ふらいんぐうぃっち | Week 4 Discussion 🧹

What page?

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I want to know why she calls him パパさん. What’s wrong with おじさん? :stuck_out_tongue:


bottom of 69


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I read it as a contracted form of 耕していこう.

I like that :smiley:


Aye, that’s what I figured too.


Yeah, I agree. Just wanted to see the context again before saying so.


Indeed, as I posted just last week.

Just in case anyone didn’t see it at the time! -

Please follow these vocab sheet guidelines :slight_smile:

  • don’t input words if you don’t know what they are - it’s better to ask people here! - it clutters the sheet up, and unknown words are sometimes parsed incorrectly, which is more confusing than helpful
  • keep the definitions streamlined; remove alternative spellings and definitions which don’t fit the context, and definitely trim them if they exceed one column width

Thankfully, I can honestly say I haven’t done it on the worksheet! Honest! :innocent: …In fact spent some time fixing quite a few of them…

but incorrectly parsing and then posting questions… :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Maybe those posts should be moved to another thread…oh wait…that never happened either :smirk:


Can’t be me, I’ve never even open the sheet :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, looking at it now, I see there are some weird stuff in there. Hard to fix without having the book for context, though.


The vocab sheet should look a bit clearer now. I wasn’t certain which meaning of ほど to trim down to.

For the person or persons who contributed vocabulary from pages 68 to 76 to the vocabulary sheet, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for the time and effort you put into your contribution. Be sure to to take note of the vocab sheet guidelines @Radish8 mentioned above, and you’ll feel the increase in quality of your output. Don’t get discouraged!

(And of course thanks to everyone else who’s been adding to the vocabulary list!)


ok…parsing gurus… Keikun’s speech again…he’s leaving out syllables haha

I believe the English translation on BL manga is probably correct but … pieces seem to be missing and can’t seem to get there…

Page 78

地元 = locals
でも = but
そんな = like that

追い回す = to chase about
やつ + は = thing/object + particle
いねえ = ?
よ = you know

sorry for asking another one like this…where’s the negative can’t catch them… something is slurred or I’m missing a piece of the grammar again…

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Could that いねぇ be いない? (Does anyone recall if there was a similar use of ぇ on a prior page?)

I piece the words together as:

地元でも even the locals
そんな追い回す奴は (regarding) chasing it like that
いない there isn’t

“Even the locals don’t chase it around like that.” Considering page 85, I think he’s saying locals do chase them, but not nearly as much as Makoto was.


いねぇ is definitely いない. I think your translation is spot on.

Also, I think そんな is really そんなに and he’s just leaving out the に. (At least, he did that a few panels earlier.) It would change the meaning slightly between the two. If it’s そんな, it would have to modify the noun phrase 追い回すやつ, but if it’s そんなに it would just modify 追い回す. For some reason treating it as そんなに just feels better to me, though I can’t fully explain why.


So, I’ve been trying to work out for a while - what is “BL” short for here? Because the phrase “BL manga” means… something else.


it’s cuz I’m being lazy and not typing out bilingual … :laughing:

Oh, I see. I’d suggest a different abbreviation. :stuck_out_tongue:


aww…I was having fun… didn’t mean to offend or upset anyone…

Anyway, thanks for the help so far everyone…made it to page 82 so far. Definitely easier my first book… still really wish I know more vocab and grammar…and could decipher the some of the nuances in the way Kei kun speaks…but it’s getting easier :wink:


Thank you thank you! I was going to take a look at it this morning, so this was nice to wake up to :blush:

And definitely agree - I don’t want to discourage anybody from contributing to the vocab sheet! The more people help, the easier it is on everyone. Just want to make sure we’re all following a similar approach ^^


p72 - 人生経験あり勉強なのです。
What is this あり doing here?

Edit: p76 - 捕まえたくなる to catch + to want + to become = you want to become able to catch it?


It’s あり, which leads me to believe it’s the 連用形 form of である. Could be wrong or there could be more to it though.

You become wanting to catch it. たくなる can’t really be translated naturally into English.