 9


Week Start Date Chapter Start
Week 8 Jan 04 8 69 8
9 77 8

Vocab Sheet

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  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
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As per the vote last week, we’re now speeding up to read two chapters a week.

Manga-to-anime correlations are a little bit complicated this week. Most of chapter eight comprises the first and last thirds of episode four, but the first handful of strips make up half of the cold open for episode five. An interesting side effect of this rearrangement is that while Ryo writes the music before Bocchi writes the lyrics here in the manga, it’s the other way around in the anime, so some dialogue has been tweaked to account for that. Chapter nine, with a significant amount of extra content added (including the fact that they actually play the song they wrote), comprises the remainder of episode five.

Chapter eight’s title image does not appear to be a reference to anything, though the albums they’re surrounded with are apparently all Asian Kung-Fu Generation album covers. Chapter nine’s title image is from Atsumare! Party People by yabai T-Shirts yasan (though you need to get right to the very end of the song before the relevant frame shows up).

Aside from that, there’s not much by way of references. Many of them I’ve noted on the vocab sheet. For example, the thing that Bocchi receives as her pay on page 69 reads 福沢諭吉 - he’s the guy on the obverse of the 10,000-yen banknote. Similarly, on page 76 she pays with a slip of paper reading 野口英世 - he’s the guy on the 1000-yen banknote.

Page 71, Bocchi’s “curse” lyrics are a reference to the stereotype of nailing a straw doll to a tree to cast a curse (like a voodoo doll, only shinto).

Page 72, when Bocchi is trying to imitate Kita, she says この指とーまれ - this appears to be a playground chant meaning “gather 'round”. For example, 鬼ごっこする人この指とまれ = “anyone who wants to play tag, come here”. Like “stop at this finger”, or something. It also used to be a variety show on Fuji TV which was airing at about the same time this volume was being published originally, so it might be a reference. Not sure.

Page 73, Bocchi’s へい大将やってる? line when entering the cafe, I’ve been unable to determine whether this is a reference to something, a meme, or just a stereotype. In the anime version, she also raises one hand as though parting an invisible noren, which suggests that it’s a possible reference, but I haven’t been able to connect it to anything. Perhaps my search fu is just weak. Maybe that can be a bonus question for the readers to investigate. (Crunchyroll subtitled the line as “Are ya winning, diners?”, a reference to the “Are ya winning, son?” meme, which was… a curious choice.)

Top of page 81, Ryo’s ビレパン is a reference to ヴィレヴァン, aka Village Vanguard Shimokitazawa.

Page 83, the anime version of the first strip’s final panel is replaced in true “Nice Boat” style with some live-action footage of dams in Japan undergoing water releases, and some nice classical music - for anyone interested, these dams are: Takizawa Dam in Saitama, Kurobe Dam in Toyama, Yuda Dam in Iwate, and Misogawa Dam in Nagano. I’ve walked across the Kurobe dam. Wait, that last one in kanji is 味噌川. A river of miso? This I gotta see.


Yeah, not sure if anything specific, but i think it’s her trying to mask her anxiety by making some kind of stereotypical joke as if she was an ossan entering a classic sushiya or something



A note on the spreadsheet: 武道館 means a martial arts hall, but pretty sure Bocchi is talking about Budoukan stadium where loads of major live concerts are held. (But many thanks for it, it is so much easier to use than manual lookups with this paper copy…)

Here is the audition (and the song: Guitar, Loneliness and the Blue Planet) in anime form! Music hits different!

Fun fact: Bocchi’s part specifically, in a stereo setup, is always stage left (in the right channel), just as she’s set up in the show (from the audience POV).


Yes, I put that on the spreadsheet… as a note. Didn’t I? :stuck_out_tongue:



I couldn’t figure out this kanji:

Took me forever to identify this kanji as 祓い… I guessed from context that it must mean exorcism and found it that way. I thought the right side was 反.

At least it let me find a bug in kankan!


What does the salt on her head mean?


Salt is used in Shinto for ritual purification.

Page 72

Aye, I looked it up the same way… and then added it to the vocab sheet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Page 73

I was wondering what that pile even was… and right now I just noticed for the first time that it’s on her head for the entire strip, not just the final panel, and that it’s labelled in the first panel. How did I not see that before?

The seals on the walls are there for the same reason, though I can’t make out from here what they say. The ones in the anime just say 封印. They also don’t appear until episode 7, making it something of a brick joke that I didn’t spot in my first several viewings.

(And speaking of things I never noticed, I never noticed that the social media site that Kita uses isn’t イスタグラム but rather イスタグラム.)


aww look at PA San :3

1 Like

Japan has some great urban legends stories, some are fun, some are genuinely scary, they’re nice and short too, I like them. So I recognized the salt because of that, it plays a role in the story of Hachishakusama. Also, not an urban legend but I happened to see it in Mob Psycho 100


I’m reading this on comic fuz and I forgot it’s only one chapter a day, so I’ll just have to give my chapter 9 questions/impressions today (which is just one) and talk about chapter 8 tomorrow! (At least the nice thing about that site it has a view where the 4koma is one big column wherever possible)

Question about a panel Ch. 9

So Nijika says it appears they can perform and is about to ask her big sister, and Kita is surprised that she still hasn’t asked her yet. But the part that confuses me is afterwards, I don’t understand what the この前 is doing here? I was thinking previously asking would conflict with もすぐ if she is about to ask.

But now that I typed it out and thought about it a bit more… I think maybe I just misread it. I think when she says この前もすぐ she means it like “Before you know it, just a little longer and she will let us perform on stage!” or that’s what I think anyway. Please let me know if I’m wrong or if there’s anything you’d like to add


Hmmm… my interpretation was:

Last time / she let us perform pretty much immediately (after I asked)

This is mainly based off the 出させてくれた = Perform + conditional/volitional + past tense = 'let us perform (in the past)"

Might have to double check the ep and see


Aye, that’s it exactly. “Last time” being the infamous mango box incident.


Oh I like that, that sounds pretty natural to me, especially with the 大丈夫 it would make sense for her to reassure her because it went so easily the last time


Finished chapter 8 today

who thought Roy could be so thoughtful manipulative eh?!

future spoilers

Only one chapter until best girl turns up


Is Ryo proposing that Bocchi and whatsherface do playback during the audition or am I misunderstanding what’s going on?

It’s crazy how difficult this is for me to read. I gave the latest IBC pick a try yesterday and it felt like a walk in the park compared to this, yet it’s supposed to be harder according to the Natively rating! I don’t get it.

It’s the grammar that keeps tripping me up.


People often complain that manga and novel/LN levels don’t align well, so I wouldn’t go by that. The question is, if you read something like 推しの子, which is a non-4-koma manga at a higher level than Bocchi, would it be easier or harder for you?

Edit: Or クプルムの花嫁 | L28, which is a similar level to Bocchi and is also about a niche topic (coppersmithing instead of music).


I haven’t tried those but Dungeon Meshi is level 30 according to Natively and feels vastly easier to me. Maybe it’s just because Meshi is more kanji-heavy and that’s the part I’m best at. On the other hand Bocchi uses more casual grammar and slang which I’m definitely not well versed in.

Page 9

Uh… the dictionary says “yes”, though I’ve never heard that particular definition of “playback” before. アテフリ = miming an instrumental performance. Pulling a Milli Vanilli. The word isn’t in Jisho, but there’s a Wikipedia article.

It’s good to challenge yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve always found yonkoma to be… not so much hard to read, but rather tiring. There’s a lot more words per page than free-form manga, and the dialogue is… well, it’s weird to say “fast-paced” when you’re talking about print media, but really, “fast-paced” is the only word for it. It’s fun, though.


I’ve got no idea who you’re talking about, because Futari turned up ages ago. :stuck_out_tongue: